
7070 lines
291 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2023-07-16 02:51:23 +00:00
Shader "Hidden/Locked/.poiyomi/Poiyomi 8.0/Poiyomi Toon/d3695d7b3cdb1054fa68d828f01604e4"
[HideInInspector] shader_master_label ("<color=#E75898ff>Poiyomi 8.0.426</color>", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] shader_is_using_thry_editor ("", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] footer_youtube ("{texture:{name:icon-youtube,height:16},action:{type:URL,data:},hover:YOUTUBE}", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] footer_twitter ("{texture:{name:icon-twitter,height:16},action:{type:URL,data:},hover:TWITTER}", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] footer_patreon ("{texture:{name:icon-patreon,height:16},action:{type:URL,data:},hover:PATREON}", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] footer_discord ("{texture:{name:icon-discord,height:16},action:{type:URL,data:},hover:DISCORD}", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] footer_github ("{texture:{name:icon-github,height:16},action:{type:URL,data:},hover:GITHUB}", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] _ForgotToLockMaterial (";;YOU_FORGOT_TO_LOCK_THIS_MATERIAL;", Int) = 1
[ThryShaderOptimizerLockButton] _ShaderOptimizerEnabled ("", Int) = 1
[Helpbox(1)] _LockTooltip ("Animations don't work by default when locked in. Right click a property if you want to animate it. The shader will lock in automatically at upload time.", Int) = 0
[ThryWideEnum(Opaque, 0, Cutout, 1, TransClipping, 9, Fade, 2, Transparent, 3, Additive, 4, Soft Additive, 5, Multiplicative, 6, 2x Multiplicative, 7)]_Mode("Rendering Preset--{on_value_actions:[
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{value:9,actions:[{type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_queue=2450}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_type=TransparentCutout}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOp=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOpAlpha=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_Cutoff=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_SrcBlend=5}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_DstBlend=10}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaToMask=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZWrite=1}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZTest=4}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaPremultiply=0}]},
{value:2,actions:[{type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_queue=3000}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_type=Transparent}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOp=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOpAlpha=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_Cutoff=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_SrcBlend=5}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_DstBlend=10}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaToMask=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZWrite=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZTest=4}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaPremultiply=0}]},
{value:3,actions:[{type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_queue=3000}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_type=Transparent}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOp=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOpAlpha=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_Cutoff=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_SrcBlend=1}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_DstBlend=10}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaToMask=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZWrite=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZTest=4}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaPremultiply=1}]},
{value:4,actions:[{type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_queue=3000}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_type=Transparent}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOp=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOpAlpha=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_Cutoff=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_SrcBlend=1}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_DstBlend=1}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaToMask=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZWrite=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZTest=4}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaPremultiply=0}]},
{value:5,actions:[{type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_queue=3000}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:RenderType=Transparent}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOp=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOpAlpha=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_Cutoff=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_SrcBlend=4}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_DstBlend=1}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaToMask=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZWrite=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZTest=4}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaPremultiply=0}]},
{value:6,actions:[{type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_queue=3000}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_type=Transparent}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOp=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOpAlpha=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_Cutoff=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_SrcBlend=2}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_DstBlend=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaToMask=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZWrite=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZTest=4}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaPremultiply=0}]},
{value:7,actions:[{type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_queue=3000}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:render_type=Transparent}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOp=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_BlendOpAlpha=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_Cutoff=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_SrcBlend=2}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_DstBlend=3}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaToMask=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZWrite=0}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_ZTest=4}, {type:SET_PROPERTY,data:_AlphaPremultiply=0}]}
}]}]}", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_mainCategory ("Color & Normals--{button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
_Color ("Color & Alpha--{reference_property:_ColorThemeIndex}", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(Off, 0, Theme Color 0, 1, Theme Color 1, 2, Theme Color 2, 3, Theme Color 3, 4, ColorChord 0, 5, ColorChord 1, 6, ColorChord 2, 7, ColorChord 3, 8, AL Theme 0, 9, AL Theme 1, 10, AL Theme 2, 11, AL Theme 3, 12)] _ColorThemeIndex ("", Int) = 0
_MainTex ("Texture--{reference_properties:[_MainTexPan, _MainTexUV, _MainPixelMode]}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _MainTexUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_MainTexPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ToggleUI]_MainPixelMode ("Pixel Mode", Float) = 0
[Normal]_BumpMap ("Normal Map--{reference_properties:[_BumpMapPan, _BumpMapUV, _BumpScale]}", 2D) = "bump" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_BumpMapPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _BumpMapUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector]_BumpScale ("Intensity", Range(0, 10)) = 1
_ClippingMask ("Alpha Map--{reference_properties:[_ClippingMaskPan, _ClippingMaskUV, _Inverse_Clipping]}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_ClippingMaskPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _ClippingMaskUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector][ToggleUI]_Inverse_Clipping ("Invert", Float) = 0
_Cutoff ("Alpha Cutoff", Range(0, 1.001)) = 0.5
[HideInInspector] m_start_Alpha ("Alpha Options--{button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
[ToggleUI]_AlphaForceOpaque ("Force Opaque", Float) = 0
_AlphaMod ("Alpha Mod", Range(-1, 1)) = 0.0
[ToggleUI]_AlphaPremultiply ("Alpha Premultiply", Float) = 0
_AlphaBoostFA ("Boost Transparency in ForwardAdd--{condition_showS:(_AddBlendOp==4)}", Range(1, 100)) = 10
[HideInInspector] m_end_Alpha ("Alpha Options", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_start_DecalSection ("Decals--{button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:YouTube}}", Float) = 0
[ThryRGBAPacker(Decal 0 Mask, Decal 1 Mask, Decal 2 Mask, Decal 3 Mask)]_DecalMask ("Decal RGBA Mask--{reference_properties:[_DecalMaskPan, _DecalMaskUV]}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_DecalMaskPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _DecalMaskUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[ThryToggleUI(true)] _DecalTPSDepthMaskEnabled ("<size=13><b> TPS Depth Enabled</b></size>", Float) = 0
_Decal0TPSMaskStrength ("Mask r Strength--{condition_showS:(_DecalTPSDepthMaskEnabled==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 1
_Decal1TPSMaskStrength ("Mask g Strength--{condition_showS:(_DecalTPSDepthMaskEnabled==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 1
_Decal2TPSMaskStrength ("Mask b Strength--{condition_showS:(_DecalTPSDepthMaskEnabled==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 1
_Decal3TPSMaskStrength ("Mask a Strength--{condition_showS:(_DecalTPSDepthMaskEnabled==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 1
[HideInInspector] m_end_DecalSection ("Decal", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_start_GlobalThemes ("Global Themes--{button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
[HDR]_GlobalThemeColor0 ("Color 0", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HDR]_GlobalThemeColor1 ("Color 1", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HDR]_GlobalThemeColor2 ("Color 2", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HDR]_GlobalThemeColor3 ("Color 3", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HideInInspector] m_end_GlobalThemes ("Global Themes", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_lightingCategory ("Shading", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_start_PoiLightData ("Light Data--{button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
_LightingAOMaps ("AO Maps (expand)--{reference_properties:[_LightingAOMapsPan, _LightingAOMapsUV,_LightDataAOStrengthR,_LightDataAOStrengthG,_LightDataAOStrengthB,_LightDataAOStrengthA]}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_LightingAOMapsPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _LightingAOMapsUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightDataAOStrengthR ("R Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 1
[HideInInspector]_LightDataAOStrengthG ("G Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightDataAOStrengthB ("B Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightDataAOStrengthA ("A Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_LightingDetailShadowMaps ("Detail Shadows (expand)--{reference_properties:[_LightingDetailShadowMapsPan, _LightingDetailShadowMapsUV,_LightingDetailShadowStrengthR,_LightingDetailShadowStrengthG,_LightingDetailShadowStrengthB,_LightingDetailShadowStrengthA,_LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthR,_LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthG,_LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthB,_LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthA]}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_LightingDetailShadowMapsPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _LightingDetailShadowMapsUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightingDetailShadowStrengthR ("R Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 1
[HideInInspector]_LightingDetailShadowStrengthG ("G Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightingDetailShadowStrengthB ("B Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightingDetailShadowStrengthA ("A Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthR ("Additive R Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 1
[HideInInspector]_LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthG ("Additive G Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthB ("Additive B Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthA ("Additive A Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_LightingShadowMasks ("Shadow Masks (expand)--{reference_properties:[_LightingShadowMasksPan, _LightingShadowMasksUV,_LightingShadowMaskStrengthR,_LightingShadowMaskStrengthG,_LightingShadowMaskStrengthB,_LightingShadowMaskStrengthA]}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_LightingShadowMasksPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _LightingShadowMasksUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightingShadowMaskStrengthR ("R Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 1
[HideInInspector]_LightingShadowMaskStrengthG ("G Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightingShadowMaskStrengthB ("B Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector]_LightingShadowMaskStrengthA ("A Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[ThryHeaderLabel(Base Pass Lighting, 13)]
[Enum(Poi Custom, 0, Standard, 1, UTS2, 2, OpenLit (lil toon), 3)] _LightingColorMode ("Light Color Mode", Int) = 0
[Enum(Poi Custom, 0, Normalized NDotL, 1, Saturated NDotL, 2)] _LightingMapMode ("Light Map Mode", Int) = 0
[Enum(Poi Custom, 0, Forced Local Direction, 1, Forced World Direction, 2, UTS2, 3, OpenLit (lil toon), 4)] _LightingDirectionMode ("Light Direction Mode", Int) = 0
[Vector3]_LightngForcedDirection ("Forced Direction--{condition_showS:(_LightingDirectionMode==1 || _LightingDirectionMode==2)}", Vector) = (0, 0, 0)
[ToggleUI]_LightingForceColorEnabled ("Force Light Color", Float) = 0
_LightingForcedColor ("Forced Color--{condition_showS:(_LightingForceColorEnabled==1), reference_property:_LightingForcedColorThemeIndex}", Color) = (1, 1, 1)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(Off, 0, Theme Color 0, 1, Theme Color 1, 2, Theme Color 2, 3, Theme Color 3, 4, ColorChord 0, 5, ColorChord 1, 6, ColorChord 2, 7, ColorChord 3, 8, AL Theme 0, 9, AL Theme 1, 10, AL Theme 2, 11, AL Theme 3, 12)] _LightingForcedColorThemeIndex ("", Int) = 0
_Unlit_Intensity ("Unlit_Intensity--{condition_showS:(_LightingColorMode==2)}", Range(0.001, 4)) = 1
[ToggleUI]_LightingCapEnabled ("Limit Brightness", Float) = 1
_LightingCap ("Max Brightness--{condition_showS:(_LightingCapEnabled==1)}", Range(0, 10)) = 1
_LightingMinLightBrightness ("Min Brightness", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_LightingIndirectUsesNormals ("Indirect Uses Normals--{condition_showS:(_LightingColorMode==0)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_LightingCastedShadows ("Receive Casted Shadows", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_LightingMonochromatic ("Grayscale Lighting?", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[ThryHeaderLabel(Add Pass Lighting, 13)]
[ThryToggle(POI_LIGHT_DATA_ADDITIVE_ENABLE)]_LightingAdditiveEnable ("Enable Additive", Float) = 1
[ThryToggle(POI_LIGHT_DATA_ADDITIVE_DIRECTIONAL_ENABLE)]_DisableDirectionalInAdd ("Ignore Directional--{condition_showS:(_LightingAdditiveEnable==1)}", Float) = 1
[ToggleUI]_LightingAdditiveLimited ("Limit Brightness?--{condition_showS:(_LightingAdditiveEnable==1)}", Float) = 0
_LightingAdditiveLimit ("Max Brightness--{ condition_showS:(_LightingAdditiveLimited==1&&_LightingAdditiveEnable==1)}", Range(0, 10)) = 1
_LightingAdditiveMonochromatic ("Grayscale Lighting?", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_LightingAdditivePassthrough ("Point Light Passthrough--{condition_showS:(_LightingAdditiveEnable==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = .5
[ThryHeaderLabel(Vertex Lighting, 13)]
[ThryToggle(POI_VERTEXLIGHT_ON)]_LightingVertexLightingEnabled ("Enabled", Float) = 1
[ThryHeaderLabel(Debug Visualization, 13)]
[ThryToggle(POI_LIGHT_DATA_DEBUG)]_LightDataDebugEnabled ("Debug", Float) = 0
[ThryWideEnum(Direct Color, 0, Indirect Color, 1, Light Map, 2, Attenuation, 3, N Dot L, 4, Half Dir, 5, Direction, 6, Add Color, 7, Add Attenuation, 8, Add Shadow, 9, Add N Dot L, 10)] _LightingDebugVisualize ("Visualize--{condition_showS:(_LightDataDebugEnabled==1)}", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_end_PoiLightData ("Light Data", Float) = 0
//ifex _ShadingEnabled==0
[HideInInspector] m_start_PoiShading (" Shading--{reference_property:_ShadingEnabled,button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector][ThryToggle(VIGNETTE_MASKED)]_ShadingEnabled ("Enable Shading", Float) = 1
[ThryHeaderLabel(Base Pass Shading, 13)]
[KeywordEnum(TextureRamp, Multilayer Math, Wrapped, Skin, ShadeMap, Flat, Realistic, Cloth, SDF)] _LightingMode ("Lighting Type", Float) = 5
_LightingShadowColor ("Shadow Tint--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode!=4 && _LightingMode!=1 && _LightingMode!=5)}", Color) = (1, 1, 1)
[Gradient]_ToonRamp ("Lighting Ramp--{texture:{width:512,height:4,filterMode:Bilinear,wrapMode:Clamp},force_texture_options:true,condition_showS:(_LightingMode==0)}", 2D) = "white" { }
_ShadowOffset ("Ramp Offset--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==0)}", Range(-1, 1)) = 0
_LightingWrappedWrap ("Wrap--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==2)}", Range(0, 2)) = 0
_LightingWrappedNormalization ("Normalization--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==2)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[ToggleUI]_LightingMulitlayerNonLinear ("Non Linear Edge--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Float) = 1
_ShadowColorTex ("Shadow Color--{reference_properties:[_ShadowColorTexPan, _ShadowColorTexUV], condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", 2D) = "black" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_ShadowColorTexPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _ShadowColorTexUV ("UV", Int) = 0
_ShadowColor ("Shadow Color--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Color) = (0.7, 0.75, 0.85, 1.0)
_MultilayerMathBlurMap ("Blur Map--{reference_properties:[_MultilayerMathBlurMapPan, _MultilayerMathBlurMapUV], condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_MultilayerMathBlurMapPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _MultilayerMathBlurMapUV ("UV", Int) = 0
_ShadowBorder ("Border--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
_ShadowBlur ("Blur--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.1
_Shadow2ndColorTex ("2nd Color--{reference_properties:[_Shadow2ndColorTexPan, _Shadow2ndColorTexUV], condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", 2D) = "black" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_Shadow2ndColorTexPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _Shadow2ndColorTexUV ("UV", Int) = 0
_Shadow2ndColor ("2nd Color--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Color) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
_Shadow2ndBorder ("2nd Border--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
_Shadow2ndBlur ("2nd Blur--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.3
_Shadow3rdColorTex ("3rd Color--{reference_properties:[_Shadow3rdColorTexPan, _Shadow3rdColorTexUV], condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", 2D) = "black" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_Shadow3rdColorTexPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _Shadow3rdColorTexUV ("UV", Int) = 0
_Shadow3rdColor ("3rd Color--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Color) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
_Shadow3rdBorder ("3rd Border--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.25
_Shadow3rdBlur ("3rd Blur--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.1
_ShadowBorderColor ("Border Color--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Color) = (1, 0, 0, 1)
_ShadowBorderRange ("Border Range--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_LightingGradientStart ("Gradient Start--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==2)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_LightingGradientEnd ("Gradient End--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==2)}", Range(0, 1)) = .5
_1st_ShadeColor ("1st ShadeColor--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", Color) = (1, 1, 1)
_1st_ShadeMap ("1st ShadeMap--{reference_properties:[_1st_ShadeMapPan, _1st_ShadeMapUV, _Use_1stShadeMapAlpha_As_ShadowMask, _1stShadeMapMask_Inverse],condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_1st_ShadeMapPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _1st_ShadeMapUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector][ToggleUI]_Use_1stShadeMapAlpha_As_ShadowMask ("1st ShadeMap.a As ShadowMask", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector][ToggleUI]_1stShadeMapMask_Inverse ("1st ShadeMapMask Inverse", Float) = 0
[ToggleUI] _Use_BaseAs1st ("Use BaseMap as 1st ShadeMap--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", Float) = 0
_2nd_ShadeColor ("2nd ShadeColor--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_2nd_ShadeMap ("2nd ShadeMap--{reference_properties:[_2nd_ShadeMapPan, _2nd_ShadeMapUV, _Use_2ndShadeMapAlpha_As_ShadowMask, _2ndShadeMapMask_Inverse],condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_2nd_ShadeMapPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _2nd_ShadeMapUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector][ToggleUI]_Use_2ndShadeMapAlpha_As_ShadowMask ("2nd ShadeMap.a As ShadowMask", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector][ToggleUI]_2ndShadeMapMask_Inverse ("2nd ShadeMapMask Inverse", Float) = 0
[ToggleUI] _Use_1stAs2nd ("Use 1st ShadeMap as 2nd_ShadeMap--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", Float) = 0
_BaseColor_Step ("BaseColor_Step--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", Range(0.01, 1)) = 0.5
_BaseShade_Feather ("Base/Shade_Feather--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", Range(0.0001, 1)) = 0.0001
_ShadeColor_Step ("ShadeColor_Step--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_1st2nd_Shades_Feather ("1st/2nd_Shades_Feather--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", Range(0.0001, 1)) = 0.0001
[Enum(Replace, 0, Multiply, 1)]_ShadingShadeMapBlendType ("Blend Mode--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==4)}", Int) = 0
_SkinLUT ("LUT--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==3)}", 2D) = "white" { }
_SssScale ("Scale--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==3)}", Range(0, 1)) = 1
[HideInInspector]_SssBumpBlur ("Bump Blur--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==3)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.7
[HideInInspector][Vector3]_SssTransmissionAbsorption ("Absorption--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==3)}", Vector) = (-8, -40, -64, 0)
[HideInInspector][Vector3]_SssColorBleedAoWeights ("AO Color Bleed--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==3)}", Vector) = (0.4, 0.15, 0.13, 0)
[NonModifiableTextureData] [NoScaleOffset] _ClothDFG ("MultiScatter Cloth DFG--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==7)}", 2D) = "black" { }
[ThryRGBAPacker(Metallic Map, Cloth Mask, Reflectance, Smoothness)]_ClothMetallicSmoothnessMap ("Maps (Expand)--{reference_properties:[_ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapPan, _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapUV, _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapInvert],condition_showS:(_LightingMode==7)}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2] _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ToggleUI] _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapInvert ("Invert Smoothness", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapUV ("UV", Int) = 0
_ClothReflectance ("Reflectance--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==7)}", Range(0.35, 1)) = 0.5
_ClothSmoothness ("Smoothness--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==7)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
_SDFShadingTexture ("SDF--{reference_properties:[_SDFShadingTexturePan, _SDFShadingTextureUV],condition_showS:(_LightingMode==8)}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_SDFShadingTexturePan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _SDFShadingTextureUV ("UV", Int) = 0
_SDFBlur ("Blur--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==8)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.1
[Vector3]_SDFForward ("Forward Direction--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==8)}", Vector) = (0, 0, 1, 0)
[Vector3]_SDFLeft ("Left Direction--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode==8)}", Vector) = (-1, 0, 0, 0)
_ShadowStrength ("Shadow Strength--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode<=4 || _LightingMode==8)}", Range(0, 1)) = 1
_LightingIgnoreAmbientColor ("Ignore Indirect Shadow Color--{condition_showS:(_LightingMode<=3 || _LightingMode==8)}", Range(0, 1)) = 1
[ThryHeaderLabel(Add Pass Shading, 13)]
[Enum(Realistic, 0, Toon, 1)] _LightingAdditiveType ("Lighting Type", Int) = 1
_LightingAdditiveGradientStart ("Gradient Start--{condition_showS:(_LightingAdditiveType==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_LightingAdditiveGradientEnd ("Gradient End--{condition_showS:(_LightingAdditiveType==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = .5
[HideInInspector] m_end_PoiShading ("Shading", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_specialFXCategory ("Special FX", Float) = 0
//ifex _EnableEmission==0
[HideInInspector] m_start_emissionOptions ("Emission 0--{reference_property:_EnableEmission,button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector][ThryToggle(_EMISSION)]_EnableEmission ("Enable Emission", Float) = 0
[ToggleUI]_EmissionReplace0 ("Replace Base Color", Float) = 0
[HDR]_EmissionColor ("Emission Color--{reference_property:_EmissionColorThemeIndex}", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(Off, 0, Theme Color 0, 1, Theme Color 1, 2, Theme Color 2, 3, Theme Color 3, 4, ColorChord 0, 5, ColorChord 1, 6, ColorChord 2, 7, ColorChord 3, 8, AL Theme 0, 9, AL Theme 1, 10, AL Theme 2, 11, AL Theme 3, 12)] _EmissionColorThemeIndex ("", Int) = 0
[Gradient]_EmissionMap ("Emission Map--{reference_properties:[_EmissionMapPan, _EmissionMapUV]}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_EmissionMapPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _EmissionMapUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[ToggleUI]_EmissionBaseColorAsMap ("Base Color as Map?", Float) = 0
