#ifndef SHADOW_FRAG #define SHADOW_FRAG float2 _MainDistanceFade; float _ForceOpaque; float _MainShadowClipMod; float2 _ClippingMaskPan; float _ClippingMaskUV; sampler3D _DitherMaskLOD; float2 _MainTexPan; float _MainTextureUV; float _Inverse_Clipping; float _MainDistanceFadeMin; float _MainDistanceFadeMax; half _MainMinAlpha; half _MainMaxAlpha; #if defined(PROP_MAINFADETEXTURE) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED) POI_TEXTURE_NOSAMPLER(_MainFadeTexture); #endif float distanceFade() { #if defined(PROP_MAINFADETEXTURE) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED) half fadeMap = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_MainFadeTexture, _MainTex, poiMesh.uv[_MainFadeTextureUV], _MainFadeTexturePan).r; #else half fadeMap = 1; #endif return lerp(_MainMinAlpha, _MainMaxAlpha, smoothstep(_MainDistanceFadeMin, _MainDistanceFadeMax, distance(poiMesh.worldPos, poiCam.worldPos))); } half4 fragShadowCaster( #if !defined(V2F_SHADOW_CASTER_NOPOS_IS_EMPTY) || defined(UNITY_STANDARD_USE_SHADOW_UVS) V2FShadow i, uint facing: SV_IsFrontFace #endif ): SV_Target { poiMesh.uv[0] = i.uv; poiMesh.uv[1] = i.uv1; poiMesh.uv[2] = i.uv2; poiMesh.uv[3] = i.uv3; // Basically every texture relies on the maintex sampler to function and that's why this is here. float4 mainTexture = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(_MainTex, TRANSFORM_TEX(poiMesh.uv[_MainTextureUV], _MainTex) + _Time.x * _MainTexPan); //Possible Bug with clip float clipValue = clamp(_Cutoff + _MainShadowClipMod, - .001, 1.001); poiMesh.vertexColor = saturate(i.vertexColor); poiMesh.worldPos = i.worldPos; poiMesh.localPos = i.localPos; poiCam.worldPos = _WorldSpaceCameraPos; #ifdef POI_MIRROR applyMirrorRenderFrag(); #endif #if defined(UNITY_STANDARD_USE_SHADOW_UVS) half4 alpha = mainTexture; #if defined(PROP_MIRRORTEXTURE) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED) UNITY_BRANCH if (_EnableMirrorTexture) { if (IsInMirror()) { alpha.a = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(_MirrorTexture, _MainTex, TRANSFORM_TEX(i.uv, _MirrorTexture)).a; } } #endif alpha.a *= distanceFade(); half alphaMask = POI2D_PAN(_ClippingMask, poiMesh.uv[_ClippingMaskUV], _ClippingMaskPan); UNITY_BRANCH if (_Inverse_Clipping) { alphaMask = 1 - alphaMask; } alpha.a *= alphaMask; alpha.a *= _Color.a + .0001; alpha.a += _AlphaMod; alpha.a = saturate(alpha.a); UNITY_BRANCH if (_Mode == 0) { alpha.a = 1; } UNITY_BRANCH if (_Mode == 1) { applyShadowDithering(alpha.a, calcScreenUVs(i.grabPos).xy); } #ifdef POI_DISSOLVE float3 fakeEmission = 1; calculateDissolve(alpha, fakeEmission); #endif UNITY_BRANCH if (_Mode == 1) { clip(alpha.a - 0.001); } /* return poiMesh.vertexColor.g; #ifdef POI_RANDOM alpha.a *= i.angleAlpha; #endif UNITY_BRANCH if(_Mode >= 1) { applySpawnInShadow(uv[0], i.localPos); #if defined(POI_FLIPBOOK) alpha.a *= applyFlipbookAlphaToShadow(uv[_FlipbookTexArrayUV]); #endif } */ UNITY_BRANCH if (_Mode == 1) { clip(alpha.a - clipValue); } UNITY_BRANCH if (_Mode > 1) { float dither = tex3D(_DitherMaskLOD, float3(i.pos.xy * .25, alpha.a * 0.9375)).a; clip(dither - 0.01); } #endif SHADOW_CASTER_FRAGMENT(i) } #endif