#ifndef POI_GRAB #define POI_GRAB float _RefractionIndex; float _RefractionOpacity; float _RefractionChromaticAberattion; float _RefractionEnabled; float _GrabSrcBlend; float _GrabDstBlend; float _GrabPassUseAlpha; float _GrabPassBlendFactor; float _GrabBlurDistance; float _GrabBlurQuality; float _GrabBlurDirections; POI_TEXTURE_NOSAMPLER(_GrabPassBlendMap); float4 blur(float2 uv) { float two_pi = 6.28318530718; float2 radius = _GrabBlurDistance / _ScreenParams.xy * 100; // Arbitrary constant to match old blur float quality = floor(_GrabBlurQuality); float directions = floor(_GrabBlurDirections); // Pixel colour float4 color = tex2D(_PoiGrab, uv); float deltaAngle = two_pi / directions; float deltaQuality = 1.0 / quality; for (int i = 0; i < directions; i ++) { for (int j = 0; j < quality; j ++) { float angle = deltaAngle * i + j; float offset = deltaQuality * (j + 1); color += tex2D(_PoiGrab, uv + float2(cos(angle), sin(angle)) * radius * offset); } } // Output to screen color /= quality * directions + 1; return color; } inline float4 Refraction(float indexOfRefraction, float chromaticAberration, float2 projectedGrabPos) { float4 refractionColor; float3 worldViewDir = normalize(UnityWorldSpaceViewDir(poiMesh.worldPos)); float3 refractionOffset = ((((indexOfRefraction - 1.0) * mul(UNITY_MATRIX_V, float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 0.0)).xyz) * (1.0 / (poiCam.grabPos.z + 1.0))) * (1.0 - dot(poiMesh.normals[1], worldViewDir))); float2 cameraRefraction = float2(refractionOffset.x, - (refractionOffset.y * _ProjectionParams.x)); UNITY_BRANCH if (_RefractionChromaticAberattion > 0) { float4 redAlpha = tex2D(_PoiGrab, (projectedGrabPos + cameraRefraction)); float green = tex2D(_PoiGrab, (projectedGrabPos + (cameraRefraction * (1.0 - chromaticAberration)))).g; float blue = tex2D(_PoiGrab, (projectedGrabPos + (cameraRefraction * (1.0 + chromaticAberration)))).b; refractionColor = float4(redAlpha.r, green, blue, redAlpha.a); } else { float2 refractedGrab = projectedGrabPos + cameraRefraction; #ifdef CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_LOW refractionColor = blur(refractedGrab); #else refractionColor = tex2D(_PoiGrab, (refractedGrab)); #endif } return refractionColor; } void calculateRefraction(float2 projectedGrabPos, inout float4 finalColor) { float3 refraction = 1; UNITY_BRANCH if(_RefractionEnabled == 1) { refraction = Refraction(_RefractionIndex, _RefractionChromaticAberattion, projectedGrabPos).rgb; } else { #ifdef CHROMATIC_ABERRATION_LOW refraction = blur(projectedGrabPos); #else refraction = tex2Dproj(_PoiGrab, poiCam.grabPos).rgb; #endif } float blendFactor = _GrabPassBlendFactor * POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_GrabPassBlendMap, _MainTex, poiMesh.uv[_GrabPassBlendMapUV], _GrabPassBlendMapPan).r; UNITY_BRANCH if(_GrabPassUseAlpha) { finalColor = poiBlend(_GrabSrcBlend, finalColor, _GrabDstBlend, float4(refraction, 1), blendFactor * (1 - finalColor.a)); finalColor.a = 1; } else { finalColor = poiBlend(_GrabSrcBlend, finalColor, _GrabDstBlend, float4(refraction, 1), blendFactor); } } float2 calculateGrabPosition() { float4 grabPos = poiCam.grabPos; #if UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP float scale = -1.0; #else float scale = 1.0; #endif float halfPosW = grabPos.w * 0.5; grabPos.y = (grabPos.y - halfPosW) * _ProjectionParams.x * scale + halfPosW; #if SHADER_API_D3D9 || SHADER_API_D3D11 grabPos.w += 0.00000000001; #endif return(grabPos / grabPos.w).xy; } void applyGrabEffects(inout float4 finalColor) { float2 projectedGrabPos = calculateGrabPosition(); calculateRefraction(projectedGrabPos, finalColor); } #endif