_EmissionMask ("Emission Mask--{reference_properties:[_EmissionMaskPan, _EmissionMaskUV, _EmissionMaskInvert]}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_EmissionMaskPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _EmissionMaskUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[ToggleUI]_EmissionMaskInvert ("Invert", Float) = 0
_EmissionStrength ("Emission Strength", Range(0, 20)) = 0
[ThryToggleUI(true)]_EmissionHueShiftEnabled ("<size=13><b> Hue Shift</b></size>", Float) = 0
_EmissionHueShift ("Hue Shift--{condition_showS:(_EmissionHueShiftEnabled==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_EmissionHueShiftSpeed ("Hue Shift Speed--{condition_showS:(_EmissionHueShiftEnabled==1)}", Float) = 0
[ThryToggleUI(true)]_EmissionCenterOutEnabled ("<size=13><b> Center Out</b></size>", Float) = 0
_EmissionCenterOutSpeed ("Flow Speed--{condition_showS:(_EmissionCenterOutEnabled==1)}", Float) = 5
[ThryToggleUI(true)]_EnableGITDEmission ("<size=13><b> Light Based</b></size>", Float) = 0
[Enum(World, 0, Mesh, 1)] _GITDEWorldOrMesh ("Lighting Type--{condition_showS:(_EnableGITDEmission==1)}", Int) = 0
_GITDEMinEmissionMultiplier ("Min Emission Multiplier--{condition_showS:(_EnableGITDEmission==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 1
_GITDEMaxEmissionMultiplier ("Max Emission Multiplier--{condition_showS:(_EnableGITDEmission==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_GITDEMinLight ("Min Lighting--{condition_showS:(_EnableGITDEmission==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_GITDEMaxLight ("Max Lighting--{condition_showS:(_EnableGITDEmission==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 1
[ThryToggleUI(true)]_EmissionBlinkingEnabled ("<size=13><b> Blinking</b></size>", Float) = 0
_EmissiveBlink_Min ("Emissive Blink Min--{condition_showS:(_EmissionBlinkingEnabled==1)}", Float) = 0
_EmissiveBlink_Max ("Emissive Blink Max--{condition_showS:(_EmissionBlinkingEnabled==1)}", Float) = 1
_EmissiveBlink_Velocity ("Emissive Blink Velocity--{condition_showS:(_EmissionBlinkingEnabled==1)}", Float) = 4
_EmissionBlinkingOffset ("Offset--{condition_showS:(_EmissionBlinkingEnabled==1)}", Float) = 0
[ThryToggleUI(true)] _ScrollingEmission ("<size=13><b> Scrolling</b></size>", Float) = 0
[ToggleUI]_EmissionScrollingUseCurve ("Use Curve--{condition_showS:(_ScrollingEmission==1)}", float) = 0
[Curve]_EmissionScrollingCurve ("Curve--{condition_showS:(_ScrollingEmission==1&&_EmissionScrollingUseCurve==1)}", 2D) = "white" { }
[ToggleUI]_EmissionScrollingVertexColor ("VColor as position--{condition_showS:(_ScrollingEmission==1)}", float) = 0
_EmissiveScroll_Direction ("Direction--{condition_showS:(_ScrollingEmission==1)}", Vector) = (0, -10, 0, 0)
_EmissiveScroll_Width ("Width--{condition_showS:(_ScrollingEmission==1)}", Float) = 10
_EmissiveScroll_Velocity ("Velocity--{condition_showS:(_ScrollingEmission==1)}", Float) = 10
_EmissiveScroll_Interval ("Interval--{condition_showS:(_ScrollingEmission==1)}", Float) = 20
_EmissionScrollingOffset ("Offset--{condition_showS:(_ScrollingEmission==1)}", Float) = 0
[ThryToggleUI(true)] _EmissionAL0Enabled ("<size=13><b> Audio Link</b></size>--{ condition_showS:_EnableAudioLink==1}", Float) = 0
[Vector2]_EmissionAL0Multipliers ("Emission Multiplier--{ condition_showS:(_EmissionAL0Enabled==1 && _EnableAudioLink==1)}", Vector) = (1, 1, 0, 0)
[Enum(Bass, 0, Low Mid, 1, High Mid, 2, Treble, 3)] _EmissionAL0MultipliersBand ("Emission Multiplier Band--{ condition_showS:(_EmissionAL0Enabled==1 && _EnableAudioLink==1)}", Int) = 0
[Vector2]_EmissionAL0StrengthMod ("Emission Strength Add--{ condition_showS:(_EmissionAL0Enabled==1 && _EnableAudioLink==1)}", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[Enum(Bass, 0, Low Mid, 1, High Mid, 2, Treble, 3)] _EmissionAL0StrengthBand ("Emission Add Band--{ condition_showS:(_EmissionAL0Enabled==1 && _EnableAudioLink==1)}", Int) = 0
[Vector2] _AudioLinkEmission0CenterOut ("Center Out--{ condition_showS:(_EmissionAL0Enabled==1 && _EnableAudioLink==1)}", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
_AudioLinkEmission0CenterOutSize ("Intensity Threshold--{ condition_showS:(_EmissionAL0Enabled==1 && _EnableAudioLink==1)}", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[Enum(Bass, 0, Low Mid, 1, High Mid, 2, Treble, 3)] _AudioLinkEmission0CenterOutBand ("Center Out Band--{ condition_showS:(_EmissionAL0Enabled==1 && _EnableAudioLink==1)}", Int) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_end_emissionOptions ("", Float) = 0
//ifex _EnableALDecal==0
[HideInInspector] m_start_ALDecalSpectrum ("AL ♫ Spectrum--{ reference_property:_EnableALDecal}", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector][ThryToggle(POI_AL_DECAL)]_EnableALDecal ("Enable AL Decal", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(lil Spectrum, 0)] _ALDecalType ("AL Type--{ condition_showS:_EnableAudioLink==1}", Int) = 0
[ThryHeaderLabel(Transform, 13)]
[Enum(Normal, 0, Circle, 1)] _ALDecalUVMode ("UV Mode", Float) = 0
[ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _ALDecalUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[Vector2]_ALUVPosition ("Position", Vector) = (.5, .5, 1)
_ALUVScale ("Scale", Vector) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
_ALUVRotation ("Rotation", Range(0, 360)) = 0
_ALUVRotationSpeed ("Rotation Speed", Float) = 0
_ALDecalLineWidth ("Line Width", Range(0, 1)) = 1.0
_ALDecaldCircleDimensions ("Cirlce Dimensions--{ condition_showS:_ALDecalUVMode==1}", Vector) = (0, 1, 0, 1)
[Space][ThryHeaderLabel(Volume, 13)]
_ALDecalVolumeStep ("Volume Step Num (0 = Off)", Float) = 0.0
_ALDecalVolumeClipMin ("Volume Clip Min", Range(0, 1)) = 0.0
_ALDecalVolumeClipMax ("Volume Clip Max", Range(0, 1)) = 1.0
[Space][ThryHeaderLabel(Band, 13)]
_ALDecalBandStep ("Band Step Num (0 = Off)", Float) = 0.0
_ALDecalBandClipMin ("Band Clip Min", Range(0, 1)) = 0.0
_ALDecalBandClipMax ("Band Clip Max", Range(0, 1)) = 1.0
[Space][ThryToggleUI(true)]_ALDecalShapeClip ("<size=13><b> Shape Clip</b></size>", Float) = 0
_ALDecalShapeClipVolumeWidth ("Volume Width--{ condition_showS:_ALDecalShapeClip==1}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
_ALDecalShapeClipBandWidth ("Band Width--{ condition_showS:_ALDecalShapeClip==1}", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
[Space][ThryHeaderLabel(Audio Mods, 13)]
_ALDecalVolume ("Volume", Int) = 0.5
_ALDecalBaseBoost ("Bass Boost", Float) = 5.0
_ALDecalTrebleBoost ("Treble Boost", Float) = 1.0
[Space][ThryHeaderLabel(Colors and Blending, 13)]
[ThryRGBAPacker(1, RGB Color, A Mask, 1)]_ALDecalColorMask ("Color & Mask--{reference_properties:[_ALDecalColorMaskPan, _ALDecalColorMaskUV]}", 2D) = "white" { }
[HideInInspector][Vector2]_ALDecalColorMaskPan ("Panning", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
[HideInInspector][ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5, Polar UV, 6, Distorted UV, 7)] _ALDecalColorMaskUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[Enum(UVX, 0, UVY, 1, Volume, 2)] _ALDecalVolumeColorSource ("Source", Int) = 1
_ALDecalVolumeColorLow ("Volume Color Low", Color) = (0, 0, 1)
_ALDecalLowEmission ("Low Emission", Range(0, 20)) = 0
_ALDecalVolumeColorMid ("Volume Color Mid", Color) = (0, 1, 0)
_ALDecalMidEmission ("Mid Emission", Range(0, 20)) = 0
_ALDecalVolumeColorHigh ("Volume Color High", Color) = (1, 0, 0)
_ALDecalHighEmission ("High Emission", Range(0, 20)) = 0
[ThryWideEnum(Replace, 0, Darken, 1, Multiply, 2, Color Burn, 3, Linear Burn, 4, Lighten, 5, Screen, 6, Color Dodge, 7, Linear Dodge(Add), 8, Overlay, 9, Soft Lighten, 10, Hard Light, 11, Vivid Light, 12, Linear Light, 13, Pin Light, 14, Hard Mix, 15, Difference, 16, Exclusion, 17, Subtract, 18, Divide, 19)]_ALDecalBlendType ("Blend Type", Range(0, 1)) = 0
_ALDecalBlendAlpha ("Alpha", Range(0, 1)) = 1
_ALDecalControlsAlpha ("Override Alpha", Range(0, 1)) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_end_ALDecalSpectrum ("AL ♫ Spectrum", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_modifierCategory ("Modifiers", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_start_uvPanosphere ("Panosphere UV", Float) = 0
[ToggleUI] _StereoEnabled ("Stereo Enabled", Float) = 0
[ToggleUI] _PanoUseBothEyes ("Perspective Correct (VR)", Float) = 1
[HideInInspector] m_end_uvPanosphere ("Panosphere UV", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_start_uvPolar ("Polar UV", Float) = 0
[ThryWideEnum(UV0, 0, UV1, 1, UV2, 2, UV3, 3, Panosphere, 4, World Pos XZ, 5)] _PolarUV ("UV", Int) = 0
[Vector2]_PolarCenter ("Center Coordinate", Vector) = (.5, .5, 0, 0)
_PolarRadialScale ("Radial Scale", Float) = 1
_PolarLengthScale ("Length Scale", Float) = 1
_PolarSpiralPower ("Spiral Power", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_end_uvPolar ("Polar UV", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_thirdpartyCategory ("Third Party", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_postprocessing ("Post Processing", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_start_PoiLightData ("PP Animations--{button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
[Helpbox(1)] _PPHelp ("This section meant for real time adjustments through animations and not to be changed in unity", Int) = 0
_PPLightingMultiplier ("Lighting Mulitplier", Float) = 1
_PPLightingAddition ("Lighting Add", Float) = 0
_PPEmissionMultiplier ("Emission Multiplier", Float) = 1
_PPFinalColorMultiplier ("Final Color Multiplier", Float) = 1
[HideInInspector] m_end_PoiLightData ("PP Animations ", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_renderingCategory ("Rendering--{button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode)] _Cull ("Cull", Float) = 2
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction)] _ZTest ("ZTest", Float) = 4
[Enum(Off, 0, On, 1)] _ZWrite ("ZWrite", Int) = 1
[Enum(Thry.ColorMask)] _ColorMask ("Color Mask", Int) = 15
_OffsetFactor ("Offset Factor", Float) = 0.0
_OffsetUnits ("Offset Units", Float) = 0.0
[ToggleUI]_RenderingReduceClipDistance ("Reduce Clip Distance", Float) = 0
[ToggleUI]_IgnoreFog ("Ignore Fog", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] Instancing ("Instancing", Float) = 0 //add this property for instancing variants settings to be shown
[HideInInspector] m_start_blending ("Blending--{button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
[Enum(Thry.BlendOp)]_BlendOp ("RGB Blend Op", Int) = 0
[Enum(Thry.BlendOp)]_BlendOpAlpha ("Alpha Blend Op", Int) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)] _SrcBlend ("Source Blend", Int) = 1
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)] _DstBlend ("Destination Blend", Int) = 0
[Space][ThryHeaderLabel(Additive Blending, 13)]
[Enum(Thry.BlendOp)]_AddBlendOp ("RGB Blend Op", Int) = 0
[Enum(Thry.BlendOp)]_AddBlendOpAlpha ("Alpha Blend Op", Int) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)] _AddSrcBlend ("Source Blend", Int) = 1
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode)] _AddDstBlend ("Destination Blend", Int) = 1
[HideInInspector] m_end_blending ("Blending", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_start_StencilPassOptions ("Stencil--{button_help:{text:Tutorial,action:{type:URL,data:},hover:Documentation}}", Float) = 0
[ThryWideEnum(Simple, 0, Front Face vs Back Face, 1)] _StencilType ("Stencil Type", Float) = 0
[IntRange] _StencilRef ("Stencil Reference Value", Range(0, 255)) = 0
[IntRange] _StencilReadMask ("Stencil ReadMask Value", Range(0, 255)) = 255
[IntRange] _StencilWriteMask ("Stencil WriteMask Value", Range(0, 255)) = 255
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp)] _StencilPassOp ("Stencil Pass Op--{condition_showS:(_StencilType==0)}", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp)] _StencilFailOp ("Stencil Fail Op--{condition_showS:(_StencilType==0)}", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp)] _StencilZFailOp ("Stencil ZFail Op--{condition_showS:(_StencilType==0)}", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction)] _StencilCompareFunction ("Stencil Compare Function--{condition_showS:(_StencilType==0)}", Float) = 8
[HideInInspector] m_start_StencilPassBackOptions("Back--{condition_showS:(_StencilType==1)}", Float) = 0
[Helpbox(1)] _FFBFStencilHelp0 ("Front Face and Back Face Stencils only work when locked in due to Unity's Stencil managment", Int) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp)] _StencilBackPassOp ("Back Pass Op", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp)] _StencilBackFailOp ("Back Fail Op", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp)] _StencilBackZFailOp ("Back ZFail Op", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction)] _StencilBackCompareFunction ("Back Compare Function", Float) = 8
[HideInInspector] m_end_StencilPassBackOptions("Back", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_start_StencilPassFrontOptions("Front--{condition_showS:(_StencilType==1)}", Float) = 0
[Helpbox(1)] _FFBFStencilHelp1 ("Front Face and Back Face Stencils only work when locked in due to Unity's Stencil managment", Int) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp)] _StencilFrontPassOp ("Front Pass Op", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp)] _StencilFrontFailOp ("Front Fail Op", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp)] _StencilFrontZFailOp ("Front ZFail Op", Float) = 0
[Enum(UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction)] _StencilFrontCompareFunction ("Front Compare Function", Float) = 8
[HideInInspector] m_end_StencilPassFrontOptions("Front", Float) = 0
[HideInInspector] m_end_StencilPassOptions ("Stencil", Float) = 0
Tags { "RenderType" = "Opaque" "Queue" = "Geometry" "VRCFallback" = "Standard" }
Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" }
Ref [_StencilRef]
ReadMask [_StencilReadMask]
WriteMask [_StencilWriteMask]
//ifex _StencilType == 1
Comp [_StencilCompareFunction]
Pass [_StencilPassOp]
Fail [_StencilFailOp]
ZFail [_StencilZFailOp]
ZWrite [_ZWrite]
Cull [_Cull]
AlphaToMask [_AlphaToCoverage]
ZTest [_ZTest]
ColorMask [_ColorMask]
Offset [_OffsetFactor], [_OffsetUnits]
BlendOp [_BlendOp], [_BlendOpAlpha]
Blend [_SrcBlend] [_DstBlend]
#define POI_AL_DECAL
#define _EMISSION
#pragma target 5.0
//ifex float(1)==0
//ifex float(1)==0
//ifex float(1)==0
#pragma multi_compile_fwdbase
#pragma multi_compile_instancing
#pragma multi_compile_fog
#pragma multi_compile _ VERTEXLIGHT_ON
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardUtils.cginc"
#include "AutoLight.cginc"
#include "UnityLightingCommon.cginc"
#include "UnityPBSLighting.cginc"
#include "UnityMetaPass.cginc"
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#define DielectricSpec float4(0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 1.0 - 0.04)
#define PI float(3.14159265359)
#define POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(tex, texSampler, uv, pan) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv + _Time.x * pan))
#define POI2D_SAMPLER_PANGRAD(tex, texSampler, uv, pan, ddx, ddy) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv + _Time.x * pan, ddx, ddy))
#define POI2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv))
#define POI2D_PAN(tex, uv, pan) (tex2D(tex, uv + _Time.x * pan))
#define POI2D(tex, uv) (tex2D(tex, uv))
#define POI_SAMPLE_TEX2D(tex, uv) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(tex, uv))
#define POI_SAMPLE_TEX2D_PAN(tex, uv, pan) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(tex, uv + _Time.x * pan))
#define POI2D_MAINTEX_SAMPLER_PAN_INLINED(tex, poiMesh) (POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(tex, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[tex##UV], tex##_ST), tex##Pan))
#define POI_SAFE_RGB0 float4(mainTexture.rgb * .0001, 0)
#define POI_SAFE_RGB1 float4(mainTexture.rgb * .0001, 1)
#define POI_SAFE_RGBA mainTexture
#define PoiInitStruct(type, name) name = (type)0;
#define PoiInitStruct(type, name)
#define POI_ERROR(poiMesh, gridSize) lerp(float3(1, 0, 1), float3(0, 0, 0), fmod(floor((poiMesh.worldPos.x) * gridSize) + floor((poiMesh.worldPos.y) * gridSize) + floor((poiMesh.worldPos.z) * gridSize), 2) == 0)
#define POI_MODE_FADE 2
float _Mode;
float4 _GlobalThemeColor0;
float4 _GlobalThemeColor1;
float4 _GlobalThemeColor2;
float4 _GlobalThemeColor3;
float _StereoEnabled;
float _PolarUV;
float2 _PolarCenter;
float _PolarRadialScale;
float _PolarLengthScale;
float _PolarSpiralPower;
float _PanoUseBothEyes;
Texture2D _LightingAOMaps;
float4 _LightingAOMaps_ST;
float2 _LightingAOMapsPan;
float _LightingAOMapsUV;
float _LightDataAOStrengthR;
float _LightDataAOStrengthG;
float _LightDataAOStrengthB;
float _LightDataAOStrengthA;
Texture2D _LightingDetailShadowMaps;
float4 _LightingDetailShadowMaps_ST;
float2 _LightingDetailShadowMapsPan;
float _LightingDetailShadowMapsUV;
float _LightingDetailShadowStrengthR;
float _LightingDetailShadowStrengthG;
float _LightingDetailShadowStrengthB;
float _LightingDetailShadowStrengthA;
float _LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthR;
float _LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthG;
float _LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthB;
float _LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthA;
Texture2D _LightingShadowMasks;
float4 _LightingShadowMasks_ST;
float2 _LightingShadowMasksPan;
float _LightingShadowMasksUV;
float _LightingShadowMaskStrengthR;
float _LightingShadowMaskStrengthG;
float _LightingShadowMaskStrengthB;
float _LightingShadowMaskStrengthA;
float _Unlit_Intensity;
float _LightingColorMode;
float _LightingMapMode;
float _LightingDirectionMode;
float3 _LightngForcedDirection;
float _LightingIndirectUsesNormals;
float _LightingCapEnabled;
float _LightingCap;
float _LightingForceColorEnabled;
float3 _LightingForcedColor;
float _LightingForcedColorThemeIndex;
float _LightingCastedShadows;
float _LightingMonochromatic;
float _LightingAdditiveMonochromatic;
float _LightingMinLightBrightness;
float _LightingAdditiveLimited;
float _LightingAdditiveLimit;
float _LightingAdditivePassthrough;
float _LightingDebugVisualize;
float _IgnoreFog;
float _RenderingReduceClipDistance;
float _AddBlendOp;
float4 _Color;
float _ColorThemeIndex;
float _MainPixelMode;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
float2 _MainTexPan;
float _MainTexUV;
float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
Texture2D _BumpMap;
float4 _BumpMap_ST;
float2 _BumpMapPan;
float _BumpMapUV;
float _BumpScale;
Texture2D _ClippingMask;
float4 _ClippingMask_ST;
float2 _ClippingMaskPan;
float _ClippingMaskUV;
float _Inverse_Clipping;
float _Cutoff;
SamplerState sampler_linear_clamp;
SamplerState sampler_linear_repeat;
float _AlphaForceOpaque;
float _AlphaMod;
float _AlphaPremultiply;
float _AlphaBoostFA;
//ifex float(1)==0
float _ShadowOffset;
float _ShadowStrength;
float _LightingIgnoreAmbientColor;
float _LightingGradientStart;
float _LightingGradientEnd;
float3 _LightingShadowColor;
float _LightingGradientStartWrap;
float _LightingGradientEndWrap;
float3 _1st_ShadeColor;
#if defined(PROP_1ST_SHADEMAP) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
Texture2D _1st_ShadeMap;
float4 _1st_ShadeMap_ST;
float2 _1st_ShadeMapPan;
float _1st_ShadeMapUV;
float _Use_1stShadeMapAlpha_As_ShadowMask;
float _1stShadeMapMask_Inverse;
float _Use_BaseAs1st;
float3 _2nd_ShadeColor;
#if defined(PROP_2ND_SHADEMAP) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
Texture2D _2nd_ShadeMap;
float4 _2nd_ShadeMap_ST;
float2 _2nd_ShadeMapPan;
float _2nd_ShadeMapUV;
float _Use_2ndShadeMapAlpha_As_ShadowMask;
float _2ndShadeMapMask_Inverse;
float _Use_1stAs2nd;
float _BaseColor_Step;
float _BaseShade_Feather;
float _ShadeColor_Step;
float _1st2nd_Shades_Feather;
float _ShadingShadeMapBlendType;
sampler2D _SkinLUT;
float _SssScale;
float _SssBumpBlur;
float3 _SssTransmissionAbsorption;
float3 _SssColorBleedAoWeights;
float4 _ShadowColor;
float _LightingMulitlayerNonLinear;
Texture2D _ShadowColorTex;
float4 _ShadowColorTex_ST;
float2 _ShadowColorTexPan;
float _ShadowColorTexUV;
Texture2D _MultilayerMathBlurMap;
float4 _MultilayerMathBlurMap_ST;
float2 _MultilayerMathBlurMapPan;
float _MultilayerMathBlurMapUV;
float _ShadowBorder;
float _ShadowBlur;
float4 _Shadow2ndColor;
Texture2D _Shadow2ndColorTex;
float4 _Shadow2ndColorTex_ST;
float2 _Shadow2ndColorTexPan;
float _Shadow2ndColorTexUV;
float _Shadow2ndBorder;
float _Shadow2ndBlur;
float4 _Shadow3rdColor;
Texture2D _Shadow3rdColorTex;
float4 _Shadow3rdColorTex_ST;
float2 _Shadow3rdColorTexPan;
float _Shadow3rdColorTexUV;
float _Shadow3rdBorder;
float _Shadow3rdBlur;
float4 _ShadowBorderColor;
float _ShadowBorderRange;
Texture2D_float _ClothDFG;
SamplerState sampler_ClothDFG;
Texture2D _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMap;
float4 _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMap_ST;
float2 _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapPan;
float _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapUV;
float _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapInvert;
float _ClothMetallic;
float _ClothReflectance;
float _ClothSmoothness;
Texture2D _SDFShadingTexture;
float _SDFShadingTextureUV;
float2 _SDFShadingTexturePan;
float4 _SDFShadingTexture_ST;
float _SDFBlur;
float4 _SDFForward;
float4 _SDFLeft;
float _LightingAdditiveType;
float _LightingAdditiveGradientStart;
float _LightingAdditiveGradientEnd;
float _LightingAdditiveDetailStrength;
//ifex float(1)==0
float _ALDecalUV;
float4 _ALUVScale;
float2 _ALUVPosition;
float _ALUVRotation;
float _ALUVRotationSpeed;
float4 _ALDecaldCircleDimensions;
float _ALDecalUVMode;
float _ALDecalVolumeStep;
float _ALDecalVolumeClipMin;
float _ALDecalVolumeClipMax;
float _ALDecalBandStep;
float _ALDecalBandClipMin;
float _ALDecalBandClipMax;
float _ALDecalShapeClip;
float _ALDecalShapeClipVolumeWidth;
float _ALDecalShapeClipBandWidth;
Texture2D _ALDecalColorMask;
float4 _ALDecalColorMask_ST;
float2 _ALDecalColorMaskPan;
float _ALDecalColorMaskUV;
float _ALDecalVolume;
float _ALDecalBaseBoost;
float _ALDecalTrebleBoost;
float _ALDecalLineWidth;
float _ALDecalVolumeColorSource;
float3 _ALDecalVolumeColorLow;
float3 _ALDecalVolumeColorMid;
float3 _ALDecalVolumeColorHigh;
float _ALDecalLowEmission;
float _ALDecalMidEmission;
float _ALDecalHighEmission;
float _ALDecalBlendType;
float _ALDecalBlendAlpha;
float _ALDecalControlsAlpha;
//ifex float(1)==0
#ifdef _EMISSION
Texture2D _EmissionMap;
float4 _EmissionMap_ST;
float2 _EmissionMapPan;
float _EmissionMapUV;
Texture2D _EmissionMask;
float4 _EmissionMask_ST;
float2 _EmissionMaskPan;
float _EmissionMaskUV;
float _EmissionMaskInvert;
Texture2D _EmissionScrollingCurve;
float4 _EmissionScrollingCurve_ST;
float4 _EmissionColor;
float _EmissionBaseColorAsMap;
float _EmissionStrength;
float _EmissionHueShiftEnabled;
float _EmissionHueShift;
float _EmissionHueShiftSpeed;
float _EmissionCenterOutEnabled;
float _EmissionCenterOutSpeed;
float _EnableGITDEmission;
float _GITDEWorldOrMesh;
float _GITDEMinEmissionMultiplier;
float _GITDEMaxEmissionMultiplier;
float _GITDEMinLight;
float _GITDEMaxLight;
float _EmissionBlinkingEnabled;
float _EmissiveBlink_Min;
float _EmissiveBlink_Max;
float _EmissiveBlink_Velocity;
float _EmissionBlinkingOffset;
float _ScrollingEmission;
float4 _EmissiveScroll_Direction;
float _EmissiveScroll_Width;
float _EmissiveScroll_Velocity;
float _EmissiveScroll_Interval;
float _EmissionScrollingOffset;
float _EmissionReplace0;
float _EmissionScrollingVertexColor;
float _EmissionScrollingUseCurve;
float _EmissionColorThemeIndex;
float _EmissionAL0Enabled;
float2 _EmissionAL0StrengthMod;
float _EmissionAL0StrengthBand;
float2 _AudioLinkEmission0CenterOut;
float _AudioLinkEmission0CenterOutSize;
float _AudioLinkEmission0CenterOutBand;
float2 _EmissionAL0Multipliers;
float _EmissionAL0MultipliersBand;
float _PPLightingMultiplier;
float _PPLightingAddition;
float _PPEmissionMultiplier;
float _PPFinalColorMultiplier;
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float4 color : COLOR;
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
float2 uv1 : TEXCOORD1;
float2 uv2 : TEXCOORD2;
float2 uv3 : TEXCOORD3;
uint vertexId : SV_VertexID;
struct v2f
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv[4] : TEXCOORD0;
float3 objNormal : TEXCOORD4;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD5;
float3 tangent : TEXCOORD6;
float3 binormal : TEXCOORD7;
float4 worldPos : TEXCOORD8;
float4 localPos : TEXCOORD9;
float3 objectPos : TEXCOORD10;
float4 vertexColor : TEXCOORD11;
float4 lightmapUV : TEXCOORD12;
float4 grabPos: TEXCOORD13;
float4 worldDirection: TEXCOORD14;
struct PoiMesh
float3 normals[2];
float3 objNormal;
float3 tangentSpaceNormal;
float3 binormal;
float3 tangent;
float3 worldPos;
float3 localPos;
float3 objectPosition;
float isFrontFace;
float4 vertexColor;
float4 lightmapUV;
float2 uv[8];
float2 parallaxUV;
struct PoiCam
float3 viewDir;
float3 forwardDir;
float3 worldPos;
float distanceToVert;
float4 clipPos;
float3 reflectionDir;
float3 vertexReflectionDir;
float3 tangentViewDir;
float4 grabPos;
float2 screenUV;
float vDotN;
float4 worldDirection;
struct PoiMods
float4 Mask;
float4 audioLink;
float audioLinkAvailable;
float audioLinkVersion;
float4 audioLinkTexture;
float audioLinkViaLuma;
float2 detailMask;
float2 backFaceDetailIntensity;
float globalEmission;
float4 globalColorTheme[12];
float ALTime[8];
struct PoiLight
float3 direction;
float attenuation;
float attenuationStrength;
float3 directColor;
float3 indirectColor;
float occlusion;
float shadowMask;
float detailShadow;
float3 halfDir;
float lightMap;
float3 rampedLightMap;
float vertexNDotL;
float nDotL;
float nDotV;
float vertexNDotV;
float nDotH;
float vertexNDotH;
float lDotv;
float lDotH;
float nDotLSaturated;
float nDotLNormalized;
float additiveShadow;
float3 finalLighting;
float3 finalLightAdd;
#if defined(VERTEXLIGHT_ON) && defined(POI_VERTEXLIGHT_ON)
float4 vDotNL;
float4 vertexVDotNL;
float3 vColor[4];
float4 vCorrectedDotNL;
float4 vAttenuation;
float4 vAttenuationDotNL;
float3 vPosition[4];
float3 vDirection[4];
float3 vFinalLighting;
float3 vHalfDir[4];
half4 vDotNH;
half4 vertexVDotNH;
half4 vDotLH;
struct PoiVertexLights
float3 direction;
float3 color;
float attenuation;
struct PoiFragData
float3 baseColor;
float3 finalColor;
float alpha;
float3 emission;
float2 poiUV(float2 uv, float4 tex_st)
return uv * tex_st.xy +;
float calculateluminance(float3 color)
return color.r * 0.299 + color.g * 0.587 + color.b * 0.114;
bool IsInMirror()
return unity_CameraProjection[2][0] != 0.f || unity_CameraProjection[2][1] != 0.f;
bool IsOrthographicCamera()
return unity_OrthoParams.w == 1 || UNITY_MATRIX_P[3][3] == 1;
float shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(float L0, float3 L1, float3 n)
float R0 = max(0, L0);
float3 R1 = 0.5f * L1;
float lenR1 = length(R1);
float q = dot(normalize(R1), n) * 0.5 + 0.5;
q = saturate(q); // Thanks to ScruffyRuffles for the bug identity.
