using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; namespace Thry { public class UnitTests { [MenuItem("Thry/ShaderUI/Test/Custom Test")] public static void CustomTest() { List<(Type, string)> tests = GetParserTests(); (Type, string) problem = tests[2]; Parser.Deserialize(problem.Item2, problem.Item1); } [MenuItem("Thry/ShaderUI/Test/Run Unit Tests")] public static void RunUnitTests() { int testCount = 0; int passedTests = 0; // Parser Tests List<(Type, string)> tests = GetParserTests(); foreach((Type t, string data) test in tests) { Debug.Log($"Running test {test.t.Name}"); object obj = null; object obj2 = null; string serialized1 = null; string serialized2 = null; try { obj = Parser.Deserialize(, test.t); serialized1 = Parser.Serialize(obj); obj2 = Parser.Deserialize(serialized1, test.t); serialized2 = Parser.Serialize(obj2); }catch(Exception e) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to deserialize {test.t.Name} with error {e.Message}"); continue; } bool passed = serialized1 == serialized2 && serialized1 != null; Debug.Assert(passed, $"Serialization of {test.t.Name} failed. Serialized1: {serialized1} Serialized2: {serialized2}"); passedTests += passed ? 1 : 0; testCount++; } if(testCount == passedTests) { Debug.Log($"Passed all tests"); }else { Debug.Log($"Passed {passedTests}/{testCount} tests"); } } static List<(Type, string)> GetParserTests() { TextAsset txt = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath("aaf371d691a1f4d428144aae9cec4b5f")); // Document is formated as follows: // ##ClassName // List<(Type, string)> tests = new List<(Type, string)>(); foreach(string line in txt.text.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n')) { if (line.StartsWith("##")) { string className = line.Substring(2); Type type = Type.GetType(className); if (type == null) { Debug.LogError($"Could not find type {className}"); continue; } tests.Add((type, "")); }else { (Type, string) last = tests[tests.Count - 1]; last.Item2 += line + "\n"; tests[tests.Count - 1] = last; } } return tests; } } }