float p = 1.0f + 2.0f * lenR1 / R0;
float a = (1.0f - lenR1 / R0) / (1.0f + lenR1 / R0);
return R0 * (a + (1.0f - a) * (p + 1.0f) * pow(q, p));
half3 BetterSH9(half4 normal)
float3 indirect;
float3 L0 = float3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w) + float3(unity_SHBr.z, unity_SHBg.z, unity_SHBb.z) / 3.0;
indirect.r = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.r,,;
indirect.g = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.g,,;
indirect.b = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.b,,;
indirect = max(0, indirect);
indirect += SHEvalLinearL2(normal);
return indirect;
float3 getCameraForward()
float3 p1 = mul(unity_StereoCameraToWorld[0], float4(0, 0, 1, 1));
float3 p2 = mul(unity_StereoCameraToWorld[0], float4(0, 0, 0, 1));
float3 p1 = mul(unity_CameraToWorld, float4(0, 0, 1, 1)).xyz;
float3 p2 = mul(unity_CameraToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1)).xyz;
return normalize(p2 - p1);
half3 GetSHLength()
half3 x, x1;
x.r = length(unity_SHAr);
x.g = length(unity_SHAg);
x.b = length(unity_SHAb);
x1.r = length(unity_SHBr);
x1.g = length(unity_SHBg);
x1.b = length(unity_SHBb);
return x + x1;
float3 BoxProjection(float3 direction, float3 position, float4 cubemapPosition, float3 boxMin, float3 boxMax)
if (cubemapPosition.w > 0)
float3 factors = ((direction > 0 ? boxMax : boxMin) - position) / direction;
float scalar = min(min(factors.x, factors.y), factors.z);
direction = direction * scalar + (position -;
return direction;
float poiMax(float2 i)
return max(i.x, i.y);
float poiMax(float3 i)
return max(max(i.x, i.y), i.z);
float poiMax(float4 i)
return max(max(max(i.x, i.y), i.z), i.w);
float3 calculateNormal(in float3 baseNormal, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in Texture2D normalTexture, in float4 normal_ST, in float2 normalPan, in float normalUV, in float normalIntensity)
float3 normal = UnpackScaleNormal(POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(normalTexture, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[normalUV], normal_ST), normalPan), normalIntensity);
return normalize(
normal.x * poiMesh.tangent +
normal.y * poiMesh.binormal +
normal.z * baseNormal
float remap(float x, float minOld, float maxOld, float minNew = 0, float maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float2 remap(float2 x, float2 minOld, float2 maxOld, float2 minNew = 0, float2 maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float3 remap(float3 x, float3 minOld, float3 maxOld, float3 minNew = 0, float3 maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float4 remap(float4 x, float4 minOld, float4 maxOld, float4 minNew = 0, float4 maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float remapClamped(float minOld, float maxOld, float x, float minNew = 0, float maxNew = 1)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float2 remapClamped(float2 minOld, float2 maxOld, float2 x, float2 minNew, float2 maxNew)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float3 remapClamped(float3 minOld, float3 maxOld, float3 x, float3 minNew, float3 maxNew)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float4 remapClamped(float4 minOld, float4 maxOld, float4 x, float4 minNew, float4 maxNew)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float2 calcParallax(in float height, in PoiCam poiCam)
return ((height * - 1) + 1) * (poiCam.tangentViewDir.xy / poiCam.tangentViewDir.z);
float4 poiBlend(const float sourceFactor, const float4 sourceColor, const float destinationFactor, const float4 destinationColor, const float4 blendFactor)
float4 sA = 1 - blendFactor;
const float4 blendData[11] = {
float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - destinationColor,
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - sourceColor,
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - sA,
1 - sA,
return lerp(blendData[sourceFactor] * sourceColor + blendData[destinationFactor] * destinationColor, sourceColor, sA);
float3 blendAverage(float3 base, float3 blend)
return (base + blend) / 2.0;
float blendColorBurn(float base, float blend)
return (blend == 0.0)?blend : max((1.0 - ((1.0 - base) / blend)), 0.0);
float3 blendColorBurn(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendColorBurn(base.r, blend.r), blendColorBurn(base.g, blend.g), blendColorBurn(base.b, blend.b));
float blendColorDodge(float base, float blend)
return (blend == 1.0)?blend : min(base / (1.0 - blend), 1.0);
float3 blendColorDodge(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendColorDodge(base.r, blend.r), blendColorDodge(base.g, blend.g), blendColorDodge(base.b, blend.b));
float blendDarken(float base, float blend)
return min(blend, base);
float3 blendDarken(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendDarken(base.r, blend.r), blendDarken(base.g, blend.g), blendDarken(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendExclusion(float3 base, float3 blend)
return base + blend - 2.0 * base * blend;
float blendReflect(float base, float blend)
return (blend == 1.0)?blend : min(base * base / (1.0 - blend), 1.0);
float3 blendReflect(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendReflect(base.r, blend.r), blendReflect(base.g, blend.g), blendReflect(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendGlow(float3 base, float3 blend)
return blendReflect(blend, base);
float blendOverlay(float base, float blend)
return base < 0.5?(2.0 * base * blend) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend));
float3 blendOverlay(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendOverlay(base.r, blend.r), blendOverlay(base.g, blend.g), blendOverlay(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendHardLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return blendOverlay(blend, base);
float blendVividLight(float base, float blend)
return (blend < 0.5)?blendColorBurn(base, (2.0 * blend)) : blendColorDodge(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5)));
float3 blendVividLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendVividLight(base.r, blend.r), blendVividLight(base.g, blend.g), blendVividLight(base.b, blend.b));
float blendHardMix(float base, float blend)
return (blendVividLight(base, blend) < 0.5)?0.0 : 1.0;
float3 blendHardMix(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendHardMix(base.r, blend.r), blendHardMix(base.g, blend.g), blendHardMix(base.b, blend.b));
float blendLighten(float base, float blend)
return max(blend, base);
float3 blendLighten(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendLighten(base.r, blend.r), blendLighten(base.g, blend.g), blendLighten(base.b, blend.b));
float blendLinearBurn(float base, float blend)
return max(base + blend - 1.0, 0.0);
float3 blendLinearBurn(float3 base, float3 blend)
return max(base + blend - float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
float blendLinearDodge(float base, float blend)
return min(base + blend, 1.0);
float3 blendLinearDodge(float3 base, float3 blend)
return min(base + blend, float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
float blendLinearLight(float base, float blend)
return blend < 0.5?blendLinearBurn(base, (2.0 * blend)) : blendLinearDodge(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5)));
float3 blendLinearLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendLinearLight(base.r, blend.r), blendLinearLight(base.g, blend.g), blendLinearLight(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendMultiply(float3 base, float3 blend)
return base * blend;
float3 blendNegation(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - abs(float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - base - blend);
float3 blendNormal(float3 base, float3 blend)
return blend;
float3 blendPhoenix(float3 base, float3 blend)
return min(base, blend) - max(base, blend) + float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
float blendPinLight(float base, float blend)
return (blend < 0.5)?blendDarken(base, (2.0 * blend)) : blendLighten(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5)));
float3 blendPinLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendPinLight(base.r, blend.r), blendPinLight(base.g, blend.g), blendPinLight(base.b, blend.b));
float blendScreen(float base, float blend)
return 1.0 - ((1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend));
float3 blendScreen(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendScreen(base.r, blend.r), blendScreen(base.g, blend.g), blendScreen(base.b, blend.b));
float blendSoftLight(float base, float blend)
return (blend < 0.5)?(2.0 * base * blend + base * base * (1.0 - 2.0 * blend)) : (sqrt(base) * (2.0 * blend - 1.0) + 2.0 * base * (1.0 - blend));
float3 blendSoftLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendSoftLight(base.r, blend.r), blendSoftLight(base.g, blend.g), blendSoftLight(base.b, blend.b));
float blendSubtract(float base, float blend)
return max(base - blend, 0.0);
float3 blendSubtract(float3 base, float3 blend)
return max(base - blend, 0.0);
float blendDifference(float base, float blend)
return abs(base - blend);
float3 blendDifference(float3 base, float3 blend)
return abs(base - blend);
float blendDivide(float base, float blend)
return base / max(blend, 0.0001);
float3 blendDivide(float3 base, float3 blend)
return base / max(blend, 0.0001);
float3 customBlend(float3 base, float3 blend, float blendType)
float3 ret = 0;
case 0:
ret = blendNormal(base, blend);
case 1:
ret = blendDarken(base, blend);
case 2:
ret = blendMultiply(base, blend);
case 3:
ret = blendColorBurn(base, blend);
case 4:
ret = blendLinearBurn(base, blend);
case 5:
ret = blendLighten(base, blend);
case 6:
ret = blendScreen(base, blend);
case 7:
ret = blendColorDodge(base, blend);
case 8:
ret = blendLinearDodge(base, blend);
case 9:
ret = blendOverlay(base, blend);
case 10:
ret = blendSoftLight(base, blend);
case 11:
ret = blendHardLight(base, blend);
case 12:
ret = blendVividLight(base, blend);
case 13:
ret = blendLinearLight(base, blend);
case 14:
ret = blendPinLight(base, blend);
case 15:
ret = blendHardMix(base, blend);
case 16:
ret = blendDifference(base, blend);
case 17:
ret = blendExclusion(base, blend);
case 18:
ret = blendSubtract(base, blend);
case 19:
ret = blendDivide(base, blend);
return ret;
float random(float2 p)
return frac(sin(dot(p, float2(12.9898, 78.2383))) * 43758.5453123);
float2 random2(float2 p)
return frac(sin(float2(dot(p, float2(127.1, 311.7)), dot(p, float2(269.5, 183.3)))) * 43758.5453);
float3 random3(float3 p)
return frac(sin(float3(dot(p, float3(127.1, 311.7, 248.6)), dot(p, float3(269.5, 183.3, 423.3)), dot(p, float3(248.3, 315.9, 184.2)))) * 43758.5453);
float3 randomFloat3(float2 Seed, float maximum)
return (.5 + float3(
frac(sin(dot(Seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(Seed.yx, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(float2(Seed), float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453)
) * .5) * (maximum);
float3 randomFloat3Range(float2 Seed, float Range)
return (float3(
frac(sin(dot(Seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(Seed.yx, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(float2(Seed.x * Seed.y, Seed.y + Seed.x), float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453)
) * 2 - 1) * Range;
float3 randomFloat3WiggleRange(float2 Seed, float Range, float wiggleSpeed)
float3 rando = (float3(
frac(sin(dot(Seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(Seed.yx, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(float2(Seed.x * Seed.y, Seed.y + Seed.x), float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453)
) * 2 - 1);
float speed = 1 + wiggleSpeed;
return float3(sin((_Time.x + rando.x * PI) * speed), sin((_Time.x + rando.y * PI) * speed), sin((_Time.x + rando.z * PI) * speed)) * Range;
void poiDither(float4 In, float4 ScreenPosition, out float4 Out)
float2 uv = ScreenPosition.xy * _ScreenParams.xy;
1.0 / 17.0, 9.0 / 17.0, 3.0 / 17.0, 11.0 / 17.0,
13.0 / 17.0, 5.0 / 17.0, 15.0 / 17.0, 7.0 / 17.0,
4.0 / 17.0, 12.0 / 17.0, 2.0 / 17.0, 10.0 / 17.0,
16.0 / 17.0, 8.0 / 17.0, 14.0 / 17.0, 6.0 / 17.0
uint index = (uint(uv.x) % 4) * 4 + uint(uv.y) % 4;
Out = In - DITHER_THRESHOLDS[index];
static const float Epsilon = 1e-10;
static const float3 HCYwts = float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
static const float HCLgamma = 3;
static const float HCLy0 = 100;
static const float HCLmaxL = 0.530454533953517; // == exp(HCLgamma / HCLy0) - 0.5
static const float3 wref = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
#define TAU 6.28318531
float3 HUEtoRGB(in float H)
float R = abs(H * 6 - 3) - 1;
float G = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 2);
float B = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 4);
return saturate(float3(R, G, B));
float3 RGBtoHCV(in float3 RGB)
float4 P = (RGB.g < RGB.b) ? float4(, -1.0, 2.0 / 3.0) : float4(, 0.0, -1.0 / 3.0);
float4 Q = (RGB.r < P.x) ? float4(P.xyw, RGB.r) : float4(RGB.r, P.yzx);
float C = Q.x - min(Q.w, Q.y);
float H = abs((Q.w - Q.y) / (6 * C + Epsilon) + Q.z);
return float3(H, C, Q.x);
float3 HSVtoRGB(in float3 HSV)
float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSV.x);
return ((RGB - 1) * HSV.y + 1) * HSV.z;
float3 RGBtoHSV(in float3 RGB)
float3 HCV = RGBtoHCV(RGB);
float S = HCV.y / (HCV.z + Epsilon);
return float3(HCV.x, S, HCV.z);
float3 HSLtoRGB(in float3 HSL)
float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSL.x);
float C = (1 - abs(2 * HSL.z - 1)) * HSL.y;
return (RGB - 0.5) * C + HSL.z;
float3 RGBtoHSL(in float3 RGB)
float3 HCV = RGBtoHCV(RGB);
float L = HCV.z - HCV.y * 0.5;
float S = HCV.y / (1 - abs(L * 2 - 1) + Epsilon);
return float3(HCV.x, S, L);
float3 hueShift(float3 color, float hueOffset)
color = RGBtoHSV(color);
color.x = frac(hueOffset +color.x);
return HSVtoRGB(color);
float xyzF(float t)
return lerp(pow(t, 1. / 3.), 7.787037 * t + 0.139731, step(t, 0.00885645));
float xyzR(float t)
return lerp(t * t * t, 0.1284185 * (t - 0.139731), step(t, 0.20689655));
float4x4 poiRotationMatrixFromAngles(float x, float y, float z)
float angleX = radians(x);
float c = cos(angleX);
float s = sin(angleX);
float4x4 rotateXMatrix = float4x4(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, c, -s, 0,
0, s, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleY = radians(y);
c = cos(angleY);
s = sin(angleY);
float4x4 rotateYMatrix = float4x4(c, 0, s, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
- s, 0, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleZ = radians(z);
c = cos(angleZ);
s = sin(angleZ);
float4x4 rotateZMatrix = float4x4(c, -s, 0, 0,
s, c, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
return mul(mul(rotateXMatrix, rotateYMatrix), rotateZMatrix);
float4x4 poiRotationMatrixFromAngles(float3 angles)
float angleX = radians(angles.x);
float c = cos(angleX);
float s = sin(angleX);
float4x4 rotateXMatrix = float4x4(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, c, -s, 0,
0, s, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleY = radians(angles.y);
c = cos(angleY);
s = sin(angleY);
float4x4 rotateYMatrix = float4x4(c, 0, s, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
- s, 0, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleZ = radians(angles.z);
c = cos(angleZ);
s = sin(angleZ);
float4x4 rotateZMatrix = float4x4(c, -s, 0, 0,
s, c, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
return mul(mul(rotateXMatrix, rotateYMatrix), rotateZMatrix);
float3 getCameraPosition()
return lerp(unity_StereoWorldSpaceCameraPos[0], unity_StereoWorldSpaceCameraPos[1], 0.5);
return _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
half2 calcScreenUVs(half4 grabPos)
half2 uv = grabPos.xy / (grabPos.w + 0.0000000001);
uv.xy *= half2(_ScreenParams.x * 2, _ScreenParams.y);
uv.xy *= _ScreenParams.xy;
return uv;
float CalcMipLevel(float2 texture_coord)
float2 dx = ddx(texture_coord);
float2 dy = ddy(texture_coord);
float delta_max_sqr = max(dot(dx, dx), dot(dy, dy));
return 0.5 * log2(delta_max_sqr);
float inverseLerp(float A, float B, float T)
return (T - A) / (B - A);
float inverseLerp2(float2 a, float2 b, float2 value)
float2 AB = b - a;
float2 AV = value - a;
return dot(AV, AB) / dot(AB, AB);
float inverseLerp3(float3 a, float3 b, float3 value)
float3 AB = b - a;
float3 AV = value - a;
return dot(AV, AB) / dot(AB, AB);
float inverseLerp4(float4 a, float4 b, float4 value)
float4 AB = b - a;
float4 AV = value - a;
return dot(AV, AB) / dot(AB, AB);
float4 quaternion_conjugate(float4 v)
return float4(
v.x, -v.yzw
float4 quaternion_mul(float4 v1, float4 v2)
float4 result1 = (v1.x * v2 + v1 * v2.x);
float4 result2 = float4(
- dot(v1.yzw, v2.yzw),
cross(v1.yzw, v2.yzw)
return float4(result1 + result2);
float4 get_quaternion_from_angle(float3 axis, float angle)
float sn = sin(angle * 0.5);
float cs = cos(angle * 0.5);
return float4(axis * sn, cs);
float4 quaternion_from_vector(float3 inVec)
return float4(0.0, inVec);
float degree_to_radius(float degree)
return (
degree / 180.0 * PI
float3 rotate_with_quaternion(float3 inVec, float3 rotation)
float4 qx = get_quaternion_from_angle(float3(1, 0, 0), radians(rotation.x));
float4 qy = get_quaternion_from_angle(float3(0, 1, 0), radians(rotation.y));
float4 qz = get_quaternion_from_angle(float3(0, 0, 1), radians(rotation.z));
#define MUL3(A, B, C) quaternion_mul(quaternion_mul((A), (B)), (C))
float4 quaternion = normalize(MUL3(qx, qy, qz));
float4 conjugate = quaternion_conjugate(quaternion);
float4 inVecQ = quaternion_from_vector(inVec);
float3 rotated = (
MUL3(quaternion, inVecQ, conjugate)
return rotated;
float4 transform(float4 input, float4 pos, float4 rotation, float4 scale)
input.rgb *= ( * scale.w);
input = float4(rotate_with_quaternion(, * rotation.w) + ( * pos.w), input.w);
return input;
float3 poiThemeColor(in PoiMods poiMods, in float3 srcColor, in float themeIndex)
if (themeIndex == 0) return srcColor;
themeIndex -= 1;
if (themeIndex <= 3)
return poiMods.globalColorTheme[themeIndex];
if (poiMods.audioLinkAvailable)
return poiMods.globalColorTheme[themeIndex];
return srcColor;
float lilIsIn0to1(float f)
float value = 0.5 - abs(f - 0.5);
return saturate(value / clamp(fwidth(value), 0.0001, 1.0));
float lilIsIn0to1(float f, float nv)
float value = 0.5 - abs(f - 0.5);
return saturate(value / clamp(fwidth(value), 0.0001, nv));
float poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border)
return (value - border) / clamp(fwidth(value), 0.0001, 1.0);
float poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur)
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return (value - borderMin) / saturate(borderMax - borderMin + fwidth(value));
float poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5 - borderRange);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return (value - borderMin) / saturate(borderMax - borderMin + fwidth(value));
float poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border)
float fwidthValue = fwidth(value);
return smoothstep(border - fwidthValue, border + fwidthValue, value);
float poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur)
float fwidthValue = fwidth(value);
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return smoothstep(borderMin - fwidthValue, borderMax + fwidthValue, value);
float poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
float fwidthValue = fwidth(value);
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5 - borderRange);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return smoothstep(borderMin - fwidthValue, borderMax + fwidthValue, value);
float poiEdgeNonLinear(float value, float border)
return saturate(poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(value, border));
float poiEdgeNonLinear(float value, float border, float blur)
return saturate(poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur));
float poiEdgeNonLinear(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
return saturate(poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur, borderRange));
float poiEdgeLinear(float value, float border)
return saturate(poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(value, border));
float poiEdgeLinear(float value, float border, float blur)
return saturate(poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur));
float poiEdgeLinear(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
return saturate(poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur, borderRange));
float3 OpenLitLinearToSRGB(float3 col)
return LinearToGammaSpace(col);
float3 OpenLitSRGBToLinear(float3 col)
return GammaToLinearSpace(col);
float OpenLitLuminance(float3 rgb)
return dot(rgb, float3(0.22, 0.707, 0.071));
return dot(rgb, float3(0.0396819152, 0.458021790, 0.00609653955));
float OpenLitGray(float3 rgb)
return dot(rgb, float3(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0));
void OpenLitShadeSH9ToonDouble(float3 lightDirection, out float3 shMax, out float3 shMin)
float3 N = lightDirection * 0.666666;
float4 vB = N.xyzz * N.yzzx;
float3 res = float3(unity_SHAr.w,unity_SHAg.w,unity_SHAb.w);
res.r += dot(unity_SHBr, vB);
res.g += dot(unity_SHBg, vB);
res.b += dot(unity_SHBb, vB);
res += unity_SHC.rgb * (N.x * N.x - N.y * N.y);
float3 l1;
l1.r = dot(unity_SHAr.rgb, N);
l1.g = dot(unity_SHAg.rgb, N);
l1.b = dot(unity_SHAb.rgb, N);
shMax = res + l1;
shMin = res - l1;
shMax = OpenLitLinearToSRGB(shMax);
shMin = OpenLitLinearToSRGB(shMin);
shMax = 0.0;
shMin = 0.0;
float3 OpenLitComputeCustomLightDirection(float4 lightDirectionOverride)
float3 customDir = length( * normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld,;
return lightDirectionOverride.w ? customDir :; // .w isn't doc'd anywhere and is always 0 unless end user changes it
float3 OpenLitLightingDirection(float4 lightDirectionOverride)
float3 mainDir = * OpenLitLuminance(_LightColor0.rgb);
float3 sh9Dir = * 0.333333 + * 0.333333 + * 0.333333;
float3 sh9DirAbs = float3(sh9Dir.x, abs(sh9Dir.y), sh9Dir.z);
float3 sh9Dir = 0;
float3 sh9DirAbs = 0;
float3 customDir = OpenLitComputeCustomLightDirection(lightDirectionOverride);
return normalize(sh9DirAbs + mainDir + customDir);
float3 OpenLitLightingDirection()
float4 customDir = float4(0.001,0.002,0.001,0.0);
return OpenLitLightingDirection(customDir);
inline float4 CalculateFrustumCorrection()
float x1 = -UNITY_MATRIX_P._31 / (UNITY_MATRIX_P._11 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._34);
float x2 = -UNITY_MATRIX_P._32 / (UNITY_MATRIX_P._22 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._34);
return float4(x1, x2, 0, UNITY_MATRIX_P._33 / UNITY_MATRIX_P._34 + x1 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._13 + x2 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._23);
inline float CorrectedLinearEyeDepth(float z, float B)
return 1.0 / (z / UNITY_MATRIX_P._34 + B);
float2 sharpSample( float4 texelSize , float2 p )
p = p*;
float2 c = max(0.0, fwidth(p));
p = floor(p) + saturate(frac(p) / c);
p = (p - 0.5)*texelSize.xy;
return p;
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
PoiInitStruct(v2f, o);
o.objectPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1)).xyz;
o.objNormal = v.normal;
o.normal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
o.tangent = UnityObjectToWorldDir(v.tangent);
o.binormal = cross(o.normal, o.tangent) * (v.tangent.w * unity_WorldTransformParams.w);
o.vertexColor = v.color;
o.uv[0] = v.uv0;
o.uv[1] = v.uv1;
o.uv[2] = v.uv2;
o.uv[3] = v.uv3;
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
o.lightmapUV.xy = v.uv1.xy * unity_LightmapST.xy +;
#ifdef DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON = v.uv2.xy * unity_DynamicLightmapST.xy +;
o.localPos = v.vertex;
o.worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, o.localPos);
float3 localOffset = float3(0, 0, 0);
float3 worldOffset = float3(0, 0, 0);
o.localPos.rgb += localOffset;
o.worldPos.rgb += worldOffset;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(o.localPos);
#if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z)
o.pos.z += _Offset_Z * - 0.01;
o.pos.z += _Offset_Z * 0.01;
o.grabPos = ComputeGrabScreenPos(o.pos);
if (float(0))
if (o.pos.w < _ProjectionParams.y * 1.01 && o.pos.w > 0)
o.pos.z = o.pos.z * 0.0001 + o.pos.w * 0.999;
o.pos = UnityMetaVertexPosition(v.vertex, v.uv1.xy, v.uv2.xy, unity_LightmapST, unity_DynamicLightmapST);
#if defined(GRAIN)
float4 worldDirection; = - _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
worldDirection.w = dot(o.pos, CalculateFrustumCorrection());
o.worldDirection = worldDirection;
return o;
void calculateGlobalThemes(inout PoiMods poiMods)
poiMods.globalColorTheme[0] = float4(1,1,1,1);
poiMods.globalColorTheme[1] = float4(1,1,1,1);
poiMods.globalColorTheme[2] = float4(1,1,1,1);
poiMods.globalColorTheme[3] = float4(1,1,1,1);
float2 calculatePolarCoordinate(in PoiMesh poiMesh)
float2 delta = poiMesh.uv[float(0)] - float4(0.5,0.5,0,0);
float radius = length(delta) * 2 * float(1);
float angle = atan2(delta.x, delta.y) * 1.0 / 6.28 * float(1);
return float2(radius, angle + distance(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(0.5,0.5,0,0)) * float(0));
float2 MonoPanoProjection(float3 coords)
float3 normalizedCoords = normalize(coords);
float latitude = acos(normalizedCoords.y);
float longitude = atan2(normalizedCoords.z, normalizedCoords.x);
float2 sphereCoords = float2(longitude, latitude) * float2(1.0 / UNITY_PI, 1.0 / UNITY_PI);
sphereCoords = float2(1.0, 1.0) - sphereCoords;
return(sphereCoords + float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 1.0).xy) * float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 1.0).zw;
float2 StereoPanoProjection(float3 coords)
float3 normalizedCoords = normalize(coords);
float latitude = acos(normalizedCoords.y);
float longitude = atan2(normalizedCoords.z, normalizedCoords.x);
float2 sphereCoords = float2(longitude, latitude) * float2(0.5 / UNITY_PI, 1.0 / UNITY_PI);
sphereCoords = float2(0.5, 1.0) - sphereCoords;
return(sphereCoords + float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 0.5).xy) * float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 0.5).zw;
float2 calculatePanosphereUV(in PoiMesh poiMesh)
float3 viewDirection = normalize(lerp(getCameraPosition().xyz,, float(1)) - * - 1;
return lerp(MonoPanoProjection(viewDirection), StereoPanoProjection(viewDirection), float(0));
void applyAlphaOptions(inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam, in PoiMods poiMods)
poiFragData.alpha = saturate(poiFragData.alpha + float(0));
float2 decalUV(float uvNumber, float4 uv_st, float2 position, half rotation, half rotationSpeed, half2 scale, float4 scaleOffset, float depth, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam)
scaleOffset = float4(-scaleOffset.x, scaleOffset.y, -scaleOffset.z, scaleOffset.w);
float2 uv = poiUV(poiMesh.uv[uvNumber], uv_st) + calcParallax(depth + 1, poiCam);
float2 decalCenter = position;
float theta = radians(rotation + _Time.z * rotationSpeed);
float cs = cos(theta);
float sn = sin(theta);
uv = float2((uv.x - decalCenter.x) * cs - (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * sn + decalCenter.x, (uv.x - decalCenter.x) * sn + (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * cs + decalCenter.y);
uv = remap(uv, float2(0, 0) - scale / 2 + position + scaleOffset.xz, scale / 2 + position + scaleOffset.yw, float2(0, 0), float2(1, 1));
return uv;
inline float3 decalHueShift(float enabled, float3 color, float shift, float shiftSpeed)
if (enabled)
color = hueShift(color, shift + _Time.x * shiftSpeed);
return color;
inline float applyTilingClipping(float enabled, float2 uv)
float ret = 1;
if (!enabled)
if (uv.x > 1 || uv.y > 1 || uv.x < 0 || uv.y < 0)
ret = 0;
return ret;
void applyDecals(inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam, in PoiMods poiMods, in PoiLight poiLight)
float decalAlpha = 1;
float alphaOverride = 0;
#if defined(PROP_DECALMASK) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
float4 decalMask = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_DecalMask, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 decalMask = 1;
#ifdef TPS_Penetrator
if (float(0))
decalMask.r = lerp(0, decalMask.r * TPSBufferedDepth(poiMesh.localPos, poiMesh.vertexColor), float(1));
decalMask.g = lerp(0, decalMask.g * TPSBufferedDepth(poiMesh.localPos, poiMesh.vertexColor), float(1));
decalMask.b = lerp(0, decalMask.b * TPSBufferedDepth(poiMesh.localPos, poiMesh.vertexColor), float(1));
decalMask.a = lerp(0, decalMask.a * TPSBufferedDepth(poiMesh.localPos, poiMesh.vertexColor), float(1));
float4 decalColor = 1;
float2 uv = 0;
float2 decalScale = float2(1, 1);
float decalRotation = 0;
float2 ddxuv = 0;
float2 ddyuv = 0;
float4 sideMod = 0;
if (alphaOverride)
poiFragData.alpha *= decalAlpha;
poiFragData.baseColor = saturate(poiFragData.baseColor);
//ifex float(1)==0
#define HARD 0
#define LERP 1
float V_SmithGGXCorrelated(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL)
float a2 = roughness * roughness;
float lambdaV = NoL * sqrt((NoV - a2 * NoV) * NoV + a2);
float lambdaL = NoV * sqrt((NoL - a2 * NoL) * NoL + a2);
float v = 0.5 / (lambdaV + lambdaL);
return v;
float D_GGX(float roughness, float NoH)
float oneMinusNoHSquared = 1.0 - NoH * NoH;
float a = NoH * roughness;
float k = roughness / (oneMinusNoHSquared + a * a);
float d = k * k * (1.0 / UNITY_PI);
return d;
float D_Charlie(float roughness, float NoH)
float invAlpha = 1.0 / roughness;
float cos2h = NoH * NoH;
float sin2h = max(1.0 - cos2h, 0.0078125); // 0.0078125 = 2^(-14/2), so sin2h^2 > 0 in fp16
return (2.0 + invAlpha) * pow(sin2h, invAlpha * 0.5) / (2.0 * UNITY_PI);
float V_Neubelt(float NoV, float NoL)
return 1.0 / (4.0 * (NoL + NoV - NoL * NoV));
float Distribution(float roughness, float NoH, float cloth)
return lerp(GGXTerm(roughness, NoH), D_Charlie(roughness, NoH), cloth);
return cloth <= 0.5 ? GGXTerm(roughness, NoH) : D_Charlie(roughness, NoH);
float Visibility(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL, float cloth)
return lerp(V_SmithGGXCorrelated(roughness, NoV, NoL), V_Neubelt(NoV, NoL), cloth);
return cloth <= 0.5 ? V_SmithGGXCorrelated(roughness, NoV, NoL) : V_Neubelt(NoV, NoL);
float F_Schlick(float3 f0, float f90, float VoH)
return f0 + (f90 - f0) * pow(1.0 - VoH, 5);
float F_Schlick(float3 f0, float VoH)
float f = pow(1.0 - VoH, 5.0);
return f + f0 * (1.0 - f);
float Fresnel(float3 f0, float LoH)
float f90 = saturate(dot(f0, float(50.0 * 0.33).xxx));
return F_Schlick(f0, f90, LoH);
float Fd_Burley(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL, float LoH)
float f90 = 0.5 + 2.0 * roughness * LoH * LoH;
float lightScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, f90, NoL);
float viewScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, f90, NoV);
return lightScatter * viewScatter;
float Fd_Wrap(float NoL, float w)
return saturate((NoL + w) / pow(1.0 + w, 2));
float4 SampleDFG(float NoV, float perceptualRoughness)
return _ClothDFG.Sample(sampler_ClothDFG, float3(NoV, perceptualRoughness, 0));
float3 EnvBRDF(float2 dfg, float3 f0)
return f0 * dfg.x + dfg.y;
float3 EnvBRDFMultiscatter(float3 dfg, float3 f0, float cloth)
return lerp(lerp(, dfg.yyy, f0), f0 * dfg.z, cloth);
return cloth <= 0.5 ? lerp(, dfg.yyy, f0) : f0 * dfg.z;
float3 EnvBRDFEnergyCompensation(float3 dfg, float3 f0, float cloth)
return lerp(1.0 + f0 * (1.0 / dfg.y - 1.0), 1, cloth);
return cloth <= 0.5 ? 1.0 + f0 * (1.0 / dfg.y - 1.0) : 1;
float ClothMetallic(float cloth)
return cloth;
return cloth <= 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
float3 Specular(float roughness, PoiLight poiLight, float f0, float3 normal, float cloth)
float NoL = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
float NoH = poiLight.nDotH;
float LoH = poiLight.lDotH;
float NoV = poiLight.nDotV;
float D = Distribution(roughness, NoH, cloth);
float V = Visibility(roughness, NoV, NoL, cloth);
float3 F = Fresnel(f0, LoH);
return (D * V) * F;
float3 getBoxProjection(float3 direction, float3 position, float4 cubemapPosition, float3 boxMin, float3 boxMax)
if (cubemapPosition.w > 0)
float3 factors = ((direction > 0 ? boxMax : boxMin) - position) / direction;
float scalar = min(min(factors.x, factors.y), factors.z);
direction = direction * scalar + (position -;
return direction;
float SpecularAO(float NoV, float ao, float roughness)
return clamp(pow(NoV + ao, exp2(-16.0 * roughness - 1.0)) - 1.0 + ao, 0.0, 1.0);
float3 IndirectSpecular(float3 dfg, float roughness, float occlusion, float energyCompensation, float cloth, float3 indirectDiffuse, float f0, PoiLight poiLight, PoiFragData poiFragData, PoiCam poiCam, PoiMesh poiMesh)
float3 normal = poiMesh.normals[1];
float3 reflDir = reflect(-poiCam.viewDir, normal);
Unity_GlossyEnvironmentData envData;
envData.roughness = roughness;
envData.reflUVW = getBoxProjection(reflDir, poiMesh.worldPos, unity_SpecCube0_ProbePosition,,;
float3 probe0 = Unity_GlossyEnvironment(UNITY_PASS_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0), unity_SpecCube0_HDR, envData);
float3 indirectSpecular = probe0;
if (unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin.w < 0.99999)
envData.reflUVW = getBoxProjection(reflDir, poiMesh.worldPos, unity_SpecCube1_ProbePosition,,;
float3 probe1 = Unity_GlossyEnvironment(UNITY_PASS_TEXCUBE_SAMPLER(unity_SpecCube1, unity_SpecCube0), unity_SpecCube1_HDR, envData);
indirectSpecular = lerp(probe1, probe0, unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin.w);
float horizon = min(1 + dot(reflDir, normal), 1);
indirectSpecular = indirectSpecular * horizon * horizon * energyCompensation * EnvBRDFMultiscatter(dfg, f0, cloth);
indirectSpecular *= SpecularAO(poiLight.nDotV, occlusion, roughness);
return indirectSpecular;
#undef LERP
#undef HARD
float _LightingWrappedWrap;
float _LightingWrappedNormalization;
float RTWrapFunc(in float dt, in float w, in float norm)
float cw = saturate(w);
float o = (dt + cw) / ((1.0 + cw) * (1.0 + cw * norm));
float flt = 1.0 - 0.85 * norm;
if (w > 1.0)
o = lerp(o, flt, w - 1.0);
return o;
float3 GreenWrapSH(float fA) // Greens unoptimized and non-normalized
float fAs = saturate(fA);
float4 t = float4(fA + 1, fAs - 1, fA - 2, fAs + 1); // DJL edit: allow wrapping to L0-only at w=2
return float3(t.x, -t.z * t.x / 3, 0.25 * t.y * t.y * t.w);
float3 GreenWrapSHOpt(float fW) // optimised and normalized
const float4 t0 = float4(0.0, 1.0 / 4.0, -1.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 2.0);
const float4 t1 = float4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 4.0, 0.0);
float3 fWs = float3(fW, fW, saturate(fW)); // DJL edit: allow wrapping to L0-only at w=2
float3 r; = t0.xxy * fWs + t0.xzw; = * fWs +;
return r;
float3 ShadeSH9_wrapped(float3 normal, float wrap)
float3 x0, x1, x2;
float3 conv = lerp(GreenWrapSH(wrap), GreenWrapSHOpt(wrap), float(0)); // Should try optimizing this...
conv *= float3(1, 1.5, 4); // Undo pre-applied cosine convolution by using the inverse
x0 = float3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w);
float3 L2_0 = float3(unity_SHBr.z, unity_SHBg.z, unity_SHBb.z) / - 3.0;
x0 -= L2_0;
x1.r = dot(, normal);
x1.g = dot(, normal);
x1.b = dot(, normal);
float4 vB = normal.xyzz * normal.yzzx;
x2.r = dot(unity_SHBr, vB);
x2.g = dot(unity_SHBg, vB);
x2.b = dot(unity_SHBb, vB);
float vC = normal.x * normal.x - normal.y * normal.y;
x2 += unity_SHC.rgb * vC;
x2 += L2_0;
return x0 * conv.x + x1 * conv.y + x2 * conv.z;
float3 GetSHDirectionL1()
return Unity_SafeNormalize(( + +;
half3 GetSHMaxL1()
float3 maxDirection = GetSHDirectionL1();
return ShadeSH9_wrapped(maxDirection, 0);
void applyShadeMapping(inout PoiFragData poiFragData, PoiMesh poiMesh, inout PoiLight poiLight)
float MainColorFeatherStep = float(0.5) - float(0.0001);
float firstColorFeatherStep = float(0) - float(0.0001);
#if defined(PROP_1ST_SHADEMAP) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
float4 firstShadeMap = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_1st_ShadeMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 firstShadeMap = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
firstShadeMap = lerp(firstShadeMap, float4(poiFragData.baseColor, 1), float(0));
#if defined(PROP_2ND_SHADEMAP) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
float4 secondShadeMap = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_2nd_ShadeMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 secondShadeMap = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
secondShadeMap = lerp(secondShadeMap, firstShadeMap, float(0));
firstShadeMap.rgb *= float4(1,1,1,1).rgb; //* lighColor
secondShadeMap.rgb *= float4(1,1,1,1).rgb; //* LightColor;
float shadowMask = 1;
shadowMask *= float(0) ?(float(0) ?(1.0 - firstShadeMap.a) : firstShadeMap.a) : 1;
shadowMask *= float(0) ?(float(0) ?(1.0 - secondShadeMap.a) : secondShadeMap.a) : 1;
float mainShadowMask = saturate(1 - ((poiLight.lightMap) - MainColorFeatherStep) / (float(0.5) - MainColorFeatherStep) * (shadowMask));
float firstSecondShadowMask = saturate(1 - ((poiLight.lightMap) - firstColorFeatherStep) / (float(0) - firstColorFeatherStep) * (shadowMask));
mainShadowMask *= poiLight.shadowMask * float(1);
firstSecondShadowMask *= poiLight.shadowMask * float(1);
if (float(0) == 0)
poiFragData.baseColor.rgb = lerp(poiFragData.baseColor.rgb, lerp(firstShadeMap.rgb, secondShadeMap.rgb, firstSecondShadowMask), mainShadowMask);
poiFragData.baseColor.rgb *= lerp(1, lerp(firstShadeMap.rgb, secondShadeMap.rgb, firstSecondShadowMask), mainShadowMask);
poiLight.rampedLightMap = 1 - mainShadowMask;
void ApplySubtractiveLighting(inout UnityIndirect indirectLight)
poiLight.attenuation = FadeShadows(lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, _AttenuationMultiplier));
float ndotl = saturate(dot(i.normal,;
float3 shadowedLightEstimate = ndotl * (1 - poiLight.attenuation) * _LightColor0.rgb;
float3 subtractedLight = indirectLight.diffuse - shadowedLightEstimate;
subtractedLight = max(subtractedLight, unity_ShadowColor.rgb);
subtractedLight = lerp(subtractedLight, indirectLight.diffuse, _LightShadowData.x);
indirectLight.diffuse = min(subtractedLight, indirectLight.diffuse);
UnityIndirect CreateIndirectLight(in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam, in PoiLight poiLight)
UnityIndirect indirectLight;
indirectLight.diffuse = 0;
indirectLight.specular = 0;
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
indirectLight.diffuse = DecodeLightmap(UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_Lightmap, poiMesh.lightmapUV.xy));
float4 lightmapDirection = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(
unity_LightmapInd, unity_Lightmap, poiMesh.lightmapUV.xy
indirectLight.diffuse = DecodeDirectionalLightmap(
indirectLight.diffuse, lightmapDirection, poiMesh.normals[1]
float3 dynamicLightDiffuse = DecodeRealtimeLightmap(
float4 dynamicLightmapDirection = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(
unity_DynamicDirectionality, unity_DynamicLightmap,
indirectLight.diffuse += DecodeDirectionalLightmap(
dynamicLightDiffuse, dynamicLightmapDirection, poiMesh.normals[1]
indirectLight.diffuse += dynamicLightDiffuse;
#if !defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) && !defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON)
if (unity_ProbeVolumeParams.x == 1)
indirectLight.diffuse = SHEvalLinearL0L1_SampleProbeVolume(
float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1), poiMesh.worldPos
indirectLight.diffuse = max(0, indirectLight.diffuse);
indirectLight.diffuse = LinearToGammaSpace(indirectLight.diffuse);
indirectLight.diffuse += max(0, ShadeSH9(float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1)));
indirectLight.diffuse += max(0, ShadeSH9(float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1)));
indirectLight.diffuse *= poiLight.occlusion;
return indirectLight;
void calculateShading(inout PoiLight poiLight, inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam)
float shadowStrength = float(1) * poiLight.shadowMask;
shadowStrength = lerp(0, shadowStrength, _OutlineShadowStrength);
poiLight.finalLighting = poiLight.directColor;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
float4 blurMap = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_MultilayerMathBlurMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 blurMap = 1;
float4 lns = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
if (float(1))
lns.x = poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.1) * blurMap.r);
lns.y = poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.3) * blurMap.g);
lns.z = poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.25), float(0.1) * blurMap.b);
lns.w = poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.1) * blurMap.r, float(0));
lns.x = poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.1) * blurMap.r);
lns.y = poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.3) * blurMap.g);
lns.z = poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.25), float(0.1) * blurMap.b);
lns.w = poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.1) * blurMap.r, float(0));
lns = saturate(lns);
float3 indirectColor = 1;
if (float4(0.4479884,0.5225216,0.6920712,1).a > 0)
float4 shadowColorTex = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_ShadowColorTex, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 shadowColorTex = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
indirectColor = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), shadowColorTex.rgb, shadowColorTex.a) * float4(0.4479884,0.5225216,0.6920712,1).rgb;
if (float4(0,0,0,0).a > 0)
float4 shadow2ndColorTex = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_Shadow2ndColorTex, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 shadow2ndColorTex = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
shadow2ndColorTex.rgb = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), shadow2ndColorTex.rgb, shadow2ndColorTex.a) * float4(0,0,0,0).rgb;
lns.y = float4(0,0,0,0).a - lns.y * float4(0,0,0,0).a;
indirectColor = lerp(indirectColor, shadow2ndColorTex.rgb, lns.y);
if (float4(0,0,0,0).a > 0)
float4 shadow3rdColorTex = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_Shadow3rdColorTex, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 shadow3rdColorTex = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
shadow3rdColorTex.rgb = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), shadow3rdColorTex.rgb, shadow3rdColorTex.a) * float4(0,0,0,0).rgb;
lns.z = float4(0,0,0,0).a - lns.z * float4(0,0,0,0).a;
indirectColor = lerp(indirectColor, shadow3rdColorTex.rgb, lns.z);
poiLight.rampedLightMap = lns.x;
indirectColor = lerp(indirectColor, 1, lns.w * float4(1,0,0,1).rgb);
indirectColor = indirectColor * lerp(poiLight.indirectColor, poiLight.directColor, float(1));
indirectColor = lerp(poiLight.directColor, indirectColor, shadowStrength * poiLight.shadowMask);
poiLight.finalLighting = lerp(indirectColor, poiLight.directColor, lns.x);
poiLight.finalLighting = poiLight.directColor;
UnityLight light;
light.dir = poiLight.direction;
light.color = saturate(_LightColor0.rgb * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength) * poiLight.detailShadow);
light.ndotl = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
poiLight.finalLighting = max(UNITY_BRDF_PBS(1, 0, 0, 0, poiMesh.normals[1], poiCam.viewDir, light, CreateIndirectLight(poiMesh, poiCam, poiLight)).xyz, float(0));
float4 clothmapsample = POI2D_MAINTEX_SAMPLER_PAN_INLINED(_ClothMetallicSmoothnessMap, poiMesh);
float roughness = 1 - (clothmapsample.a * float(0.5));
float reflectance = float(0.5) * clothmapsample.b;
float clothmask = clothmapsample.g;
float metallic = pow(clothmapsample.r * _ClothMetallic, 2) * ClothMetallic(clothmask);
roughness = float(0) == 1 ? 1 - roughness : roughness;
float roughness = 1 - (float(0.5));
float metallic = pow(_ClothMetallic, 2);
float reflectance = float(0.5);
float clothmask = 1;
float perceptualRoughness = pow(roughness, 2);
float clampedRoughness = max(0.002, perceptualRoughness);
float f0 = 0.16 * reflectance * reflectance * (1 - metallic) + poiFragData.baseColor * metallic;
float3 fresnel = Fresnel(f0, poiLight.nDotV);
float3 dfg = SampleDFG(poiLight.nDotV, perceptualRoughness);
float energyCompensation = EnvBRDFEnergyCompensation(dfg, f0, clothmask);
poiLight.finalLighting = Fd_Burley(perceptualRoughness, poiLight.nDotV, poiLight.nDotLSaturated, poiLight.lDotH);
poiLight.finalLighting *= _LightColor0 * poiLight.attenuation * poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
float3 specular = max(0, Specular(clampedRoughness, poiLight, f0, poiMesh.normals[1], clothmask) * poiLight.finalLighting * energyCompensation * UNITY_PI); // (D * V) * F
float3 L0 = float3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w);
float3 indirectDiffuse;
indirectDiffuse.r = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.r,, poiMesh.normals[1]);
indirectDiffuse.g = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.g,, poiMesh.normals[1]);
indirectDiffuse.b = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.b,, poiMesh.normals[1]);
indirectDiffuse = max(0, indirectDiffuse);
float3 indirectSpecular = IndirectSpecular(dfg, roughness, poiLight.occlusion, energyCompensation, clothmask, indirectDiffuse, f0, poiLight, poiFragData, poiCam, poiMesh);
poiLight.finalLightAdd += max(0, specular + indirectSpecular);
poiLight.finalLighting += indirectDiffuse * poiLight.occlusion; *= (1 - metallic);
#define GREYSCALE_VECTOR float3(.33333, .33333, .33333)
float3 directColor = _LightColor0.rgb * saturate(RTWrapFunc(poiLight.nDotL, float(0), float(0))) * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength);
float3 indirectColor = ShadeSH9_wrapped(poiMesh.normals[float(0)], float(0)) * poiLight.occlusion;
float3 ShadeSH9Plus_2 = GetSHMaxL1();
float bw_topDirectLighting_2 = dot(_LightColor0.rgb, GREYSCALE_VECTOR);
float bw_directLighting = dot(directColor, GREYSCALE_VECTOR);
float bw_indirectLighting = dot(indirectColor, GREYSCALE_VECTOR);
float bw_topIndirectLighting = dot(ShadeSH9Plus_2, GREYSCALE_VECTOR);
poiLight.lightMap = smoothstep(0, bw_topIndirectLighting + bw_topDirectLighting_2, bw_indirectLighting + bw_directLighting) * poiLight.detailShadow;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = saturate((poiLight.lightMap - (1 - float(0.5))) / saturate((1 - float(0)) - (1 - float(0.5)) + fwidth(poiLight.lightMap)));
float3 mathRamp = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), saturate(lerp((float4(1,1,1,1) * lerp(indirectColor, 1, float(1))), float3(1, 1, 1), saturate(poiLight.rampedLightMap))), float(1));
float3 finalWrap = directColor + indirectColor;
if (float(1))
finalWrap = clamp(finalWrap, float(0), float(1));
finalWrap = max(finalWrap, float(0));
poiLight.finalLighting = finalWrap * saturate(mathRamp + 1 - float(1));
float3 ambientNormalWorld = poiMesh.normals[1];//aTangentToWorld(s, s.blurredNormalTangent);
poiLight.rampedLightMap = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
float subsurface = 1;
float skinScattering = saturate(subsurface * float(1) * 2);
half3 absorption = exp((1.0h - subsurface) * float4(-8,-40,-64,0).rgb);
absorption *= saturate(poiFragData.baseColor * unity_ColorSpaceDouble.rgb);
ambientNormalWorld = normalize(lerp(poiMesh.normals[1], ambientNormalWorld, float(0.7)));
float ndlBlur = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.direction) * 0.5h + 0.5h;
float lumi = dot(poiLight.directColor, half3(0.2126h, 0.7152h, 0.0722h));
float4 sssLookupUv = float4(ndlBlur, skinScattering * lumi, 0.0f, 0.0f);
half3 sss = poiLight.lightMap * poiLight.attenuation * tex2Dlod(_SkinLUT, sssLookupUv).rgb;
poiLight.finalLighting = min(lerp(poiLight.indirectColor * float4(1,1,1,1), float4(1,1,1,1), float(1)) + (sss * poiLight.directColor), poiLight.directColor);
float3 forward = normalize(UnityObjectToWorldDir(float4(float4(0,0,1,0).xyz, 1)));
float3 left = normalize(UnityObjectToWorldDir(float4(float4(-1,0,0,0).xyz, 1)));
float3 lightDirHorizontal = normalize(float3(poiLight.direction.x, 0, poiLight.direction.z));
float lightAtten = 1 - (dot(lightDirHorizontal, forward) * 0.5 + 0.5);
float filpU = sign(dot(lightDirHorizontal, left));
float shadowSDF = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_SDFShadingTexture, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)) * float2(filpU, 1), float4(0,0,0,0)).r;
float shadowSDF = float2(1, 1);
float blur = float(0.1) * 0.1;
float faceShadow = smoothstep(lightAtten - blur, lightAtten + blur, shadowSDF) * poiLight.detailShadow;
float3 indirectColor = float4(1,1,1,1).rgb;
indirectColor = indirectColor * lerp(poiLight.indirectColor, poiLight.directColor, float(1));
indirectColor = lerp(poiLight.directColor, indirectColor, float(1) * poiLight.shadowMask);
poiLight.finalLighting = lerp(indirectColor, poiLight.directColor, faceShadow);
if (float(1) == 0)
poiLight.rampedLightMap = max(0, poiLight.nDotL);
poiLight.finalLighting = poiLight.directColor * poiLight.attenuation * max(0, poiLight.nDotL) * poiLight.detailShadow * poiLight.additiveShadow;
if (float(1) == 1)
#if defined(POINT_COOKIE) || defined(DIRECTIONAL_COOKIE)
float passthrough = 0;
float passthrough = float(0.5);
if (float(0.5) == float(0)) float(0.5) += 0.001;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = smoothstep(float(0.5), float(0), 1 - (.5 * poiLight.nDotL + .5));
#if defined(POINT) || defined(SPOT)
poiLight.finalLighting = lerp(poiLight.directColor * max(min(poiLight.additiveShadow, poiLight.detailShadow), passthrough), poiLight.indirectColor, smoothstep(float(0), float(0.5), 1 - (.5 * poiLight.nDotL + .5))) * poiLight.attenuation;
poiLight.finalLighting = lerp(poiLight.directColor * max(min(poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.detailShadow), passthrough), poiLight.indirectColor, smoothstep(float(0), float(0.5), 1 - (.5 * poiLight.nDotL + .5)));
if (float(1) == 2)
#if defined(VERTEXLIGHT_ON) && defined(POI_VERTEXLIGHT_ON)
float3 vertexLighting = float3(0, 0, 0);
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
if (float(1) == 0)
vertexLighting += poiLight.vColor[index] * poiLight.vAttenuationDotNL[index] * poiLight.detailShadow; // Realistic
if (float(1) == 1) // Toon
vertexLighting += lerp(poiLight.vColor[index] * poiLight.vAttenuation[index], poiLight.vColor[index] * float(0.5) * poiLight.vAttenuation[index], smoothstep(float(0), float(0.5), .5 * poiLight.vDotNL[index] + .5)) * poiLight.detailShadow;
float3 mixedLight = poiLight.finalLighting;
poiLight.finalLighting = vertexLighting + poiLight.finalLighting;
//ifex float(1)==0
void ApplyAudioLinkDecal(in PoiMesh poiMesh, inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMods poiMods)
float4 colorAndMask = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
colorAndMask = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_ALDecalColorMask, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float2 uv = poiMesh.uv[float(0)];
float2 decalCenter = float4(0.5,0.5,1,1);
float theta = radians(float(0) + _Time.z * float(0));
float cs = cos(theta);
float sn = sin(theta);
uv = float2((uv.x - decalCenter.x) * cs - (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * sn + decalCenter.x, (uv.x - decalCenter.x) * sn + (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * cs + decalCenter.y);
uv = remap(uv, float2(0, 0) - float4(1,1,1,1).xz / 2 + float4(0.5,0.5,1,1), float4(1,1,1,1).yw / 2 + float4(0.5,0.5,1,1), float2(0, 0), float2(1, 1));
float4 audioLinkMask = 1.0;
float2 aluv = uv;
if (float(0) == 1)
float2 uvdir = uv * 2 - 1;
aluv.x = frac(atan2(uvdir.y, uvdir.x) * UNITY_INV_TWO_PI);
aluv.y = length(uvdir);
float maskY = aluv.y;
if (float(0) == 1)
maskY = remap(maskY, float4(0,1,0,1).x, float4(0,1,0,1).y, 0, 1);
float maskX = aluv.x;
if (float(0) == 1)
maskX = remap(maskX, float4(0,1,0,1).z, float4(0,1,0,1).w, 0, 1);
float maskVolume = float(0) != 0.0 ? floor(maskY * float(0)) / float(0) : maskY;
float maskBand = float(0) != 0.0 ? floor(maskX * float(0)) / float(0) : maskX;
audioLinkMask.r = maskVolume;
audioLinkMask.g = maskBand;
audioLinkMask.b = maskVolume < float(0) || maskVolume > float(1) ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
audioLinkMask.b = maskBand < float(0) || maskBand > float(1) ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
if (float(0))
float volumeth = float(0.5);
if (float(0) != 0.0) audioLinkMask.b = frac(maskY * float(0)) > volumeth ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
float bandwidth = float(0) == 1 ? float(0.5) / aluv.y : float(0.5);
float bandth = 1.0 - bandwidth;
if (float(0) != 0.0) audioLinkMask.b = frac(maskX * float(0) + bandth * 0.5) < bandth ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
float2 audioLinkUV = float2(frac(audioLinkMask.g * 2.0), 4.5 / 4.0 + floor(audioLinkMask.g * 2.0) / 4.0);
audioLinkUV.y *= 0.0625;
float4 audioTexture = _AudioTexture.Sample(sampler_linear_clamp, audioLinkUV);
float audioVal = audioTexture.b * float(0.5) * lerp(float(5), float(1), audioLinkMask.g);
float audioLinkValue = float(1) < 1.0 ? abs(audioVal - audioLinkMask.r) < float(1) : audioVal > audioLinkMask.r * 2.0;
audioLinkValue = saturate(audioLinkValue) * audioLinkMask.b;
audioLinkValue *= colorAndMask.a;
if (!poiMods.audioLinkAvailable)
audioLinkValue = 0;
float3 alColorChord = _AudioTexture.Sample(sampler_linear_clamp, float2(maskX, 24.5 / 64.0)).rgb;
float volumeColorSrc = audioLinkMask.g;
if (float(1) == 1) volumeColorSrc = audioLinkMask.r;
if (float(1) == 2) volumeColorSrc = audioVal;
float3 volumeColor = lerp(float4(0,0,1,1).rgb, float4(0,1,0,1).rgb, saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2));
volumeColor = lerp(volumeColor, float4(1,0,0,1).rgb, saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2 - 1));
float3 emissionColor = lerp(float4(0,0,1,1).rgb * float(0), float4(0,1,0,1).rgb * float(0), saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2));
emissionColor = lerp(emissionColor, float4(1,0,0,1).rgb * float(0), saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2 - 1));
#if defined(POI_PASS_BASE) || defined(POI_PASS_ADD)
poiFragData.emission += emissionColor * audioLinkValue;
poiFragData.baseColor.rgb = lerp(poiFragData.baseColor, customBlend(poiFragData.baseColor, volumeColor * colorAndMask.rgb, float(0)), saturate(float(1) * audioLinkValue));
poiFragData.alpha = lerp(poiFragData.alpha, poiFragData.alpha * audioLinkValue, float(0));
//ifex float(1)==0 && float(0)==0 && float(0)==0 && float(0)==0
float calculateGlowInTheDark(in float minLight, in float maxLight, in float minEmissionMultiplier, in float maxEmissionMultiplier, in float enabled, in float worldOrMesh, in PoiLight poiLight)
float glowInTheDarkMultiplier = 1;
if (enabled)
float3 lightValue = worldOrMesh ? calculateluminance(poiLight.finalLighting.rgb) : calculateluminance(poiLight.directColor.rgb);
float gitdeAlpha = saturate(inverseLerp(minLight, maxLight, lightValue));
glowInTheDarkMultiplier = lerp(minEmissionMultiplier, maxEmissionMultiplier, gitdeAlpha);
return glowInTheDarkMultiplier;
float calculateScrollingEmission(in float3 direction, in float velocity, in float interval, in float scrollWidth, float offset, float3 position)
scrollWidth = max(scrollWidth, 0);
float phase = 0;
phase = dot(position, direction);
phase -= (_Time.y + offset) * velocity;
phase /= interval;
phase -= floor(phase);
phase = saturate(phase);
return (pow(phase, scrollWidth) + pow(1 - phase, scrollWidth * 4)) * 0.5;
float calculateBlinkingEmission(in float blinkMin, in float blinkMax, in float blinkVelocity, float offset)
float amplitude = (blinkMax - blinkMin) * 0.5f;
float base = blinkMin + amplitude;
return sin((_Time.y + offset) * blinkVelocity) * amplitude + base;
void applyALEmmissionStrength(in PoiMods poiMods, inout float emissionStrength, in float2 emissionStrengthMod, in float emissionStrengthBand, in float2 _EmissionALMultipliers, in float _EmissionALMultipliersBand, in float enabled)
if (poiMods.audioLinkAvailable && enabled)
emissionStrength += lerp(emissionStrengthMod.x, emissionStrengthMod.y, poiMods.audioLink[emissionStrengthBand]);
emissionStrength *= lerp(_EmissionALMultipliers.x, _EmissionALMultipliers.y, poiMods.audioLink[_EmissionALMultipliersBand]);
void applyALCenterOutEmission(in PoiMods poiMods, in float nDotV, inout float emissionStrength, in float size, in float band, in float2 emissionToAdd, in float enabled)
if (poiMods.audioLinkAvailable && enabled)
emissionStrength += lerp(emissionToAdd.x, emissionToAdd.y, getBandAtTime(band, saturate(1 - nDotV), size));
void applyLumaGradient(in PoiMods poiMods, inout float3 emissionColor, in float themeIndex, in float nDotV)
if (poiMods.audioLinkAvailable && poiMods.audioLinkViaLuma && themeIndex >= 5 && themeIndex <= 7)
emissionColor = getLumaGradient(themeIndex-5, saturate(1 - nDotV));
//ifex float(1)==0
#ifdef _EMISSION
float3 applyEmission(inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiLight poiLight, in PoiCam poiCam, in PoiMods poiMods)
float3 emission0 = 0;
float emissionStrength0 = float(0.65);
float3 emissionColor0 = 0;
float glowInTheDarkMultiplier0 = calculateGlowInTheDark(float(0), float(1), float(1), float(0), float(1), float(0), poiLight);
if (!float(0))
emissionColor0 = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_EmissionMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0)).rgb * lerp(1, poiFragData.baseColor, float(0)).rgb * poiThemeColor(poiMods, float4(1,1,1,1).rgb, float(0));
emissionColor0 = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(_EmissionMap, _MainTex, ((.5 + poiLight.nDotV * .5) * float4(1,1,0,0).xy) + _Time.x * float(5)).rgb * lerp(1, poiFragData.baseColor, float(0)).rgb * poiThemeColor(poiMods, float4(1,1,1,1).rgb, float(0));
emissionColor0 = lerp(1, poiFragData.baseColor, float(0)).rgb * poiThemeColor(poiMods, float4(1,1,1,1).rgb, float(0));
if (float(0))
float3 pos = poiMesh.localPos;
if (float(0))
pos = poiMesh.vertexColor.rgb;
if (float(0))
emissionStrength0 *= UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(_EmissionScrollingCurve, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)) + (dot(pos, float4(0,-10,0,0).xyz) * float(20)) + _Time.x * float(10)).r;
emissionStrength0 *= calculateScrollingEmission(float4(0,-10,0,0).xyz, float(10), float(20), float(10), float(0), pos);
if (float(0))
emissionStrength0 *= calculateBlinkingEmission(float(0), float(1), float(4), float(0));
applyLumaGradient(poiMods, emissionColor0, float(0), poiLight.nDotV);
emissionColor0 = hueShift(emissionColor0, frac(float(0) + float(0) * _Time.x) * float(0));
float emissionMask0 = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(_EmissionMask, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)) + _Time.x * float4(0,0,0,0)).r;
float emissionMask0 = 1;
if (float(0))
emissionMask0 = 1 - emissionMask0;
if (_BlackLightMaskEmission != 4)
emissionMask0 *= blackLightMask[_BlackLightMaskEmission];
applyALEmmissionStrength(poiMods, emissionStrength0, float4(0,0,0,0), float(0), float4(1,1,0,0), float(0), float(0));
applyALCenterOutEmission(poiMods, poiLight.nDotV, emissionStrength0, float(1), float(0), float4(0,0,0,0), float(0));
emissionStrength0 *= glowInTheDarkMultiplier0 * emissionMask0;
emission0 = max(emissionStrength0 * emissionColor0, 0);
if (_DissolveEmissionSide != 2)
emission0 *= lerp(1 - dissolveAlpha, dissolveAlpha, _DissolveEmissionSide);
poiFragData.emission += emission0;
return emission0 * float(0);
float4 frag(v2f i, uint facing : SV_IsFrontFace) : SV_Target
PoiMesh poiMesh;
PoiInitStruct(PoiMesh, poiMesh);
PoiLight poiLight;
PoiInitStruct(PoiLight, poiLight);
PoiVertexLights poiVertexLights;
PoiInitStruct(PoiVertexLights, poiVertexLights);
PoiCam poiCam;
PoiInitStruct(PoiCam, poiCam);
PoiMods poiMods;
PoiInitStruct(PoiMods, poiMods);
poiMods.globalEmission = 1;
PoiFragData poiFragData;
poiFragData.emission = 0;
poiFragData.baseColor = float3(0, 0, 0);
poiFragData.finalColor = float3(0, 0, 0);
poiFragData.alpha = 1;
poiMesh.objectPosition = i.objectPos;
poiMesh.objNormal = i.objNormal;
poiMesh.normals[0] = i.normal;
poiMesh.tangent = i.tangent;
poiMesh.binormal = i.binormal;
poiMesh.worldPos =;
poiMesh.localPos =;
poiMesh.vertexColor = i.vertexColor;
poiMesh.isFrontFace = facing;
if (!poiMesh.isFrontFace)
poiMesh.normals[0] *= -1;
poiMesh.tangent *= -1;
poiMesh.binormal *= -1;
poiCam.viewDir = !IsOrthographicCamera() ? normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - : normalize(UNITY_MATRIX_I_V._m02_m12_m22);
float3 tanToWorld0 = float3(i.tangent.x, i.binormal.x, i.normal.x);
float3 tanToWorld1 = float3(i.tangent.y, i.binormal.y, i.normal.y);
float3 tanToWorld2 = float3(i.tangent.z, i.binormal.z, i.normal.z);
float3 ase_tanViewDir = tanToWorld0 * poiCam.viewDir.x + tanToWorld1 * poiCam.viewDir.y + tanToWorld2 * poiCam.viewDir.z;
poiCam.tangentViewDir = normalize(ase_tanViewDir);
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) || defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON)
poiMesh.lightmapUV = i.lightmapUV;
poiMesh.parallaxUV = poiCam.tangentViewDir.xy / max(poiCam.tangentViewDir.z, 0.0001);
poiMesh.uv[0] = i.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[1] = i.uv[1];
poiMesh.uv[2] = i.uv[2];
poiMesh.uv[3] = i.uv[3];
poiMesh.uv[4] = poiMesh.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[5] = poiMesh.worldPos.xz;
poiMesh.uv[6] = poiMesh.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[7] = poiMesh.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[4] = calculatePanosphereUV(poiMesh);
poiMesh.uv[6] = calculatePolarCoordinate(poiMesh);
float2 mainUV = poiMesh.uv[float(0)].xy;
if (float(0))
mainUV = sharpSample(float4(0.00390625,0.00390625,256,256), mainUV);
float4 mainTexture = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(_MainTex, poiUV(mainUV, float4(1,1,0,0)) + _Time.x * float4(0,0,0,0));
float3 mainNormal = UnpackScaleNormal(POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_BumpMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0)), float(1));
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal = mainNormal;
poiMesh.normals[1] = normalize(
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal.x * +
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal.y * poiMesh.binormal +
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal.z * poiMesh.normals[0]
float3 fancyNormal = UnpackNormal(float4(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1));
poiMesh.normals[0] = normalize(
fancyNormal.x * +
fancyNormal.y * poiMesh.binormal +
fancyNormal.z * poiMesh.normals[0]
poiCam.forwardDir = getCameraForward();
poiCam.worldPos = _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
poiCam.reflectionDir = reflect(-poiCam.viewDir, poiMesh.normals[1]);
poiCam.vertexReflectionDir = reflect(-poiCam.viewDir, poiMesh.normals[0]);
poiCam.distanceToVert = distance(poiMesh.worldPos, poiCam.worldPos);
poiCam.grabPos = i.grabPos;
poiCam.screenUV = calcScreenUVs(i.grabPos);
poiCam.vDotN = abs(dot(poiCam.viewDir, poiMesh.normals[1]));
poiCam.clipPos = i.pos;
poiCam.worldDirection = i.worldDirection;
poiLight.finalLightAdd = 0;
float4 AOMaps = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_LightingAOMaps, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
poiLight.occlusion = lerp(1, AOMaps.r, float(1)) * lerp(1, AOMaps.g, float(0)) * lerp(1, AOMaps.b, float(0)) * lerp(1, AOMaps.a, float(0));
poiLight.occlusion = 1;
float4 DetailShadows = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_LightingDetailShadowMaps, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
#ifndef POI_PASS_ADD
poiLight.detailShadow = lerp(1, DetailShadows.r, float(1)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.g, float(0)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.b, float(0)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.a, float(0));
poiLight.detailShadow = lerp(1, DetailShadows.r, float(1)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.g, float(0)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.b, float(0)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.a, float(0));
poiLight.detailShadow = 1;
float4 ShadowMasks = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_LightingShadowMasks, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
poiLight.shadowMask = lerp(1, ShadowMasks.r, float(1)) * lerp(1, ShadowMasks.g, float(0)) * lerp(1, ShadowMasks.b, float(0)) * lerp(1, ShadowMasks.a, float(0));
poiLight.shadowMask = 1;
bool lightExists = false;
if (any(_LightColor0.rgb >= 0.002))
lightExists = true;
#if defined(VERTEXLIGHT_ON) && defined(POI_VERTEXLIGHT_ON)
float4 toLightX = unity_4LightPosX0 - i.worldPos.x;
float4 toLightY = unity_4LightPosY0 - i.worldPos.y;
float4 toLightZ = unity_4LightPosZ0 - i.worldPos.z;
float4 lengthSq = 0;
lengthSq += toLightX * toLightX;
lengthSq += toLightY * toLightY;
lengthSq += toLightZ * toLightZ;
float4 lightAttenSq = unity_4LightAtten0;
float4 atten = 1.0 / (1.0 + lengthSq * lightAttenSq);
float4 vLightWeight = saturate(1 - (lengthSq * lightAttenSq / 25));
poiLight.vAttenuation = min(atten, vLightWeight * vLightWeight);
poiLight.vDotNL = 0;
poiLight.vDotNL += toLightX * poiMesh.normals[1].x;
poiLight.vDotNL += toLightY * poiMesh.normals[1].y;
poiLight.vDotNL += toLightZ * poiMesh.normals[1].z;
float4 corr = rsqrt(lengthSq);
poiLight.vertexVDotNL = max(0, poiLight.vDotNL * corr);
poiLight.vertexVDotNL = 0;
poiLight.vertexVDotNL += toLightX * poiMesh.normals[0].x;
poiLight.vertexVDotNL += toLightY * poiMesh.normals[0].y;
poiLight.vertexVDotNL += toLightZ * poiMesh.normals[0].z;
poiLight.vertexVDotNL = max(0, poiLight.vDotNL * corr);
poiLight.vAttenuationDotNL = saturate(poiLight.vAttenuation * saturate(poiLight.vDotNL));
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
poiLight.vPosition[index] = float3(unity_4LightPosX0[index], unity_4LightPosY0[index], unity_4LightPosZ0[index]);
float3 vertexToLightSource = poiLight.vPosition[index] - poiMesh.worldPos;
poiLight.vDirection[index] = normalize(vertexToLightSource);
poiLight.vColor[index] = unity_LightColor[index].rgb;
poiLight.vHalfDir[index] = Unity_SafeNormalize(poiLight.vDirection[index] + poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.vDotNL[index] = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], -poiLight.vDirection[index]);
poiLight.vCorrectedDotNL[index] = .5 * (poiLight.vDotNL[index] + 1);
poiLight.vDotLH[index] = saturate(dot(poiLight.vDirection[index], poiLight.vHalfDir[index]));
poiLight.vDotNH[index] = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.vHalfDir[index]);
poiLight.vertexVDotNH[index] = saturate(dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.vHalfDir[index]));
if (float(0) == 0) // Poi Custom Light Color
float3 magic = max(BetterSH9(normalize(unity_SHAr + unity_SHAg + unity_SHAb)), 0);
float3 normalLight = _LightColor0.rgb + BetterSH9(float4(0, 0, 0, 1));
float magiLumi = calculateluminance(magic);
float normaLumi = calculateluminance(normalLight);
float maginormalumi = magiLumi + normaLumi;
float magiratio = magiLumi / maginormalumi;
float normaRatio = normaLumi / maginormalumi;
float target = calculateluminance(magic * magiratio + normalLight * normaRatio);
float3 properLightColor = magic + normalLight;
float properLuminance = calculateluminance(magic + normalLight);
poiLight.directColor = properLightColor * max(0.0001, (target / properLuminance));
poiLight.indirectColor = BetterSH9(float4(lerp(0, poiMesh.normals[1], float(0)), 1));
if (float(0) == 1) // More standard approach to light color
float3 indirectColor = BetterSH9(float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1));
if (lightExists)
poiLight.directColor = _LightColor0.rgb;
poiLight.indirectColor = indirectColor;
poiLight.directColor = indirectColor * 0.6;
poiLight.indirectColor = indirectColor * 0.5;
if (float(0) == 2) // UTS style
poiLight.indirectColor = saturate(max(half3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05) * float(1), max(ShadeSH9(half4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), ShadeSH9(half4(0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0)).rgb) * float(1)));
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor, _LightColor0.rgb);
if (float(0) == 3) // OpenLit
float3 lightDirectionForSH9 = OpenLitLightingDirection();
OpenLitShadeSH9ToonDouble(lightDirectionForSH9, poiLight.directColor, poiLight.indirectColor);
poiLight.directColor += _LightColor0.rgb;
float lightMapMode = float(0);
if (float(0) == 0)
poiLight.direction = + + +;
if (float(0) == 1 || float(0) == 2)
if (float(0) == 1)
poiLight.direction = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0,0,0,1)).xyz;;
if (float(0) == 2)
poiLight.direction = float4(0,0,0,1);
if (lightMapMode == 0)
lightMapMode == 1;
if (float(0) == 3) // UTS
float3 defaultLightDirection = normalize(UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz + UNITY_MATRIX_V[1].xyz);
float3 lightDirection = normalize(lerp(defaultLightDirection,, any(;
poiLight.direction = lightDirection;
if (float(0) == 4) // OpenLit
poiLight.direction = OpenLitLightingDirection(); // float4 customDir = 0; // Do we want to give users to alter this (OpenLit always does!)?
if (!any(poiLight.direction))
poiLight.direction = float3(.4, 1, .4);
poiLight.direction = normalize(poiLight.direction);
poiLight.attenuationStrength = float(0);
poiLight.attenuation = 1;
if (!all(_LightColor0.rgb == 0.0))
UNITY_LIGHT_ATTENUATION(attenuation, i, poiMesh.worldPos)
poiLight.attenuation *= attenuation;
if (!any(poiLight.directColor) && !any(poiLight.indirectColor) && lightMapMode == 0)
lightMapMode = 1;
if (float(0) == 0)
poiLight.direction = normalize(float3(.4, 1, .4));
poiLight.halfDir = normalize(poiLight.direction + poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.vertexNDotL = dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.direction);
poiLight.nDotL = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.direction);
poiLight.nDotLSaturated = saturate(poiLight.nDotL);
poiLight.nDotLNormalized = (poiLight.nDotL + 1) * 0.5;
poiLight.nDotV = abs(dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiCam.viewDir));
poiLight.vertexNDotV = abs(dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiCam.viewDir));
poiLight.nDotH = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.halfDir);
poiLight.vertexNDotH = max(0.00001, dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.halfDir));
poiLight.lDotv = dot(poiLight.direction, poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.lDotH = max(0.00001, dot(poiLight.direction, poiLight.halfDir));
if (lightMapMode == 0)
float3 ShadeSH9Plus = GetSHLength();
float3 ShadeSH9Minus = float3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w) + float3(unity_SHBr.z, unity_SHBg.z, unity_SHBb.z) / 3.0;
float3 greyScaleVector = float3(.33333, .33333, .33333);
float bw_lightColor = dot(poiLight.directColor, greyScaleVector);
float bw_directLighting = (((poiLight.nDotL * 0.5 + 0.5) * bw_lightColor * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength)) + dot(ShadeSH9(float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1)), greyScaleVector));
float bw_bottomIndirectLighting = dot(ShadeSH9Minus, greyScaleVector);
float bw_topIndirectLighting = dot(ShadeSH9Plus, greyScaleVector);
float lightDifference = ((bw_topIndirectLighting + bw_lightColor) - bw_bottomIndirectLighting);
poiLight.lightMap = smoothstep(0, lightDifference, bw_directLighting - bw_bottomIndirectLighting) * poiLight.detailShadow;
if (lightMapMode == 1)
poiLight.lightMap = poiLight.nDotLNormalized * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength);
if (lightMapMode == 2)
poiLight.lightMap = poiLight.nDotLSaturated * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength);
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor, 0.0001);
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor, 0.0001);
if (float(0) == 3)
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor, float(0));
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor, float(0));
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor, poiLight.directColor / max(0.0001, (calculateluminance(poiLight.directColor) / float(0))));
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor, poiLight.indirectColor / max(0.0001, (calculateluminance(poiLight.indirectColor) / float(0))));
poiLight.directColor = lerp(poiLight.directColor, dot(poiLight.directColor, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)), float(0));
poiLight.indirectColor = lerp(poiLight.indirectColor, dot(poiLight.indirectColor, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)), float(0));
if (float(1))
poiLight.directColor = min(poiLight.directColor, float(1));
poiLight.indirectColor = min(poiLight.indirectColor, float(1));
if (float(0))
poiLight.directColor = poiThemeColor(poiMods, float4(1,1,1,1), float(0));
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor * float(1), 0);
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor + float(0), 0);
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor * float(1), 0);
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor + float(0), 0);
return float4(mainTexture.rgb * .0001, 1);
#if defined(POINT) || defined(SPOT)
poiLight.direction = normalize( -;
#ifdef POINT
poiLight.additiveShadow = UNITY_SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i, poiMesh.worldPos);
unityShadowCoord3 lightCoord = mul(unity_WorldToLight, unityShadowCoord4(poiMesh.worldPos, 1)).xyz;
poiLight.attenuation = tex2D(_LightTexture0, dot(lightCoord, lightCoord).rr).r;
#ifdef SPOT
poiLight.additiveShadow = UNITY_SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i, poiMesh.worldPos);
unityShadowCoord4 lightCoord = mul(unity_WorldToLight, unityShadowCoord4(poiMesh.worldPos, 1));
poiLight.attenuation = (lightCoord.z > 0) * UnitySpotCookie(lightCoord) * UnitySpotAttenuate(;
poiLight.direction =;
UNITY_LIGHT_ATTENUATION(attenuation, i, poiMesh.worldPos)
poiLight.additiveShadow == 0;
poiLight.attenuation = attenuation;
poiLight.directColor = float(0) ? min(float(1), _LightColor0.rgb) : _LightColor0.rgb;
#if defined(POINT_COOKIE) || defined(DIRECTIONAL_COOKIE)
poiLight.indirectColor = 0;
poiLight.indirectColor = lerp(0, poiLight.directColor, float(0.5));
poiLight.directColor = lerp(poiLight.directColor, dot(poiLight.directColor, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)), float(0));
poiLight.indirectColor = lerp(poiLight.indirectColor, dot(poiLight.indirectColor, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)), float(0));
poiLight.halfDir = normalize(poiLight.direction + poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.nDotL = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.direction);
poiLight.nDotLSaturated = saturate(poiLight.nDotL);
poiLight.nDotLNormalized = (poiLight.nDotL + 1) * 0.5;
poiLight.nDotV = abs(dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiCam.viewDir));
poiLight.nDotH = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.halfDir);
poiLight.lDotv = dot(poiLight.direction, poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.lDotH = dot(poiLight.direction, poiLight.halfDir);
poiLight.vertexNDotL = dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.direction);
poiLight.vertexNDotV = abs(dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiCam.viewDir));
poiLight.vertexNDotH = max(0.00001, dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.halfDir));
poiLight.lightMap = 1;
poiFragData.baseColor = mainTexture.rgb * poiThemeColor(poiMods, float4(1,1,1,1).rgb, float(0));
poiFragData.alpha = mainTexture.a * float4(1,1,1,1).a;
float alphaMask = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_ClippingMask, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0)).r;
if (float(0))
alphaMask = 1 - alphaMask;
float alphaMask = 1;
poiFragData.alpha *= alphaMask;
applyAlphaOptions(poiFragData, poiMesh, poiCam, poiMods);
applyDecals(poiFragData, poiMesh, poiCam, poiMods, poiLight);
//ifex float(1)==0
applyShadeMapping(poiFragData, poiMesh, poiLight);
//ifex float(1)==0
if (_OutlineLit)
calculateShading(poiLight, poiFragData, poiMesh, poiCam);
poiLight.finalLighting = 1;
calculateShading(poiLight, poiFragData, poiMesh, poiCam);
poiLight.finalLighting = 1;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = poiEdgeNonLinear(poiLight.nDotL, 0.1, .1);
//ifex float(1)==0
//ifex float(1)==0
ApplyAudioLinkDecal(poiMesh, poiFragData, poiMods);
if (float(0))
poiFragData.baseColor *= saturate(poiFragData.alpha);
poiFragData.finalColor = poiFragData.baseColor;
poiFragData.finalColor = poiFragData.baseColor * poiLight.finalLighting;
//ifex float(1)==0 && float(0)==0 && float(0)==0 && float(0)==0
#if defined(_EMISSION) || defined(POI_EMISSION_1) || defined(POI_EMISSION_2) || defined(POI_EMISSION_3)
float3 emissionBaseReplace = 0;
//ifex float(1)==0
#ifdef _EMISSION
emissionBaseReplace += applyEmission(poiFragData, poiMesh, poiLight, poiCam, poiMods);
//ifex float(1)==0 && float(0)==0 && float(0)==0 && float(0)==0
#if defined(_EMISSION) || defined(POI_EMISSION_1) || defined(POI_EMISSION_2) || defined(POI_EMISSION_3)
poiFragData.finalColor.rgb = lerp(poiFragData.finalColor.rgb, saturate(emissionBaseReplace), poiMax(emissionBaseReplace));
if (float(0) == 0)
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, poiFragData.finalColor);
poiFragData.alpha = float(0) ? 1 : poiFragData.alpha;
poiFragData.finalColor += poiLight.finalLightAdd;
poiFragData.emission = max(poiFragData.emission * float(1), 0);
poiFragData.finalColor = max(poiFragData.finalColor * float(1), 0);
if (float(0) == POI_MODE_OPAQUE)
poiFragData.alpha = 1;
clip(poiFragData.alpha - float(0.5));
return float4(poiFragData.finalColor + poiFragData.emission * poiMods.globalEmission, poiFragData.alpha) + POI_SAFE_RGB0;
Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardAdd" }
Ref [_StencilRef]
ReadMask [_StencilReadMask]
WriteMask [_StencilWriteMask]
//ifex _StencilType == 1
Comp [_StencilCompareFunction]
Pass [_StencilPassOp]
Fail [_StencilFailOp]
ZFail [_StencilZFailOp]
ZWrite Off
Cull [_Cull]
AlphaToMask [_AlphaToCoverage]
ZTest [_ZTest]
ColorMask [_ColorMask]
Offset [_OffsetFactor], [_OffsetUnits]
BlendOp [_AddBlendOp], [_AddBlendOpAlpha]
Blend [_AddSrcBlend] [_AddDstBlend]
#define POI_AL_DECAL
#define _EMISSION
#pragma target 5.0
//ifex float(1)==0
//ifex float(1)==0
//ifex float(1)==0
#pragma multi_compile_fwdadd_fullshadows
#pragma multi_compile_instancing
#pragma multi_compile_fog
#define POI_PASS_ADD
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardUtils.cginc"
#include "AutoLight.cginc"
#include "UnityLightingCommon.cginc"
#include "UnityPBSLighting.cginc"
#include "UnityMetaPass.cginc"
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#define DielectricSpec float4(0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 1.0 - 0.04)
#define PI float(3.14159265359)
#define POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(tex, texSampler, uv, pan) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv + _Time.x * pan))
#define POI2D_SAMPLER_PANGRAD(tex, texSampler, uv, pan, ddx, ddy) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv + _Time.x * pan, ddx, ddy))
#define POI2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv))
#define POI2D_PAN(tex, uv, pan) (tex2D(tex, uv + _Time.x * pan))
#define POI2D(tex, uv) (tex2D(tex, uv))
#define POI_SAMPLE_TEX2D(tex, uv) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(tex, uv))
#define POI_SAMPLE_TEX2D_PAN(tex, uv, pan) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(tex, uv + _Time.x * pan))
#define POI2D_MAINTEX_SAMPLER_PAN_INLINED(tex, poiMesh) (POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(tex, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[tex##UV], tex##_ST), tex##Pan))
#define POI_SAFE_RGB0 float4(mainTexture.rgb * .0001, 0)
#define POI_SAFE_RGB1 float4(mainTexture.rgb * .0001, 1)
#define POI_SAFE_RGBA mainTexture
#define PoiInitStruct(type, name) name = (type)0;
#define PoiInitStruct(type, name)
#define POI_ERROR(poiMesh, gridSize) lerp(float3(1, 0, 1), float3(0, 0, 0), fmod(floor((poiMesh.worldPos.x) * gridSize) + floor((poiMesh.worldPos.y) * gridSize) + floor((poiMesh.worldPos.z) * gridSize), 2) == 0)
#define POI_MODE_FADE 2
float _Mode;
float4 _GlobalThemeColor0;
float4 _GlobalThemeColor1;
float4 _GlobalThemeColor2;
float4 _GlobalThemeColor3;
float _StereoEnabled;
float _PolarUV;
float2 _PolarCenter;
float _PolarRadialScale;
float _PolarLengthScale;
float _PolarSpiralPower;
float _PanoUseBothEyes;
Texture2D _LightingAOMaps;
float4 _LightingAOMaps_ST;
float2 _LightingAOMapsPan;
float _LightingAOMapsUV;
float _LightDataAOStrengthR;
float _LightDataAOStrengthG;
float _LightDataAOStrengthB;
float _LightDataAOStrengthA;
Texture2D _LightingDetailShadowMaps;
float4 _LightingDetailShadowMaps_ST;
float2 _LightingDetailShadowMapsPan;
float _LightingDetailShadowMapsUV;
float _LightingDetailShadowStrengthR;
float _LightingDetailShadowStrengthG;
float _LightingDetailShadowStrengthB;
float _LightingDetailShadowStrengthA;
float _LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthR;
float _LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthG;
float _LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthB;
float _LightingAddDetailShadowStrengthA;
Texture2D _LightingShadowMasks;
float4 _LightingShadowMasks_ST;
float2 _LightingShadowMasksPan;
float _LightingShadowMasksUV;
float _LightingShadowMaskStrengthR;
float _LightingShadowMaskStrengthG;
float _LightingShadowMaskStrengthB;
float _LightingShadowMaskStrengthA;
float _Unlit_Intensity;
float _LightingColorMode;
float _LightingMapMode;
float _LightingDirectionMode;
float3 _LightngForcedDirection;
float _LightingIndirectUsesNormals;
float _LightingCapEnabled;
float _LightingCap;
float _LightingForceColorEnabled;
float3 _LightingForcedColor;
float _LightingForcedColorThemeIndex;
float _LightingCastedShadows;
float _LightingMonochromatic;
float _LightingAdditiveMonochromatic;
float _LightingMinLightBrightness;
float _LightingAdditiveLimited;
float _LightingAdditiveLimit;
float _LightingAdditivePassthrough;
float _LightingDebugVisualize;
float _IgnoreFog;
float _RenderingReduceClipDistance;
float _AddBlendOp;
float4 _Color;
float _ColorThemeIndex;
float _MainPixelMode;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
float2 _MainTexPan;
float _MainTexUV;
float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
Texture2D _BumpMap;
float4 _BumpMap_ST;
float2 _BumpMapPan;
float _BumpMapUV;
float _BumpScale;
Texture2D _ClippingMask;
float4 _ClippingMask_ST;
float2 _ClippingMaskPan;
float _ClippingMaskUV;
float _Inverse_Clipping;
float _Cutoff;
SamplerState sampler_linear_clamp;
SamplerState sampler_linear_repeat;
float _AlphaForceOpaque;
float _AlphaMod;
float _AlphaPremultiply;
float _AlphaBoostFA;
//ifex float(1)==0
float _ShadowOffset;
float _ShadowStrength;
float _LightingIgnoreAmbientColor;
float _LightingGradientStart;
float _LightingGradientEnd;
float3 _LightingShadowColor;
float _LightingGradientStartWrap;
float _LightingGradientEndWrap;
float3 _1st_ShadeColor;
#if defined(PROP_1ST_SHADEMAP) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
Texture2D _1st_ShadeMap;
float4 _1st_ShadeMap_ST;
float2 _1st_ShadeMapPan;
float _1st_ShadeMapUV;
float _Use_1stShadeMapAlpha_As_ShadowMask;
float _1stShadeMapMask_Inverse;
float _Use_BaseAs1st;
float3 _2nd_ShadeColor;
#if defined(PROP_2ND_SHADEMAP) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
Texture2D _2nd_ShadeMap;
float4 _2nd_ShadeMap_ST;
float2 _2nd_ShadeMapPan;
float _2nd_ShadeMapUV;
float _Use_2ndShadeMapAlpha_As_ShadowMask;
float _2ndShadeMapMask_Inverse;
float _Use_1stAs2nd;
float _BaseColor_Step;
float _BaseShade_Feather;
float _ShadeColor_Step;
float _1st2nd_Shades_Feather;
float _ShadingShadeMapBlendType;
sampler2D _SkinLUT;
float _SssScale;
float _SssBumpBlur;
float3 _SssTransmissionAbsorption;
float3 _SssColorBleedAoWeights;
float4 _ShadowColor;
float _LightingMulitlayerNonLinear;
Texture2D _ShadowColorTex;
float4 _ShadowColorTex_ST;
float2 _ShadowColorTexPan;
float _ShadowColorTexUV;
Texture2D _MultilayerMathBlurMap;
float4 _MultilayerMathBlurMap_ST;
float2 _MultilayerMathBlurMapPan;
float _MultilayerMathBlurMapUV;
float _ShadowBorder;
float _ShadowBlur;
float4 _Shadow2ndColor;
Texture2D _Shadow2ndColorTex;
float4 _Shadow2ndColorTex_ST;
float2 _Shadow2ndColorTexPan;
float _Shadow2ndColorTexUV;
float _Shadow2ndBorder;
float _Shadow2ndBlur;
float4 _Shadow3rdColor;
Texture2D _Shadow3rdColorTex;
float4 _Shadow3rdColorTex_ST;
float2 _Shadow3rdColorTexPan;
float _Shadow3rdColorTexUV;
float _Shadow3rdBorder;
float _Shadow3rdBlur;
float4 _ShadowBorderColor;
float _ShadowBorderRange;
Texture2D_float _ClothDFG;
SamplerState sampler_ClothDFG;
Texture2D _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMap;
float4 _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMap_ST;
float2 _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapPan;
float _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapUV;
float _ClothMetallicSmoothnessMapInvert;
float _ClothMetallic;
float _ClothReflectance;
float _ClothSmoothness;
Texture2D _SDFShadingTexture;
float _SDFShadingTextureUV;
float2 _SDFShadingTexturePan;
float4 _SDFShadingTexture_ST;
float _SDFBlur;
float4 _SDFForward;
float4 _SDFLeft;
float _LightingAdditiveType;
float _LightingAdditiveGradientStart;
float _LightingAdditiveGradientEnd;
float _LightingAdditiveDetailStrength;
//ifex float(1)==0
float _ALDecalUV;
float4 _ALUVScale;
float2 _ALUVPosition;
float _ALUVRotation;
float _ALUVRotationSpeed;
float4 _ALDecaldCircleDimensions;
float _ALDecalUVMode;
float _ALDecalVolumeStep;
float _ALDecalVolumeClipMin;
float _ALDecalVolumeClipMax;
float _ALDecalBandStep;
float _ALDecalBandClipMin;
float _ALDecalBandClipMax;
float _ALDecalShapeClip;
float _ALDecalShapeClipVolumeWidth;
float _ALDecalShapeClipBandWidth;
Texture2D _ALDecalColorMask;
float4 _ALDecalColorMask_ST;
float2 _ALDecalColorMaskPan;
float _ALDecalColorMaskUV;
float _ALDecalVolume;
float _ALDecalBaseBoost;
float _ALDecalTrebleBoost;
float _ALDecalLineWidth;
float _ALDecalVolumeColorSource;
float3 _ALDecalVolumeColorLow;
float3 _ALDecalVolumeColorMid;
float3 _ALDecalVolumeColorHigh;
float _ALDecalLowEmission;
float _ALDecalMidEmission;
float _ALDecalHighEmission;
float _ALDecalBlendType;
float _ALDecalBlendAlpha;
float _ALDecalControlsAlpha;
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float4 color : COLOR;
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
float2 uv1 : TEXCOORD1;
float2 uv2 : TEXCOORD2;
float2 uv3 : TEXCOORD3;
uint vertexId : SV_VertexID;
struct v2f
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv[4] : TEXCOORD0;
float3 objNormal : TEXCOORD4;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD5;
float3 tangent : TEXCOORD6;
float3 binormal : TEXCOORD7;
float4 worldPos : TEXCOORD8;
float4 localPos : TEXCOORD9;
float3 objectPos : TEXCOORD10;
float4 vertexColor : TEXCOORD11;
float4 lightmapUV : TEXCOORD12;
float4 grabPos: TEXCOORD13;
float4 worldDirection: TEXCOORD14;
struct PoiMesh
float3 normals[2];
float3 objNormal;
float3 tangentSpaceNormal;
float3 binormal;
float3 tangent;
float3 worldPos;
float3 localPos;
float3 objectPosition;
float isFrontFace;
float4 vertexColor;
float4 lightmapUV;
float2 uv[8];
float2 parallaxUV;
struct PoiCam
float3 viewDir;
float3 forwardDir;
float3 worldPos;
float distanceToVert;
float4 clipPos;
float3 reflectionDir;
float3 vertexReflectionDir;
float3 tangentViewDir;
float4 grabPos;
float2 screenUV;
float vDotN;
float4 worldDirection;
struct PoiMods
float4 Mask;
float4 audioLink;
float audioLinkAvailable;
float audioLinkVersion;
float4 audioLinkTexture;
float audioLinkViaLuma;
float2 detailMask;
float2 backFaceDetailIntensity;
float globalEmission;
float4 globalColorTheme[12];
float ALTime[8];
struct PoiLight
float3 direction;
float attenuation;
float attenuationStrength;
float3 directColor;
float3 indirectColor;
float occlusion;
float shadowMask;
float detailShadow;
float3 halfDir;
float lightMap;
float3 rampedLightMap;
float vertexNDotL;
float nDotL;
float nDotV;
float vertexNDotV;
float nDotH;
float vertexNDotH;
float lDotv;
float lDotH;
float nDotLSaturated;
float nDotLNormalized;
float additiveShadow;
float3 finalLighting;
float3 finalLightAdd;
#if defined(VERTEXLIGHT_ON) && defined(POI_VERTEXLIGHT_ON)
float4 vDotNL;
float4 vertexVDotNL;
float3 vColor[4];
float4 vCorrectedDotNL;
float4 vAttenuation;
float4 vAttenuationDotNL;
float3 vPosition[4];
float3 vDirection[4];
float3 vFinalLighting;
float3 vHalfDir[4];
half4 vDotNH;
half4 vertexVDotNH;
half4 vDotLH;
struct PoiVertexLights
float3 direction;
float3 color;
float attenuation;
struct PoiFragData
float3 baseColor;
float3 finalColor;
float alpha;
float3 emission;
float2 poiUV(float2 uv, float4 tex_st)
return uv * tex_st.xy +;
float calculateluminance(float3 color)
return color.r * 0.299 + color.g * 0.587 + color.b * 0.114;
bool IsInMirror()
return unity_CameraProjection[2][0] != 0.f || unity_CameraProjection[2][1] != 0.f;
bool IsOrthographicCamera()
return unity_OrthoParams.w == 1 || UNITY_MATRIX_P[3][3] == 1;
float shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(float L0, float3 L1, float3 n)
float R0 = max(0, L0);
float3 R1 = 0.5f * L1;
float lenR1 = length(R1);
float q = dot(normalize(R1), n) * 0.5 + 0.5;
q = saturate(q); // Thanks to ScruffyRuffles for the bug identity.
float p = 1.0f + 2.0f * lenR1 / R0;
float a = (1.0f - lenR1 / R0) / (1.0f + lenR1 / R0);
return R0 * (a + (1.0f - a) * (p + 1.0f) * pow(q, p));
half3 BetterSH9(half4 normal)
float3 indirect;
float3 L0 = float3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w) + float3(unity_SHBr.z, unity_SHBg.z, unity_SHBb.z) / 3.0;
indirect.r = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.r,,;
indirect.g = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.g,,;
indirect.b = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.b,,;
indirect = max(0, indirect);
indirect += SHEvalLinearL2(normal);
return indirect;
float3 getCameraForward()
float3 p1 = mul(unity_StereoCameraToWorld[0], float4(0, 0, 1, 1));
float3 p2 = mul(unity_StereoCameraToWorld[0], float4(0, 0, 0, 1));
float3 p1 = mul(unity_CameraToWorld, float4(0, 0, 1, 1)).xyz;
float3 p2 = mul(unity_CameraToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1)).xyz;
return normalize(p2 - p1);
half3 GetSHLength()
half3 x, x1;
x.r = length(unity_SHAr);
x.g = length(unity_SHAg);
x.b = length(unity_SHAb);
x1.r = length(unity_SHBr);
x1.g = length(unity_SHBg);
x1.b = length(unity_SHBb);
return x + x1;
float3 BoxProjection(float3 direction, float3 position, float4 cubemapPosition, float3 boxMin, float3 boxMax)
if (cubemapPosition.w > 0)
float3 factors = ((direction > 0 ? boxMax : boxMin) - position) / direction;
float scalar = min(min(factors.x, factors.y), factors.z);
direction = direction * scalar + (position -;
return direction;
float poiMax(float2 i)
return max(i.x, i.y);
float poiMax(float3 i)
return max(max(i.x, i.y), i.z);
float poiMax(float4 i)
return max(max(max(i.x, i.y), i.z), i.w);
float3 calculateNormal(in float3 baseNormal, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in Texture2D normalTexture, in float4 normal_ST, in float2 normalPan, in float normalUV, in float normalIntensity)
float3 normal = UnpackScaleNormal(POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(normalTexture, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[normalUV], normal_ST), normalPan), normalIntensity);
return normalize(
normal.x * poiMesh.tangent +
normal.y * poiMesh.binormal +
normal.z * baseNormal
float remap(float x, float minOld, float maxOld, float minNew = 0, float maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float2 remap(float2 x, float2 minOld, float2 maxOld, float2 minNew = 0, float2 maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float3 remap(float3 x, float3 minOld, float3 maxOld, float3 minNew = 0, float3 maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float4 remap(float4 x, float4 minOld, float4 maxOld, float4 minNew = 0, float4 maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float remapClamped(float minOld, float maxOld, float x, float minNew = 0, float maxNew = 1)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float2 remapClamped(float2 minOld, float2 maxOld, float2 x, float2 minNew, float2 maxNew)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float3 remapClamped(float3 minOld, float3 maxOld, float3 x, float3 minNew, float3 maxNew)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float4 remapClamped(float4 minOld, float4 maxOld, float4 x, float4 minNew, float4 maxNew)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float2 calcParallax(in float height, in PoiCam poiCam)
return ((height * - 1) + 1) * (poiCam.tangentViewDir.xy / poiCam.tangentViewDir.z);
float4 poiBlend(const float sourceFactor, const float4 sourceColor, const float destinationFactor, const float4 destinationColor, const float4 blendFactor)
float4 sA = 1 - blendFactor;
const float4 blendData[11] = {
float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - destinationColor,
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - sourceColor,
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - sA,
1 - sA,
return lerp(blendData[sourceFactor] * sourceColor + blendData[destinationFactor] * destinationColor, sourceColor, sA);
float3 blendAverage(float3 base, float3 blend)
return (base + blend) / 2.0;
float blendColorBurn(float base, float blend)
return (blend == 0.0)?blend : max((1.0 - ((1.0 - base) / blend)), 0.0);
float3 blendColorBurn(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendColorBurn(base.r, blend.r), blendColorBurn(base.g, blend.g), blendColorBurn(base.b, blend.b));
float blendColorDodge(float base, float blend)
return (blend == 1.0)?blend : min(base / (1.0 - blend), 1.0);
float3 blendColorDodge(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendColorDodge(base.r, blend.r), blendColorDodge(base.g, blend.g), blendColorDodge(base.b, blend.b));
float blendDarken(float base, float blend)
return min(blend, base);
float3 blendDarken(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendDarken(base.r, blend.r), blendDarken(base.g, blend.g), blendDarken(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendExclusion(float3 base, float3 blend)
return base + blend - 2.0 * base * blend;
float blendReflect(float base, float blend)
return (blend == 1.0)?blend : min(base * base / (1.0 - blend), 1.0);
float3 blendReflect(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendReflect(base.r, blend.r), blendReflect(base.g, blend.g), blendReflect(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendGlow(float3 base, float3 blend)
return blendReflect(blend, base);
float blendOverlay(float base, float blend)
return base < 0.5?(2.0 * base * blend) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend));
float3 blendOverlay(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendOverlay(base.r, blend.r), blendOverlay(base.g, blend.g), blendOverlay(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendHardLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return blendOverlay(blend, base);
float blendVividLight(float base, float blend)
return (blend < 0.5)?blendColorBurn(base, (2.0 * blend)) : blendColorDodge(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5)));
float3 blendVividLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendVividLight(base.r, blend.r), blendVividLight(base.g, blend.g), blendVividLight(base.b, blend.b));
float blendHardMix(float base, float blend)
return (blendVividLight(base, blend) < 0.5)?0.0 : 1.0;
float3 blendHardMix(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendHardMix(base.r, blend.r), blendHardMix(base.g, blend.g), blendHardMix(base.b, blend.b));
float blendLighten(float base, float blend)
return max(blend, base);
float3 blendLighten(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendLighten(base.r, blend.r), blendLighten(base.g, blend.g), blendLighten(base.b, blend.b));
float blendLinearBurn(float base, float blend)
return max(base + blend - 1.0, 0.0);
float3 blendLinearBurn(float3 base, float3 blend)
return max(base + blend - float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
float blendLinearDodge(float base, float blend)
return min(base + blend, 1.0);
float3 blendLinearDodge(float3 base, float3 blend)
return min(base + blend, float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
float blendLinearLight(float base, float blend)
return blend < 0.5?blendLinearBurn(base, (2.0 * blend)) : blendLinearDodge(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5)));
float3 blendLinearLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendLinearLight(base.r, blend.r), blendLinearLight(base.g, blend.g), blendLinearLight(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendMultiply(float3 base, float3 blend)
return base * blend;
float3 blendNegation(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - abs(float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - base - blend);
float3 blendNormal(float3 base, float3 blend)
return blend;
float3 blendPhoenix(float3 base, float3 blend)
return min(base, blend) - max(base, blend) + float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
float blendPinLight(float base, float blend)
return (blend < 0.5)?blendDarken(base, (2.0 * blend)) : blendLighten(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5)));
float3 blendPinLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendPinLight(base.r, blend.r), blendPinLight(base.g, blend.g), blendPinLight(base.b, blend.b));
float blendScreen(float base, float blend)
return 1.0 - ((1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend));
float3 blendScreen(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendScreen(base.r, blend.r), blendScreen(base.g, blend.g), blendScreen(base.b, blend.b));
float blendSoftLight(float base, float blend)
return (blend < 0.5)?(2.0 * base * blend + base * base * (1.0 - 2.0 * blend)) : (sqrt(base) * (2.0 * blend - 1.0) + 2.0 * base * (1.0 - blend));
float3 blendSoftLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendSoftLight(base.r, blend.r), blendSoftLight(base.g, blend.g), blendSoftLight(base.b, blend.b));
float blendSubtract(float base, float blend)
return max(base - blend, 0.0);
float3 blendSubtract(float3 base, float3 blend)
return max(base - blend, 0.0);
float blendDifference(float base, float blend)
return abs(base - blend);
float3 blendDifference(float3 base, float3 blend)
return abs(base - blend);
float blendDivide(float base, float blend)
return base / max(blend, 0.0001);
float3 blendDivide(float3 base, float3 blend)
return base / max(blend, 0.0001);
float3 customBlend(float3 base, float3 blend, float blendType)
float3 ret = 0;
case 0:
ret = blendNormal(base, blend);
case 1:
ret = blendDarken(base, blend);
case 2:
ret = blendMultiply(base, blend);
case 3:
ret = blendColorBurn(base, blend);
case 4:
ret = blendLinearBurn(base, blend);
case 5:
ret = blendLighten(base, blend);
case 6:
ret = blendScreen(base, blend);
case 7:
ret = blendColorDodge(base, blend);
case 8:
ret = blendLinearDodge(base, blend);
case 9:
ret = blendOverlay(base, blend);
case 10:
ret = blendSoftLight(base, blend);
case 11:
ret = blendHardLight(base, blend);
case 12:
ret = blendVividLight(base, blend);
case 13:
ret = blendLinearLight(base, blend);
case 14:
ret = blendPinLight(base, blend);
case 15:
ret = blendHardMix(base, blend);
case 16:
ret = blendDifference(base, blend);
case 17:
ret = blendExclusion(base, blend);
case 18:
ret = blendSubtract(base, blend);
case 19:
ret = blendDivide(base, blend);
return ret;
float random(float2 p)
return frac(sin(dot(p, float2(12.9898, 78.2383))) * 43758.5453123);
float2 random2(float2 p)
return frac(sin(float2(dot(p, float2(127.1, 311.7)), dot(p, float2(269.5, 183.3)))) * 43758.5453);
float3 random3(float3 p)
return frac(sin(float3(dot(p, float3(127.1, 311.7, 248.6)), dot(p, float3(269.5, 183.3, 423.3)), dot(p, float3(248.3, 315.9, 184.2)))) * 43758.5453);
float3 randomFloat3(float2 Seed, float maximum)
return (.5 + float3(
frac(sin(dot(Seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(Seed.yx, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(float2(Seed), float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453)
) * .5) * (maximum);
float3 randomFloat3Range(float2 Seed, float Range)
return (float3(
frac(sin(dot(Seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(Seed.yx, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(float2(Seed.x * Seed.y, Seed.y + Seed.x), float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453)
) * 2 - 1) * Range;
float3 randomFloat3WiggleRange(float2 Seed, float Range, float wiggleSpeed)
float3 rando = (float3(
frac(sin(dot(Seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(Seed.yx, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(float2(Seed.x * Seed.y, Seed.y + Seed.x), float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453)
) * 2 - 1);
float speed = 1 + wiggleSpeed;
return float3(sin((_Time.x + rando.x * PI) * speed), sin((_Time.x + rando.y * PI) * speed), sin((_Time.x + rando.z * PI) * speed)) * Range;
void poiDither(float4 In, float4 ScreenPosition, out float4 Out)
float2 uv = ScreenPosition.xy * _ScreenParams.xy;
1.0 / 17.0, 9.0 / 17.0, 3.0 / 17.0, 11.0 / 17.0,
13.0 / 17.0, 5.0 / 17.0, 15.0 / 17.0, 7.0 / 17.0,
4.0 / 17.0, 12.0 / 17.0, 2.0 / 17.0, 10.0 / 17.0,
16.0 / 17.0, 8.0 / 17.0, 14.0 / 17.0, 6.0 / 17.0
uint index = (uint(uv.x) % 4) * 4 + uint(uv.y) % 4;
Out = In - DITHER_THRESHOLDS[index];
static const float Epsilon = 1e-10;
static const float3 HCYwts = float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
static const float HCLgamma = 3;
static const float HCLy0 = 100;
static const float HCLmaxL = 0.530454533953517; // == exp(HCLgamma / HCLy0) - 0.5
static const float3 wref = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
#define TAU 6.28318531
float3 HUEtoRGB(in float H)
float R = abs(H * 6 - 3) - 1;
float G = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 2);
float B = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 4);
return saturate(float3(R, G, B));
float3 RGBtoHCV(in float3 RGB)
float4 P = (RGB.g < RGB.b) ? float4(, -1.0, 2.0 / 3.0) : float4(, 0.0, -1.0 / 3.0);
float4 Q = (RGB.r < P.x) ? float4(P.xyw, RGB.r) : float4(RGB.r, P.yzx);
float C = Q.x - min(Q.w, Q.y);
float H = abs((Q.w - Q.y) / (6 * C + Epsilon) + Q.z);
return float3(H, C, Q.x);
float3 HSVtoRGB(in float3 HSV)
float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSV.x);
return ((RGB - 1) * HSV.y + 1) * HSV.z;
float3 RGBtoHSV(in float3 RGB)
float3 HCV = RGBtoHCV(RGB);
float S = HCV.y / (HCV.z + Epsilon);
return float3(HCV.x, S, HCV.z);
float3 HSLtoRGB(in float3 HSL)
float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSL.x);
float C = (1 - abs(2 * HSL.z - 1)) * HSL.y;
return (RGB - 0.5) * C + HSL.z;
float3 RGBtoHSL(in float3 RGB)
float3 HCV = RGBtoHCV(RGB);
float L = HCV.z - HCV.y * 0.5;
float S = HCV.y / (1 - abs(L * 2 - 1) + Epsilon);
return float3(HCV.x, S, L);
float3 hueShift(float3 color, float hueOffset)
color = RGBtoHSV(color);
color.x = frac(hueOffset +color.x);
return HSVtoRGB(color);
float xyzF(float t)
return lerp(pow(t, 1. / 3.), 7.787037 * t + 0.139731, step(t, 0.00885645));
float xyzR(float t)
return lerp(t * t * t, 0.1284185 * (t - 0.139731), step(t, 0.20689655));
float4x4 poiRotationMatrixFromAngles(float x, float y, float z)
float angleX = radians(x);
float c = cos(angleX);
float s = sin(angleX);
float4x4 rotateXMatrix = float4x4(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, c, -s, 0,
0, s, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleY = radians(y);
c = cos(angleY);
s = sin(angleY);
float4x4 rotateYMatrix = float4x4(c, 0, s, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
- s, 0, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleZ = radians(z);
c = cos(angleZ);
s = sin(angleZ);
float4x4 rotateZMatrix = float4x4(c, -s, 0, 0,
s, c, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
return mul(mul(rotateXMatrix, rotateYMatrix), rotateZMatrix);
float4x4 poiRotationMatrixFromAngles(float3 angles)
float angleX = radians(angles.x);
float c = cos(angleX);
float s = sin(angleX);
float4x4 rotateXMatrix = float4x4(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, c, -s, 0,
0, s, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleY = radians(angles.y);
c = cos(angleY);
s = sin(angleY);
float4x4 rotateYMatrix = float4x4(c, 0, s, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
- s, 0, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleZ = radians(angles.z);
c = cos(angleZ);
s = sin(angleZ);
float4x4 rotateZMatrix = float4x4(c, -s, 0, 0,
s, c, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
return mul(mul(rotateXMatrix, rotateYMatrix), rotateZMatrix);
float3 getCameraPosition()
return lerp(unity_StereoWorldSpaceCameraPos[0], unity_StereoWorldSpaceCameraPos[1], 0.5);
return _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
half2 calcScreenUVs(half4 grabPos)
half2 uv = grabPos.xy / (grabPos.w + 0.0000000001);
uv.xy *= half2(_ScreenParams.x * 2, _ScreenParams.y);
uv.xy *= _ScreenParams.xy;
return uv;
float CalcMipLevel(float2 texture_coord)
float2 dx = ddx(texture_coord);
float2 dy = ddy(texture_coord);
float delta_max_sqr = max(dot(dx, dx), dot(dy, dy));
return 0.5 * log2(delta_max_sqr);
float inverseLerp(float A, float B, float T)
return (T - A) / (B - A);
float inverseLerp2(float2 a, float2 b, float2 value)
float2 AB = b - a;
float2 AV = value - a;
return dot(AV, AB) / dot(AB, AB);
float inverseLerp3(float3 a, float3 b, float3 value)
float3 AB = b - a;
float3 AV = value - a;
return dot(AV, AB) / dot(AB, AB);
float inverseLerp4(float4 a, float4 b, float4 value)
float4 AB = b - a;
float4 AV = value - a;
return dot(AV, AB) / dot(AB, AB);
float4 quaternion_conjugate(float4 v)
return float4(
v.x, -v.yzw
float4 quaternion_mul(float4 v1, float4 v2)
float4 result1 = (v1.x * v2 + v1 * v2.x);
float4 result2 = float4(
- dot(v1.yzw, v2.yzw),
cross(v1.yzw, v2.yzw)
return float4(result1 + result2);
float4 get_quaternion_from_angle(float3 axis, float angle)
float sn = sin(angle * 0.5);
float cs = cos(angle * 0.5);
return float4(axis * sn, cs);
float4 quaternion_from_vector(float3 inVec)
return float4(0.0, inVec);
float degree_to_radius(float degree)
return (
degree / 180.0 * PI
float3 rotate_with_quaternion(float3 inVec, float3 rotation)
float4 qx = get_quaternion_from_angle(float3(1, 0, 0), radians(rotation.x));
float4 qy = get_quaternion_from_angle(float3(0, 1, 0), radians(rotation.y));
float4 qz = get_quaternion_from_angle(float3(0, 0, 1), radians(rotation.z));
#define MUL3(A, B, C) quaternion_mul(quaternion_mul((A), (B)), (C))
float4 quaternion = normalize(MUL3(qx, qy, qz));
float4 conjugate = quaternion_conjugate(quaternion);
float4 inVecQ = quaternion_from_vector(inVec);
float3 rotated = (
MUL3(quaternion, inVecQ, conjugate)
return rotated;
float4 transform(float4 input, float4 pos, float4 rotation, float4 scale)
input.rgb *= ( * scale.w);
input = float4(rotate_with_quaternion(, * rotation.w) + ( * pos.w), input.w);
return input;
float3 poiThemeColor(in PoiMods poiMods, in float3 srcColor, in float themeIndex)
if (themeIndex == 0) return srcColor;
themeIndex -= 1;
if (themeIndex <= 3)
return poiMods.globalColorTheme[themeIndex];
if (poiMods.audioLinkAvailable)
return poiMods.globalColorTheme[themeIndex];
return srcColor;
float lilIsIn0to1(float f)
float value = 0.5 - abs(f - 0.5);
return saturate(value / clamp(fwidth(value), 0.0001, 1.0));
float lilIsIn0to1(float f, float nv)
float value = 0.5 - abs(f - 0.5);
return saturate(value / clamp(fwidth(value), 0.0001, nv));
float poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border)
return (value - border) / clamp(fwidth(value), 0.0001, 1.0);
float poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur)
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return (value - borderMin) / saturate(borderMax - borderMin + fwidth(value));
float poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5 - borderRange);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return (value - borderMin) / saturate(borderMax - borderMin + fwidth(value));
float poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border)
float fwidthValue = fwidth(value);
return smoothstep(border - fwidthValue, border + fwidthValue, value);
float poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur)
float fwidthValue = fwidth(value);
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return smoothstep(borderMin - fwidthValue, borderMax + fwidthValue, value);
float poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
float fwidthValue = fwidth(value);
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5 - borderRange);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return smoothstep(borderMin - fwidthValue, borderMax + fwidthValue, value);
float poiEdgeNonLinear(float value, float border)
return saturate(poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(value, border));
float poiEdgeNonLinear(float value, float border, float blur)
return saturate(poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur));
float poiEdgeNonLinear(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
return saturate(poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur, borderRange));
float poiEdgeLinear(float value, float border)
return saturate(poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(value, border));
float poiEdgeLinear(float value, float border, float blur)
return saturate(poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur));
float poiEdgeLinear(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
return saturate(poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur, borderRange));
float3 OpenLitLinearToSRGB(float3 col)
return LinearToGammaSpace(col);
float3 OpenLitSRGBToLinear(float3 col)
return GammaToLinearSpace(col);
float OpenLitLuminance(float3 rgb)
return dot(rgb, float3(0.22, 0.707, 0.071));
return dot(rgb, float3(0.0396819152, 0.458021790, 0.00609653955));
float OpenLitGray(float3 rgb)
return dot(rgb, float3(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0));
void OpenLitShadeSH9ToonDouble(float3 lightDirection, out float3 shMax, out float3 shMin)
float3 N = lightDirection * 0.666666;
float4 vB = N.xyzz * N.yzzx;
float3 res = float3(unity_SHAr.w,unity_SHAg.w,unity_SHAb.w);
res.r += dot(unity_SHBr, vB);
res.g += dot(unity_SHBg, vB);
res.b += dot(unity_SHBb, vB);
res += unity_SHC.rgb * (N.x * N.x - N.y * N.y);
float3 l1;
l1.r = dot(unity_SHAr.rgb, N);
l1.g = dot(unity_SHAg.rgb, N);
l1.b = dot(unity_SHAb.rgb, N);
shMax = res + l1;
shMin = res - l1;
shMax = OpenLitLinearToSRGB(shMax);
shMin = OpenLitLinearToSRGB(shMin);
shMax = 0.0;
shMin = 0.0;
float3 OpenLitComputeCustomLightDirection(float4 lightDirectionOverride)
float3 customDir = length( * normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld,;
return lightDirectionOverride.w ? customDir :; // .w isn't doc'd anywhere and is always 0 unless end user changes it
float3 OpenLitLightingDirection(float4 lightDirectionOverride)
float3 mainDir = * OpenLitLuminance(_LightColor0.rgb);
float3 sh9Dir = * 0.333333 + * 0.333333 + * 0.333333;
float3 sh9DirAbs = float3(sh9Dir.x, abs(sh9Dir.y), sh9Dir.z);
float3 sh9Dir = 0;
float3 sh9DirAbs = 0;
float3 customDir = OpenLitComputeCustomLightDirection(lightDirectionOverride);
return normalize(sh9DirAbs + mainDir + customDir);
float3 OpenLitLightingDirection()
float4 customDir = float4(0.001,0.002,0.001,0.0);
return OpenLitLightingDirection(customDir);
inline float4 CalculateFrustumCorrection()
float x1 = -UNITY_MATRIX_P._31 / (UNITY_MATRIX_P._11 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._34);
float x2 = -UNITY_MATRIX_P._32 / (UNITY_MATRIX_P._22 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._34);
return float4(x1, x2, 0, UNITY_MATRIX_P._33 / UNITY_MATRIX_P._34 + x1 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._13 + x2 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._23);
inline float CorrectedLinearEyeDepth(float z, float B)
return 1.0 / (z / UNITY_MATRIX_P._34 + B);
float2 sharpSample( float4 texelSize , float2 p )
p = p*;
float2 c = max(0.0, fwidth(p));
p = floor(p) + saturate(frac(p) / c);
p = (p - 0.5)*texelSize.xy;
return p;
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
PoiInitStruct(v2f, o);
o.objectPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1)).xyz;
o.objNormal = v.normal;
o.normal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
o.tangent = UnityObjectToWorldDir(v.tangent);
o.binormal = cross(o.normal, o.tangent) * (v.tangent.w * unity_WorldTransformParams.w);
o.vertexColor = v.color;
o.uv[0] = v.uv0;
o.uv[1] = v.uv1;
o.uv[2] = v.uv2;
o.uv[3] = v.uv3;
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
o.lightmapUV.xy = v.uv1.xy * unity_LightmapST.xy +;
#ifdef DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON = v.uv2.xy * unity_DynamicLightmapST.xy +;
o.localPos = v.vertex;
o.worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, o.localPos);
float3 localOffset = float3(0, 0, 0);
float3 worldOffset = float3(0, 0, 0);
o.localPos.rgb += localOffset;
o.worldPos.rgb += worldOffset;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(o.localPos);
#if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z)
o.pos.z += _Offset_Z * - 0.01;
o.pos.z += _Offset_Z * 0.01;
o.grabPos = ComputeGrabScreenPos(o.pos);
if (float(0))
if (o.pos.w < _ProjectionParams.y * 1.01 && o.pos.w > 0)
o.pos.z = o.pos.z * 0.0001 + o.pos.w * 0.999;
o.pos = UnityMetaVertexPosition(v.vertex, v.uv1.xy, v.uv2.xy, unity_LightmapST, unity_DynamicLightmapST);
#if defined(GRAIN)
float4 worldDirection; = - _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
worldDirection.w = dot(o.pos, CalculateFrustumCorrection());
o.worldDirection = worldDirection;
return o;
void calculateGlobalThemes(inout PoiMods poiMods)
poiMods.globalColorTheme[0] = float4(1,1,1,1);
poiMods.globalColorTheme[1] = float4(1,1,1,1);
poiMods.globalColorTheme[2] = float4(1,1,1,1);
poiMods.globalColorTheme[3] = float4(1,1,1,1);
float2 calculatePolarCoordinate(in PoiMesh poiMesh)
float2 delta = poiMesh.uv[float(0)] - float4(0.5,0.5,0,0);
float radius = length(delta) * 2 * float(1);
float angle = atan2(delta.x, delta.y) * 1.0 / 6.28 * float(1);
return float2(radius, angle + distance(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(0.5,0.5,0,0)) * float(0));
float2 MonoPanoProjection(float3 coords)
float3 normalizedCoords = normalize(coords);
float latitude = acos(normalizedCoords.y);
float longitude = atan2(normalizedCoords.z, normalizedCoords.x);
float2 sphereCoords = float2(longitude, latitude) * float2(1.0 / UNITY_PI, 1.0 / UNITY_PI);
sphereCoords = float2(1.0, 1.0) - sphereCoords;
return(sphereCoords + float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 1.0).xy) * float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 1.0).zw;
float2 StereoPanoProjection(float3 coords)
float3 normalizedCoords = normalize(coords);
float latitude = acos(normalizedCoords.y);
float longitude = atan2(normalizedCoords.z, normalizedCoords.x);
float2 sphereCoords = float2(longitude, latitude) * float2(0.5 / UNITY_PI, 1.0 / UNITY_PI);
sphereCoords = float2(0.5, 1.0) - sphereCoords;
return(sphereCoords + float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 0.5).xy) * float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 0.5).zw;
float2 calculatePanosphereUV(in PoiMesh poiMesh)
float3 viewDirection = normalize(lerp(getCameraPosition().xyz,, float(1)) - * - 1;
return lerp(MonoPanoProjection(viewDirection), StereoPanoProjection(viewDirection), float(0));
void applyAlphaOptions(inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam, in PoiMods poiMods)
poiFragData.alpha = saturate(poiFragData.alpha + float(0));
float2 decalUV(float uvNumber, float4 uv_st, float2 position, half rotation, half rotationSpeed, half2 scale, float4 scaleOffset, float depth, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam)
scaleOffset = float4(-scaleOffset.x, scaleOffset.y, -scaleOffset.z, scaleOffset.w);
float2 uv = poiUV(poiMesh.uv[uvNumber], uv_st) + calcParallax(depth + 1, poiCam);
float2 decalCenter = position;
float theta = radians(rotation + _Time.z * rotationSpeed);
float cs = cos(theta);
float sn = sin(theta);
uv = float2((uv.x - decalCenter.x) * cs - (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * sn + decalCenter.x, (uv.x - decalCenter.x) * sn + (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * cs + decalCenter.y);
uv = remap(uv, float2(0, 0) - scale / 2 + position + scaleOffset.xz, scale / 2 + position + scaleOffset.yw, float2(0, 0), float2(1, 1));
return uv;
inline float3 decalHueShift(float enabled, float3 color, float shift, float shiftSpeed)
if (enabled)
color = hueShift(color, shift + _Time.x * shiftSpeed);
return color;
inline float applyTilingClipping(float enabled, float2 uv)
float ret = 1;
if (!enabled)
if (uv.x > 1 || uv.y > 1 || uv.x < 0 || uv.y < 0)
ret = 0;
return ret;
void applyDecals(inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam, in PoiMods poiMods, in PoiLight poiLight)
float decalAlpha = 1;
float alphaOverride = 0;
#if defined(PROP_DECALMASK) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
float4 decalMask = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_DecalMask, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 decalMask = 1;
#ifdef TPS_Penetrator
if (float(0))
decalMask.r = lerp(0, decalMask.r * TPSBufferedDepth(poiMesh.localPos, poiMesh.vertexColor), float(1));
decalMask.g = lerp(0, decalMask.g * TPSBufferedDepth(poiMesh.localPos, poiMesh.vertexColor), float(1));
decalMask.b = lerp(0, decalMask.b * TPSBufferedDepth(poiMesh.localPos, poiMesh.vertexColor), float(1));
decalMask.a = lerp(0, decalMask.a * TPSBufferedDepth(poiMesh.localPos, poiMesh.vertexColor), float(1));
float4 decalColor = 1;
float2 uv = 0;
float2 decalScale = float2(1, 1);
float decalRotation = 0;
float2 ddxuv = 0;
float2 ddyuv = 0;
float4 sideMod = 0;
if (alphaOverride)
poiFragData.alpha *= decalAlpha;
poiFragData.baseColor = saturate(poiFragData.baseColor);
//ifex float(1)==0
#define HARD 0
#define LERP 1
float V_SmithGGXCorrelated(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL)
float a2 = roughness * roughness;
float lambdaV = NoL * sqrt((NoV - a2 * NoV) * NoV + a2);
float lambdaL = NoV * sqrt((NoL - a2 * NoL) * NoL + a2);
float v = 0.5 / (lambdaV + lambdaL);
return v;
float D_GGX(float roughness, float NoH)
float oneMinusNoHSquared = 1.0 - NoH * NoH;
float a = NoH * roughness;
float k = roughness / (oneMinusNoHSquared + a * a);
float d = k * k * (1.0 / UNITY_PI);
return d;
float D_Charlie(float roughness, float NoH)
float invAlpha = 1.0 / roughness;
float cos2h = NoH * NoH;
float sin2h = max(1.0 - cos2h, 0.0078125); // 0.0078125 = 2^(-14/2), so sin2h^2 > 0 in fp16
return (2.0 + invAlpha) * pow(sin2h, invAlpha * 0.5) / (2.0 * UNITY_PI);
float V_Neubelt(float NoV, float NoL)
return 1.0 / (4.0 * (NoL + NoV - NoL * NoV));
float Distribution(float roughness, float NoH, float cloth)
return lerp(GGXTerm(roughness, NoH), D_Charlie(roughness, NoH), cloth);
return cloth <= 0.5 ? GGXTerm(roughness, NoH) : D_Charlie(roughness, NoH);
float Visibility(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL, float cloth)
return lerp(V_SmithGGXCorrelated(roughness, NoV, NoL), V_Neubelt(NoV, NoL), cloth);
return cloth <= 0.5 ? V_SmithGGXCorrelated(roughness, NoV, NoL) : V_Neubelt(NoV, NoL);
float F_Schlick(float3 f0, float f90, float VoH)
return f0 + (f90 - f0) * pow(1.0 - VoH, 5);
float F_Schlick(float3 f0, float VoH)
float f = pow(1.0 - VoH, 5.0);
return f + f0 * (1.0 - f);
float Fresnel(float3 f0, float LoH)
float f90 = saturate(dot(f0, float(50.0 * 0.33).xxx));
return F_Schlick(f0, f90, LoH);
float Fd_Burley(float roughness, float NoV, float NoL, float LoH)
float f90 = 0.5 + 2.0 * roughness * LoH * LoH;
float lightScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, f90, NoL);
float viewScatter = F_Schlick(1.0, f90, NoV);
return lightScatter * viewScatter;
float Fd_Wrap(float NoL, float w)
return saturate((NoL + w) / pow(1.0 + w, 2));
float4 SampleDFG(float NoV, float perceptualRoughness)
return _ClothDFG.Sample(sampler_ClothDFG, float3(NoV, perceptualRoughness, 0));
float3 EnvBRDF(float2 dfg, float3 f0)
return f0 * dfg.x + dfg.y;
float3 EnvBRDFMultiscatter(float3 dfg, float3 f0, float cloth)
return lerp(lerp(, dfg.yyy, f0), f0 * dfg.z, cloth);
return cloth <= 0.5 ? lerp(, dfg.yyy, f0) : f0 * dfg.z;
float3 EnvBRDFEnergyCompensation(float3 dfg, float3 f0, float cloth)
return lerp(1.0 + f0 * (1.0 / dfg.y - 1.0), 1, cloth);
return cloth <= 0.5 ? 1.0 + f0 * (1.0 / dfg.y - 1.0) : 1;
float ClothMetallic(float cloth)
return cloth;
return cloth <= 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
float3 Specular(float roughness, PoiLight poiLight, float f0, float3 normal, float cloth)
float NoL = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
float NoH = poiLight.nDotH;
float LoH = poiLight.lDotH;
float NoV = poiLight.nDotV;
float D = Distribution(roughness, NoH, cloth);
float V = Visibility(roughness, NoV, NoL, cloth);
float3 F = Fresnel(f0, LoH);
return (D * V) * F;
float3 getBoxProjection(float3 direction, float3 position, float4 cubemapPosition, float3 boxMin, float3 boxMax)
if (cubemapPosition.w > 0)
float3 factors = ((direction > 0 ? boxMax : boxMin) - position) / direction;
float scalar = min(min(factors.x, factors.y), factors.z);
direction = direction * scalar + (position -;
return direction;
float SpecularAO(float NoV, float ao, float roughness)
return clamp(pow(NoV + ao, exp2(-16.0 * roughness - 1.0)) - 1.0 + ao, 0.0, 1.0);
float3 IndirectSpecular(float3 dfg, float roughness, float occlusion, float energyCompensation, float cloth, float3 indirectDiffuse, float f0, PoiLight poiLight, PoiFragData poiFragData, PoiCam poiCam, PoiMesh poiMesh)
float3 normal = poiMesh.normals[1];
float3 reflDir = reflect(-poiCam.viewDir, normal);
Unity_GlossyEnvironmentData envData;
envData.roughness = roughness;
envData.reflUVW = getBoxProjection(reflDir, poiMesh.worldPos, unity_SpecCube0_ProbePosition,,;
float3 probe0 = Unity_GlossyEnvironment(UNITY_PASS_TEXCUBE(unity_SpecCube0), unity_SpecCube0_HDR, envData);
float3 indirectSpecular = probe0;
if (unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin.w < 0.99999)
envData.reflUVW = getBoxProjection(reflDir, poiMesh.worldPos, unity_SpecCube1_ProbePosition,,;
float3 probe1 = Unity_GlossyEnvironment(UNITY_PASS_TEXCUBE_SAMPLER(unity_SpecCube1, unity_SpecCube0), unity_SpecCube1_HDR, envData);
indirectSpecular = lerp(probe1, probe0, unity_SpecCube0_BoxMin.w);
float horizon = min(1 + dot(reflDir, normal), 1);
indirectSpecular = indirectSpecular * horizon * horizon * energyCompensation * EnvBRDFMultiscatter(dfg, f0, cloth);
indirectSpecular *= SpecularAO(poiLight.nDotV, occlusion, roughness);
return indirectSpecular;
#undef LERP
#undef HARD
float _LightingWrappedWrap;
float _LightingWrappedNormalization;
float RTWrapFunc(in float dt, in float w, in float norm)
float cw = saturate(w);
float o = (dt + cw) / ((1.0 + cw) * (1.0 + cw * norm));
float flt = 1.0 - 0.85 * norm;
if (w > 1.0)
o = lerp(o, flt, w - 1.0);
return o;
float3 GreenWrapSH(float fA) // Greens unoptimized and non-normalized
float fAs = saturate(fA);
float4 t = float4(fA + 1, fAs - 1, fA - 2, fAs + 1); // DJL edit: allow wrapping to L0-only at w=2
return float3(t.x, -t.z * t.x / 3, 0.25 * t.y * t.y * t.w);
float3 GreenWrapSHOpt(float fW) // optimised and normalized
const float4 t0 = float4(0.0, 1.0 / 4.0, -1.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 2.0);
const float4 t1 = float4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 4.0, 0.0);
float3 fWs = float3(fW, fW, saturate(fW)); // DJL edit: allow wrapping to L0-only at w=2
float3 r; = t0.xxy * fWs + t0.xzw; = * fWs +;
return r;
float3 ShadeSH9_wrapped(float3 normal, float wrap)
float3 x0, x1, x2;
float3 conv = lerp(GreenWrapSH(wrap), GreenWrapSHOpt(wrap), float(0)); // Should try optimizing this...
conv *= float3(1, 1.5, 4); // Undo pre-applied cosine convolution by using the inverse
x0 = float3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w);
float3 L2_0 = float3(unity_SHBr.z, unity_SHBg.z, unity_SHBb.z) / - 3.0;
x0 -= L2_0;
x1.r = dot(, normal);
x1.g = dot(, normal);
x1.b = dot(, normal);
float4 vB = normal.xyzz * normal.yzzx;
x2.r = dot(unity_SHBr, vB);
x2.g = dot(unity_SHBg, vB);
x2.b = dot(unity_SHBb, vB);
float vC = normal.x * normal.x - normal.y * normal.y;
x2 += unity_SHC.rgb * vC;
x2 += L2_0;
return x0 * conv.x + x1 * conv.y + x2 * conv.z;
float3 GetSHDirectionL1()
return Unity_SafeNormalize(( + +;
half3 GetSHMaxL1()
float3 maxDirection = GetSHDirectionL1();
return ShadeSH9_wrapped(maxDirection, 0);
void applyShadeMapping(inout PoiFragData poiFragData, PoiMesh poiMesh, inout PoiLight poiLight)
float MainColorFeatherStep = float(0.5) - float(0.0001);
float firstColorFeatherStep = float(0) - float(0.0001);
#if defined(PROP_1ST_SHADEMAP) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
float4 firstShadeMap = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_1st_ShadeMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 firstShadeMap = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
firstShadeMap = lerp(firstShadeMap, float4(poiFragData.baseColor, 1), float(0));
#if defined(PROP_2ND_SHADEMAP) || !defined(OPTIMIZER_ENABLED)
float4 secondShadeMap = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_2nd_ShadeMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 secondShadeMap = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
secondShadeMap = lerp(secondShadeMap, firstShadeMap, float(0));
firstShadeMap.rgb *= float4(1,1,1,1).rgb; //* lighColor
secondShadeMap.rgb *= float4(1,1,1,1).rgb; //* LightColor;
float shadowMask = 1;
shadowMask *= float(0) ?(float(0) ?(1.0 - firstShadeMap.a) : firstShadeMap.a) : 1;
shadowMask *= float(0) ?(float(0) ?(1.0 - secondShadeMap.a) : secondShadeMap.a) : 1;
float mainShadowMask = saturate(1 - ((poiLight.lightMap) - MainColorFeatherStep) / (float(0.5) - MainColorFeatherStep) * (shadowMask));
float firstSecondShadowMask = saturate(1 - ((poiLight.lightMap) - firstColorFeatherStep) / (float(0) - firstColorFeatherStep) * (shadowMask));
mainShadowMask *= poiLight.shadowMask * float(1);
firstSecondShadowMask *= poiLight.shadowMask * float(1);
if (float(0) == 0)
poiFragData.baseColor.rgb = lerp(poiFragData.baseColor.rgb, lerp(firstShadeMap.rgb, secondShadeMap.rgb, firstSecondShadowMask), mainShadowMask);
poiFragData.baseColor.rgb *= lerp(1, lerp(firstShadeMap.rgb, secondShadeMap.rgb, firstSecondShadowMask), mainShadowMask);
poiLight.rampedLightMap = 1 - mainShadowMask;
void ApplySubtractiveLighting(inout UnityIndirect indirectLight)
poiLight.attenuation = FadeShadows(lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, _AttenuationMultiplier));
float ndotl = saturate(dot(i.normal,;
float3 shadowedLightEstimate = ndotl * (1 - poiLight.attenuation) * _LightColor0.rgb;
float3 subtractedLight = indirectLight.diffuse - shadowedLightEstimate;
subtractedLight = max(subtractedLight, unity_ShadowColor.rgb);
subtractedLight = lerp(subtractedLight, indirectLight.diffuse, _LightShadowData.x);
indirectLight.diffuse = min(subtractedLight, indirectLight.diffuse);
UnityIndirect CreateIndirectLight(in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam, in PoiLight poiLight)
UnityIndirect indirectLight;
indirectLight.diffuse = 0;
indirectLight.specular = 0;
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
indirectLight.diffuse = DecodeLightmap(UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(unity_Lightmap, poiMesh.lightmapUV.xy));
float4 lightmapDirection = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(
unity_LightmapInd, unity_Lightmap, poiMesh.lightmapUV.xy
indirectLight.diffuse = DecodeDirectionalLightmap(
indirectLight.diffuse, lightmapDirection, poiMesh.normals[1]
float3 dynamicLightDiffuse = DecodeRealtimeLightmap(
float4 dynamicLightmapDirection = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(
unity_DynamicDirectionality, unity_DynamicLightmap,
indirectLight.diffuse += DecodeDirectionalLightmap(
dynamicLightDiffuse, dynamicLightmapDirection, poiMesh.normals[1]
indirectLight.diffuse += dynamicLightDiffuse;
#if !defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) && !defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON)
if (unity_ProbeVolumeParams.x == 1)
indirectLight.diffuse = SHEvalLinearL0L1_SampleProbeVolume(
float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1), poiMesh.worldPos
indirectLight.diffuse = max(0, indirectLight.diffuse);
indirectLight.diffuse = LinearToGammaSpace(indirectLight.diffuse);
indirectLight.diffuse += max(0, ShadeSH9(float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1)));
indirectLight.diffuse += max(0, ShadeSH9(float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1)));
indirectLight.diffuse *= poiLight.occlusion;
return indirectLight;
void calculateShading(inout PoiLight poiLight, inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam)
float shadowStrength = float(1) * poiLight.shadowMask;
shadowStrength = lerp(0, shadowStrength, _OutlineShadowStrength);
poiLight.finalLighting = poiLight.directColor;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
float4 blurMap = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_MultilayerMathBlurMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 blurMap = 1;
float4 lns = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
if (float(1))
lns.x = poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.1) * blurMap.r);
lns.y = poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.3) * blurMap.g);
lns.z = poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.25), float(0.1) * blurMap.b);
lns.w = poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.1) * blurMap.r, float(0));
lns.x = poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.1) * blurMap.r);
lns.y = poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.3) * blurMap.g);
lns.z = poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.25), float(0.1) * blurMap.b);
lns.w = poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(poiLight.lightMap, float(0.5), float(0.1) * blurMap.r, float(0));
lns = saturate(lns);
float3 indirectColor = 1;
if (float4(0.4479884,0.5225216,0.6920712,1).a > 0)
float4 shadowColorTex = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_ShadowColorTex, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 shadowColorTex = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
indirectColor = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), shadowColorTex.rgb, shadowColorTex.a) * float4(0.4479884,0.5225216,0.6920712,1).rgb;
if (float4(0,0,0,0).a > 0)
float4 shadow2ndColorTex = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_Shadow2ndColorTex, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 shadow2ndColorTex = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
shadow2ndColorTex.rgb = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), shadow2ndColorTex.rgb, shadow2ndColorTex.a) * float4(0,0,0,0).rgb;
lns.y = float4(0,0,0,0).a - lns.y * float4(0,0,0,0).a;
indirectColor = lerp(indirectColor, shadow2ndColorTex.rgb, lns.y);
if (float4(0,0,0,0).a > 0)
float4 shadow3rdColorTex = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_Shadow3rdColorTex, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float4 shadow3rdColorTex = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
shadow3rdColorTex.rgb = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), shadow3rdColorTex.rgb, shadow3rdColorTex.a) * float4(0,0,0,0).rgb;
lns.z = float4(0,0,0,0).a - lns.z * float4(0,0,0,0).a;
indirectColor = lerp(indirectColor, shadow3rdColorTex.rgb, lns.z);
poiLight.rampedLightMap = lns.x;
indirectColor = lerp(indirectColor, 1, lns.w * float4(1,0,0,1).rgb);
indirectColor = indirectColor * lerp(poiLight.indirectColor, poiLight.directColor, float(1));
indirectColor = lerp(poiLight.directColor, indirectColor, shadowStrength * poiLight.shadowMask);
poiLight.finalLighting = lerp(indirectColor, poiLight.directColor, lns.x);
poiLight.finalLighting = poiLight.directColor;
UnityLight light;
light.dir = poiLight.direction;
light.color = saturate(_LightColor0.rgb * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength) * poiLight.detailShadow);
light.ndotl = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
poiLight.finalLighting = max(UNITY_BRDF_PBS(1, 0, 0, 0, poiMesh.normals[1], poiCam.viewDir, light, CreateIndirectLight(poiMesh, poiCam, poiLight)).xyz, float(0));
float4 clothmapsample = POI2D_MAINTEX_SAMPLER_PAN_INLINED(_ClothMetallicSmoothnessMap, poiMesh);
float roughness = 1 - (clothmapsample.a * float(0.5));
float reflectance = float(0.5) * clothmapsample.b;
float clothmask = clothmapsample.g;
float metallic = pow(clothmapsample.r * _ClothMetallic, 2) * ClothMetallic(clothmask);
roughness = float(0) == 1 ? 1 - roughness : roughness;
float roughness = 1 - (float(0.5));
float metallic = pow(_ClothMetallic, 2);
float reflectance = float(0.5);
float clothmask = 1;
float perceptualRoughness = pow(roughness, 2);
float clampedRoughness = max(0.002, perceptualRoughness);
float f0 = 0.16 * reflectance * reflectance * (1 - metallic) + poiFragData.baseColor * metallic;
float3 fresnel = Fresnel(f0, poiLight.nDotV);
float3 dfg = SampleDFG(poiLight.nDotV, perceptualRoughness);
float energyCompensation = EnvBRDFEnergyCompensation(dfg, f0, clothmask);
poiLight.finalLighting = Fd_Burley(perceptualRoughness, poiLight.nDotV, poiLight.nDotLSaturated, poiLight.lDotH);
poiLight.finalLighting *= _LightColor0 * poiLight.attenuation * poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
float3 specular = max(0, Specular(clampedRoughness, poiLight, f0, poiMesh.normals[1], clothmask) * poiLight.finalLighting * energyCompensation * UNITY_PI); // (D * V) * F
float3 L0 = float3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w);
float3 indirectDiffuse;
indirectDiffuse.r = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.r,, poiMesh.normals[1]);
indirectDiffuse.g = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.g,, poiMesh.normals[1]);
indirectDiffuse.b = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.b,, poiMesh.normals[1]);
indirectDiffuse = max(0, indirectDiffuse);
float3 indirectSpecular = IndirectSpecular(dfg, roughness, poiLight.occlusion, energyCompensation, clothmask, indirectDiffuse, f0, poiLight, poiFragData, poiCam, poiMesh);
poiLight.finalLightAdd += max(0, specular + indirectSpecular);
poiLight.finalLighting += indirectDiffuse * poiLight.occlusion; *= (1 - metallic);
#define GREYSCALE_VECTOR float3(.33333, .33333, .33333)
float3 directColor = _LightColor0.rgb * saturate(RTWrapFunc(poiLight.nDotL, float(0), float(0))) * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength);
float3 indirectColor = ShadeSH9_wrapped(poiMesh.normals[float(0)], float(0)) * poiLight.occlusion;
float3 ShadeSH9Plus_2 = GetSHMaxL1();
float bw_topDirectLighting_2 = dot(_LightColor0.rgb, GREYSCALE_VECTOR);
float bw_directLighting = dot(directColor, GREYSCALE_VECTOR);
float bw_indirectLighting = dot(indirectColor, GREYSCALE_VECTOR);
float bw_topIndirectLighting = dot(ShadeSH9Plus_2, GREYSCALE_VECTOR);
poiLight.lightMap = smoothstep(0, bw_topIndirectLighting + bw_topDirectLighting_2, bw_indirectLighting + bw_directLighting) * poiLight.detailShadow;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = saturate((poiLight.lightMap - (1 - float(0.5))) / saturate((1 - float(0)) - (1 - float(0.5)) + fwidth(poiLight.lightMap)));
float3 mathRamp = lerp(float3(1, 1, 1), saturate(lerp((float4(1,1,1,1) * lerp(indirectColor, 1, float(1))), float3(1, 1, 1), saturate(poiLight.rampedLightMap))), float(1));
float3 finalWrap = directColor + indirectColor;
if (float(1))
finalWrap = clamp(finalWrap, float(0), float(1));
finalWrap = max(finalWrap, float(0));
poiLight.finalLighting = finalWrap * saturate(mathRamp + 1 - float(1));
float3 ambientNormalWorld = poiMesh.normals[1];//aTangentToWorld(s, s.blurredNormalTangent);
poiLight.rampedLightMap = poiLight.nDotLSaturated;
float subsurface = 1;
float skinScattering = saturate(subsurface * float(1) * 2);
half3 absorption = exp((1.0h - subsurface) * float4(-8,-40,-64,0).rgb);
absorption *= saturate(poiFragData.baseColor * unity_ColorSpaceDouble.rgb);
ambientNormalWorld = normalize(lerp(poiMesh.normals[1], ambientNormalWorld, float(0.7)));
float ndlBlur = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.direction) * 0.5h + 0.5h;
float lumi = dot(poiLight.directColor, half3(0.2126h, 0.7152h, 0.0722h));
float4 sssLookupUv = float4(ndlBlur, skinScattering * lumi, 0.0f, 0.0f);
half3 sss = poiLight.lightMap * poiLight.attenuation * tex2Dlod(_SkinLUT, sssLookupUv).rgb;
poiLight.finalLighting = min(lerp(poiLight.indirectColor * float4(1,1,1,1), float4(1,1,1,1), float(1)) + (sss * poiLight.directColor), poiLight.directColor);
float3 forward = normalize(UnityObjectToWorldDir(float4(float4(0,0,1,0).xyz, 1)));
float3 left = normalize(UnityObjectToWorldDir(float4(float4(-1,0,0,0).xyz, 1)));
float3 lightDirHorizontal = normalize(float3(poiLight.direction.x, 0, poiLight.direction.z));
float lightAtten = 1 - (dot(lightDirHorizontal, forward) * 0.5 + 0.5);
float filpU = sign(dot(lightDirHorizontal, left));
float shadowSDF = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_SDFShadingTexture, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)) * float2(filpU, 1), float4(0,0,0,0)).r;
float shadowSDF = float2(1, 1);
float blur = float(0.1) * 0.1;
float faceShadow = smoothstep(lightAtten - blur, lightAtten + blur, shadowSDF) * poiLight.detailShadow;
float3 indirectColor = float4(1,1,1,1).rgb;
indirectColor = indirectColor * lerp(poiLight.indirectColor, poiLight.directColor, float(1));
indirectColor = lerp(poiLight.directColor, indirectColor, float(1) * poiLight.shadowMask);
poiLight.finalLighting = lerp(indirectColor, poiLight.directColor, faceShadow);
if (float(1) == 0)
poiLight.rampedLightMap = max(0, poiLight.nDotL);
poiLight.finalLighting = poiLight.directColor * poiLight.attenuation * max(0, poiLight.nDotL) * poiLight.detailShadow * poiLight.additiveShadow;
if (float(1) == 1)
#if defined(POINT_COOKIE) || defined(DIRECTIONAL_COOKIE)
float passthrough = 0;
float passthrough = float(0.5);
if (float(0.5) == float(0)) float(0.5) += 0.001;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = smoothstep(float(0.5), float(0), 1 - (.5 * poiLight.nDotL + .5));
#if defined(POINT) || defined(SPOT)
poiLight.finalLighting = lerp(poiLight.directColor * max(min(poiLight.additiveShadow, poiLight.detailShadow), passthrough), poiLight.indirectColor, smoothstep(float(0), float(0.5), 1 - (.5 * poiLight.nDotL + .5))) * poiLight.attenuation;
poiLight.finalLighting = lerp(poiLight.directColor * max(min(poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.detailShadow), passthrough), poiLight.indirectColor, smoothstep(float(0), float(0.5), 1 - (.5 * poiLight.nDotL + .5)));
if (float(1) == 2)
#if defined(VERTEXLIGHT_ON) && defined(POI_VERTEXLIGHT_ON)
float3 vertexLighting = float3(0, 0, 0);
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
if (float(1) == 0)
vertexLighting += poiLight.vColor[index] * poiLight.vAttenuationDotNL[index] * poiLight.detailShadow; // Realistic
if (float(1) == 1) // Toon
vertexLighting += lerp(poiLight.vColor[index] * poiLight.vAttenuation[index], poiLight.vColor[index] * float(0.5) * poiLight.vAttenuation[index], smoothstep(float(0), float(0.5), .5 * poiLight.vDotNL[index] + .5)) * poiLight.detailShadow;
float3 mixedLight = poiLight.finalLighting;
poiLight.finalLighting = vertexLighting + poiLight.finalLighting;
//ifex float(1)==0
void ApplyAudioLinkDecal(in PoiMesh poiMesh, inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMods poiMods)
float4 colorAndMask = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
colorAndMask = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_ALDecalColorMask, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float2 uv = poiMesh.uv[float(0)];
float2 decalCenter = float4(0.5,0.5,1,1);
float theta = radians(float(0) + _Time.z * float(0));
float cs = cos(theta);
float sn = sin(theta);
uv = float2((uv.x - decalCenter.x) * cs - (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * sn + decalCenter.x, (uv.x - decalCenter.x) * sn + (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * cs + decalCenter.y);
uv = remap(uv, float2(0, 0) - float4(1,1,1,1).xz / 2 + float4(0.5,0.5,1,1), float4(1,1,1,1).yw / 2 + float4(0.5,0.5,1,1), float2(0, 0), float2(1, 1));
float4 audioLinkMask = 1.0;
float2 aluv = uv;
if (float(0) == 1)
float2 uvdir = uv * 2 - 1;
aluv.x = frac(atan2(uvdir.y, uvdir.x) * UNITY_INV_TWO_PI);
aluv.y = length(uvdir);
float maskY = aluv.y;
if (float(0) == 1)
maskY = remap(maskY, float4(0,1,0,1).x, float4(0,1,0,1).y, 0, 1);
float maskX = aluv.x;
if (float(0) == 1)
maskX = remap(maskX, float4(0,1,0,1).z, float4(0,1,0,1).w, 0, 1);
float maskVolume = float(0) != 0.0 ? floor(maskY * float(0)) / float(0) : maskY;
float maskBand = float(0) != 0.0 ? floor(maskX * float(0)) / float(0) : maskX;
audioLinkMask.r = maskVolume;
audioLinkMask.g = maskBand;
audioLinkMask.b = maskVolume < float(0) || maskVolume > float(1) ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
audioLinkMask.b = maskBand < float(0) || maskBand > float(1) ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
if (float(0))
float volumeth = float(0.5);
if (float(0) != 0.0) audioLinkMask.b = frac(maskY * float(0)) > volumeth ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
float bandwidth = float(0) == 1 ? float(0.5) / aluv.y : float(0.5);
float bandth = 1.0 - bandwidth;
if (float(0) != 0.0) audioLinkMask.b = frac(maskX * float(0) + bandth * 0.5) < bandth ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
float2 audioLinkUV = float2(frac(audioLinkMask.g * 2.0), 4.5 / 4.0 + floor(audioLinkMask.g * 2.0) / 4.0);
audioLinkUV.y *= 0.0625;
float4 audioTexture = _AudioTexture.Sample(sampler_linear_clamp, audioLinkUV);
float audioVal = audioTexture.b * float(0.5) * lerp(float(5), float(1), audioLinkMask.g);
float audioLinkValue = float(1) < 1.0 ? abs(audioVal - audioLinkMask.r) < float(1) : audioVal > audioLinkMask.r * 2.0;
audioLinkValue = saturate(audioLinkValue) * audioLinkMask.b;
audioLinkValue *= colorAndMask.a;
if (!poiMods.audioLinkAvailable)
audioLinkValue = 0;
float3 alColorChord = _AudioTexture.Sample(sampler_linear_clamp, float2(maskX, 24.5 / 64.0)).rgb;
float volumeColorSrc = audioLinkMask.g;
if (float(1) == 1) volumeColorSrc = audioLinkMask.r;
if (float(1) == 2) volumeColorSrc = audioVal;
float3 volumeColor = lerp(float4(0,0,1,1).rgb, float4(0,1,0,1).rgb, saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2));
volumeColor = lerp(volumeColor, float4(1,0,0,1).rgb, saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2 - 1));
float3 emissionColor = lerp(float4(0,0,1,1).rgb * float(0), float4(0,1,0,1).rgb * float(0), saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2));
emissionColor = lerp(emissionColor, float4(1,0,0,1).rgb * float(0), saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2 - 1));
#if defined(POI_PASS_BASE) || defined(POI_PASS_ADD)
poiFragData.emission += emissionColor * audioLinkValue;
poiFragData.baseColor.rgb = lerp(poiFragData.baseColor, customBlend(poiFragData.baseColor, volumeColor * colorAndMask.rgb, float(0)), saturate(float(1) * audioLinkValue));
poiFragData.alpha = lerp(poiFragData.alpha, poiFragData.alpha * audioLinkValue, float(0));
float4 frag(v2f i, uint facing : SV_IsFrontFace) : SV_Target
PoiMesh poiMesh;
PoiInitStruct(PoiMesh, poiMesh);
PoiLight poiLight;
PoiInitStruct(PoiLight, poiLight);
PoiVertexLights poiVertexLights;
PoiInitStruct(PoiVertexLights, poiVertexLights);
PoiCam poiCam;
PoiInitStruct(PoiCam, poiCam);
PoiMods poiMods;
PoiInitStruct(PoiMods, poiMods);
poiMods.globalEmission = 1;
PoiFragData poiFragData;
poiFragData.emission = 0;
poiFragData.baseColor = float3(0, 0, 0);
poiFragData.finalColor = float3(0, 0, 0);
poiFragData.alpha = 1;
poiMesh.objectPosition = i.objectPos;
poiMesh.objNormal = i.objNormal;
poiMesh.normals[0] = i.normal;
poiMesh.tangent = i.tangent;
poiMesh.binormal = i.binormal;
poiMesh.worldPos =;
poiMesh.localPos =;
poiMesh.vertexColor = i.vertexColor;
poiMesh.isFrontFace = facing;
if (!poiMesh.isFrontFace)
poiMesh.normals[0] *= -1;
poiMesh.tangent *= -1;
poiMesh.binormal *= -1;
poiCam.viewDir = !IsOrthographicCamera() ? normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - : normalize(UNITY_MATRIX_I_V._m02_m12_m22);
float3 tanToWorld0 = float3(i.tangent.x, i.binormal.x, i.normal.x);
float3 tanToWorld1 = float3(i.tangent.y, i.binormal.y, i.normal.y);
float3 tanToWorld2 = float3(i.tangent.z, i.binormal.z, i.normal.z);
float3 ase_tanViewDir = tanToWorld0 * poiCam.viewDir.x + tanToWorld1 * poiCam.viewDir.y + tanToWorld2 * poiCam.viewDir.z;
poiCam.tangentViewDir = normalize(ase_tanViewDir);
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) || defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON)
poiMesh.lightmapUV = i.lightmapUV;
poiMesh.parallaxUV = poiCam.tangentViewDir.xy / max(poiCam.tangentViewDir.z, 0.0001);
poiMesh.uv[0] = i.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[1] = i.uv[1];
poiMesh.uv[2] = i.uv[2];
poiMesh.uv[3] = i.uv[3];
poiMesh.uv[4] = poiMesh.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[5] = poiMesh.worldPos.xz;
poiMesh.uv[6] = poiMesh.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[7] = poiMesh.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[4] = calculatePanosphereUV(poiMesh);
poiMesh.uv[6] = calculatePolarCoordinate(poiMesh);
float2 mainUV = poiMesh.uv[float(0)].xy;
if (float(0))
mainUV = sharpSample(float4(0.00390625,0.00390625,256,256), mainUV);
float4 mainTexture = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(_MainTex, poiUV(mainUV, float4(1,1,0,0)) + _Time.x * float4(0,0,0,0));
float3 mainNormal = UnpackScaleNormal(POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_BumpMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0)), float(1));
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal = mainNormal;
poiMesh.normals[1] = normalize(
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal.x * +
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal.y * poiMesh.binormal +
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal.z * poiMesh.normals[0]
float3 fancyNormal = UnpackNormal(float4(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1));
poiMesh.normals[0] = normalize(
fancyNormal.x * +
fancyNormal.y * poiMesh.binormal +
fancyNormal.z * poiMesh.normals[0]
poiCam.forwardDir = getCameraForward();
poiCam.worldPos = _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
poiCam.reflectionDir = reflect(-poiCam.viewDir, poiMesh.normals[1]);
poiCam.vertexReflectionDir = reflect(-poiCam.viewDir, poiMesh.normals[0]);
poiCam.distanceToVert = distance(poiMesh.worldPos, poiCam.worldPos);
poiCam.grabPos = i.grabPos;
poiCam.screenUV = calcScreenUVs(i.grabPos);
poiCam.vDotN = abs(dot(poiCam.viewDir, poiMesh.normals[1]));
poiCam.clipPos = i.pos;
poiCam.worldDirection = i.worldDirection;
poiLight.finalLightAdd = 0;
float4 AOMaps = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_LightingAOMaps, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
poiLight.occlusion = lerp(1, AOMaps.r, float(1)) * lerp(1, AOMaps.g, float(0)) * lerp(1, AOMaps.b, float(0)) * lerp(1, AOMaps.a, float(0));
poiLight.occlusion = 1;
float4 DetailShadows = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_LightingDetailShadowMaps, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
#ifndef POI_PASS_ADD
poiLight.detailShadow = lerp(1, DetailShadows.r, float(1)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.g, float(0)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.b, float(0)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.a, float(0));
poiLight.detailShadow = lerp(1, DetailShadows.r, float(1)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.g, float(0)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.b, float(0)) * lerp(1, DetailShadows.a, float(0));
poiLight.detailShadow = 1;
float4 ShadowMasks = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_LightingShadowMasks, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
poiLight.shadowMask = lerp(1, ShadowMasks.r, float(1)) * lerp(1, ShadowMasks.g, float(0)) * lerp(1, ShadowMasks.b, float(0)) * lerp(1, ShadowMasks.a, float(0));
poiLight.shadowMask = 1;
bool lightExists = false;
if (any(_LightColor0.rgb >= 0.002))
lightExists = true;
#if defined(VERTEXLIGHT_ON) && defined(POI_VERTEXLIGHT_ON)
float4 toLightX = unity_4LightPosX0 - i.worldPos.x;
float4 toLightY = unity_4LightPosY0 - i.worldPos.y;
float4 toLightZ = unity_4LightPosZ0 - i.worldPos.z;
float4 lengthSq = 0;
lengthSq += toLightX * toLightX;
lengthSq += toLightY * toLightY;
lengthSq += toLightZ * toLightZ;
float4 lightAttenSq = unity_4LightAtten0;
float4 atten = 1.0 / (1.0 + lengthSq * lightAttenSq);
float4 vLightWeight = saturate(1 - (lengthSq * lightAttenSq / 25));
poiLight.vAttenuation = min(atten, vLightWeight * vLightWeight);
poiLight.vDotNL = 0;
poiLight.vDotNL += toLightX * poiMesh.normals[1].x;
poiLight.vDotNL += toLightY * poiMesh.normals[1].y;
poiLight.vDotNL += toLightZ * poiMesh.normals[1].z;
float4 corr = rsqrt(lengthSq);
poiLight.vertexVDotNL = max(0, poiLight.vDotNL * corr);
poiLight.vertexVDotNL = 0;
poiLight.vertexVDotNL += toLightX * poiMesh.normals[0].x;
poiLight.vertexVDotNL += toLightY * poiMesh.normals[0].y;
poiLight.vertexVDotNL += toLightZ * poiMesh.normals[0].z;
poiLight.vertexVDotNL = max(0, poiLight.vDotNL * corr);
poiLight.vAttenuationDotNL = saturate(poiLight.vAttenuation * saturate(poiLight.vDotNL));
for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
poiLight.vPosition[index] = float3(unity_4LightPosX0[index], unity_4LightPosY0[index], unity_4LightPosZ0[index]);
float3 vertexToLightSource = poiLight.vPosition[index] - poiMesh.worldPos;
poiLight.vDirection[index] = normalize(vertexToLightSource);
poiLight.vColor[index] = unity_LightColor[index].rgb;
poiLight.vHalfDir[index] = Unity_SafeNormalize(poiLight.vDirection[index] + poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.vDotNL[index] = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], -poiLight.vDirection[index]);
poiLight.vCorrectedDotNL[index] = .5 * (poiLight.vDotNL[index] + 1);
poiLight.vDotLH[index] = saturate(dot(poiLight.vDirection[index], poiLight.vHalfDir[index]));
poiLight.vDotNH[index] = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.vHalfDir[index]);
poiLight.vertexVDotNH[index] = saturate(dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.vHalfDir[index]));
if (float(0) == 0) // Poi Custom Light Color
float3 magic = max(BetterSH9(normalize(unity_SHAr + unity_SHAg + unity_SHAb)), 0);
float3 normalLight = _LightColor0.rgb + BetterSH9(float4(0, 0, 0, 1));
float magiLumi = calculateluminance(magic);
float normaLumi = calculateluminance(normalLight);
float maginormalumi = magiLumi + normaLumi;
float magiratio = magiLumi / maginormalumi;
float normaRatio = normaLumi / maginormalumi;
float target = calculateluminance(magic * magiratio + normalLight * normaRatio);
float3 properLightColor = magic + normalLight;
float properLuminance = calculateluminance(magic + normalLight);
poiLight.directColor = properLightColor * max(0.0001, (target / properLuminance));
poiLight.indirectColor = BetterSH9(float4(lerp(0, poiMesh.normals[1], float(0)), 1));
if (float(0) == 1) // More standard approach to light color
float3 indirectColor = BetterSH9(float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1));
if (lightExists)
poiLight.directColor = _LightColor0.rgb;
poiLight.indirectColor = indirectColor;
poiLight.directColor = indirectColor * 0.6;
poiLight.indirectColor = indirectColor * 0.5;
if (float(0) == 2) // UTS style
poiLight.indirectColor = saturate(max(half3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05) * float(1), max(ShadeSH9(half4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), ShadeSH9(half4(0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0)).rgb) * float(1)));
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor, _LightColor0.rgb);
if (float(0) == 3) // OpenLit
float3 lightDirectionForSH9 = OpenLitLightingDirection();
OpenLitShadeSH9ToonDouble(lightDirectionForSH9, poiLight.directColor, poiLight.indirectColor);
poiLight.directColor += _LightColor0.rgb;
float lightMapMode = float(0);
if (float(0) == 0)
poiLight.direction = + + +;
if (float(0) == 1 || float(0) == 2)
if (float(0) == 1)
poiLight.direction = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0,0,0,1)).xyz;;
if (float(0) == 2)
poiLight.direction = float4(0,0,0,1);
if (lightMapMode == 0)
lightMapMode == 1;
if (float(0) == 3) // UTS
float3 defaultLightDirection = normalize(UNITY_MATRIX_V[2].xyz + UNITY_MATRIX_V[1].xyz);
float3 lightDirection = normalize(lerp(defaultLightDirection,, any(;
poiLight.direction = lightDirection;
if (float(0) == 4) // OpenLit
poiLight.direction = OpenLitLightingDirection(); // float4 customDir = 0; // Do we want to give users to alter this (OpenLit always does!)?
if (!any(poiLight.direction))
poiLight.direction = float3(.4, 1, .4);
poiLight.direction = normalize(poiLight.direction);
poiLight.attenuationStrength = float(0);
poiLight.attenuation = 1;
if (!all(_LightColor0.rgb == 0.0))
UNITY_LIGHT_ATTENUATION(attenuation, i, poiMesh.worldPos)
poiLight.attenuation *= attenuation;
if (!any(poiLight.directColor) && !any(poiLight.indirectColor) && lightMapMode == 0)
lightMapMode = 1;
if (float(0) == 0)
poiLight.direction = normalize(float3(.4, 1, .4));
poiLight.halfDir = normalize(poiLight.direction + poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.vertexNDotL = dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.direction);
poiLight.nDotL = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.direction);
poiLight.nDotLSaturated = saturate(poiLight.nDotL);
poiLight.nDotLNormalized = (poiLight.nDotL + 1) * 0.5;
poiLight.nDotV = abs(dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiCam.viewDir));
poiLight.vertexNDotV = abs(dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiCam.viewDir));
poiLight.nDotH = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.halfDir);
poiLight.vertexNDotH = max(0.00001, dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.halfDir));
poiLight.lDotv = dot(poiLight.direction, poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.lDotH = max(0.00001, dot(poiLight.direction, poiLight.halfDir));
if (lightMapMode == 0)
float3 ShadeSH9Plus = GetSHLength();
float3 ShadeSH9Minus = float3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w) + float3(unity_SHBr.z, unity_SHBg.z, unity_SHBb.z) / 3.0;
float3 greyScaleVector = float3(.33333, .33333, .33333);
float bw_lightColor = dot(poiLight.directColor, greyScaleVector);
float bw_directLighting = (((poiLight.nDotL * 0.5 + 0.5) * bw_lightColor * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength)) + dot(ShadeSH9(float4(poiMesh.normals[1], 1)), greyScaleVector));
float bw_bottomIndirectLighting = dot(ShadeSH9Minus, greyScaleVector);
float bw_topIndirectLighting = dot(ShadeSH9Plus, greyScaleVector);
float lightDifference = ((bw_topIndirectLighting + bw_lightColor) - bw_bottomIndirectLighting);
poiLight.lightMap = smoothstep(0, lightDifference, bw_directLighting - bw_bottomIndirectLighting) * poiLight.detailShadow;
if (lightMapMode == 1)
poiLight.lightMap = poiLight.nDotLNormalized * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength);
if (lightMapMode == 2)
poiLight.lightMap = poiLight.nDotLSaturated * lerp(1, poiLight.attenuation, poiLight.attenuationStrength);
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor, 0.0001);
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor, 0.0001);
if (float(0) == 3)
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor, float(0));
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor, float(0));
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor, poiLight.directColor / max(0.0001, (calculateluminance(poiLight.directColor) / float(0))));
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor, poiLight.indirectColor / max(0.0001, (calculateluminance(poiLight.indirectColor) / float(0))));
poiLight.directColor = lerp(poiLight.directColor, dot(poiLight.directColor, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)), float(0));
poiLight.indirectColor = lerp(poiLight.indirectColor, dot(poiLight.indirectColor, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)), float(0));
if (float(1))
poiLight.directColor = min(poiLight.directColor, float(1));
poiLight.indirectColor = min(poiLight.indirectColor, float(1));
if (float(0))
poiLight.directColor = poiThemeColor(poiMods, float4(1,1,1,1), float(0));
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor * float(1), 0);
poiLight.directColor = max(poiLight.directColor + float(0), 0);
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor * float(1), 0);
poiLight.indirectColor = max(poiLight.indirectColor + float(0), 0);
return float4(mainTexture.rgb * .0001, 1);
#if defined(POINT) || defined(SPOT)
poiLight.direction = normalize( -;
#ifdef POINT
poiLight.additiveShadow = UNITY_SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i, poiMesh.worldPos);
unityShadowCoord3 lightCoord = mul(unity_WorldToLight, unityShadowCoord4(poiMesh.worldPos, 1)).xyz;
poiLight.attenuation = tex2D(_LightTexture0, dot(lightCoord, lightCoord).rr).r;
#ifdef SPOT
poiLight.additiveShadow = UNITY_SHADOW_ATTENUATION(i, poiMesh.worldPos);
unityShadowCoord4 lightCoord = mul(unity_WorldToLight, unityShadowCoord4(poiMesh.worldPos, 1));
poiLight.attenuation = (lightCoord.z > 0) * UnitySpotCookie(lightCoord) * UnitySpotAttenuate(;
poiLight.direction =;
UNITY_LIGHT_ATTENUATION(attenuation, i, poiMesh.worldPos)
poiLight.additiveShadow == 0;
poiLight.attenuation = attenuation;
poiLight.directColor = float(0) ? min(float(1), _LightColor0.rgb) : _LightColor0.rgb;
#if defined(POINT_COOKIE) || defined(DIRECTIONAL_COOKIE)
poiLight.indirectColor = 0;
poiLight.indirectColor = lerp(0, poiLight.directColor, float(0.5));
poiLight.directColor = lerp(poiLight.directColor, dot(poiLight.directColor, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)), float(0));
poiLight.indirectColor = lerp(poiLight.indirectColor, dot(poiLight.indirectColor, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)), float(0));
poiLight.halfDir = normalize(poiLight.direction + poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.nDotL = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.direction);
poiLight.nDotLSaturated = saturate(poiLight.nDotL);
poiLight.nDotLNormalized = (poiLight.nDotL + 1) * 0.5;
poiLight.nDotV = abs(dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiCam.viewDir));
poiLight.nDotH = dot(poiMesh.normals[1], poiLight.halfDir);
poiLight.lDotv = dot(poiLight.direction, poiCam.viewDir);
poiLight.lDotH = dot(poiLight.direction, poiLight.halfDir);
poiLight.vertexNDotL = dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.direction);
poiLight.vertexNDotV = abs(dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiCam.viewDir));
poiLight.vertexNDotH = max(0.00001, dot(poiMesh.normals[0], poiLight.halfDir));
poiLight.lightMap = 1;
poiFragData.baseColor = mainTexture.rgb * poiThemeColor(poiMods, float4(1,1,1,1).rgb, float(0));
poiFragData.alpha = mainTexture.a * float4(1,1,1,1).a;
float alphaMask = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_ClippingMask, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0)).r;
if (float(0))
alphaMask = 1 - alphaMask;
float alphaMask = 1;
poiFragData.alpha *= alphaMask;
applyAlphaOptions(poiFragData, poiMesh, poiCam, poiMods);
applyDecals(poiFragData, poiMesh, poiCam, poiMods, poiLight);
//ifex float(1)==0
applyShadeMapping(poiFragData, poiMesh, poiLight);
//ifex float(1)==0
if (_OutlineLit)
calculateShading(poiLight, poiFragData, poiMesh, poiCam);
poiLight.finalLighting = 1;
calculateShading(poiLight, poiFragData, poiMesh, poiCam);
poiLight.finalLighting = 1;
poiLight.rampedLightMap = poiEdgeNonLinear(poiLight.nDotL, 0.1, .1);
//ifex float(1)==0
//ifex float(1)==0
ApplyAudioLinkDecal(poiMesh, poiFragData, poiMods);
if (float(0))
poiFragData.baseColor *= saturate(poiFragData.alpha);
poiFragData.finalColor = poiFragData.baseColor;
poiFragData.finalColor = poiFragData.baseColor * poiLight.finalLighting;
if (float(0) == 0)
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, poiFragData.finalColor);
poiFragData.alpha = float(0) ? 1 : poiFragData.alpha;
poiFragData.finalColor += poiLight.finalLightAdd;
if (float(0) == POI_MODE_OPAQUE)
poiFragData.alpha = 1;
clip(poiFragData.alpha - float(0.5));
if (float(0) == 4)
poiFragData.alpha = saturate(poiFragData.alpha * float(10));
if (float(0) != POI_MODE_TRANSPARENT)
poiFragData.finalColor *= poiFragData.alpha;
return float4(poiFragData.finalColor, poiFragData.alpha) + POI_SAFE_RGB0;
Tags { "LightMode" = "ShadowCaster" }
Ref [_StencilRef]
ReadMask [_StencilReadMask]
WriteMask [_StencilWriteMask]
//ifex _StencilType == 1
Comp [_StencilCompareFunction]
Pass [_StencilPassOp]
Fail [_StencilFailOp]
ZFail [_StencilZFailOp]
ZWrite [_ZWrite]
Cull [_Cull]
AlphaToMask Off
ZTest [_ZTest]
ColorMask [_ColorMask]
Offset [_OffsetFactor], [_OffsetUnits]
BlendOp [_BlendOp], [_BlendOpAlpha]
Blend [_SrcBlend] [_DstBlend]
#define POI_AL_DECAL
#define _EMISSION
#pragma target 5.0
//ifex float(1)==0
//ifex float(1)==0
//ifex float(1)==0
#pragma skip_variants FOG_LINEAR FOG_EXP FOG_EXP2
#pragma multi_compile_instancing
#pragma multi_compile_shadowcaster
#pragma multi_compile_fog
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "UnityStandardUtils.cginc"
#include "AutoLight.cginc"
#include "UnityLightingCommon.cginc"
#include "UnityPBSLighting.cginc"
#include "UnityMetaPass.cginc"
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#define DielectricSpec float4(0.04, 0.04, 0.04, 1.0 - 0.04)
#define PI float(3.14159265359)
#define POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(tex, texSampler, uv, pan) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv + _Time.x * pan))
#define POI2D_SAMPLER_PANGRAD(tex, texSampler, uv, pan, ddx, ddy) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv + _Time.x * pan, ddx, ddy))
#define POI2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D_SAMPLER(tex, texSampler, uv))
#define POI2D_PAN(tex, uv, pan) (tex2D(tex, uv + _Time.x * pan))
#define POI2D(tex, uv) (tex2D(tex, uv))
#define POI_SAMPLE_TEX2D(tex, uv) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(tex, uv))
#define POI_SAMPLE_TEX2D_PAN(tex, uv, pan) (UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(tex, uv + _Time.x * pan))
#define POI2D_MAINTEX_SAMPLER_PAN_INLINED(tex, poiMesh) (POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(tex, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[tex##UV], tex##_ST), tex##Pan))
#define POI_SAFE_RGB0 float4(mainTexture.rgb * .0001, 0)
#define POI_SAFE_RGB1 float4(mainTexture.rgb * .0001, 1)
#define POI_SAFE_RGBA mainTexture
#define PoiInitStruct(type, name) name = (type)0;
#define PoiInitStruct(type, name)
#define POI_ERROR(poiMesh, gridSize) lerp(float3(1, 0, 1), float3(0, 0, 0), fmod(floor((poiMesh.worldPos.x) * gridSize) + floor((poiMesh.worldPos.y) * gridSize) + floor((poiMesh.worldPos.z) * gridSize), 2) == 0)
#define POI_MODE_FADE 2
float _Mode;
float _StereoEnabled;
float _PolarUV;
float2 _PolarCenter;
float _PolarRadialScale;
float _PolarLengthScale;
float _PolarSpiralPower;
float _PanoUseBothEyes;
float _IgnoreFog;
float _RenderingReduceClipDistance;
float _AddBlendOp;
float4 _Color;
float _ColorThemeIndex;
float _MainPixelMode;
float4 _MainTex_ST;
float2 _MainTexPan;
float _MainTexUV;
float4 _MainTex_TexelSize;
Texture2D _BumpMap;
float4 _BumpMap_ST;
float2 _BumpMapPan;
float _BumpMapUV;
float _BumpScale;
Texture2D _ClippingMask;
float4 _ClippingMask_ST;
float2 _ClippingMaskPan;
float _ClippingMaskUV;
float _Inverse_Clipping;
float _Cutoff;
SamplerState sampler_linear_clamp;
SamplerState sampler_linear_repeat;
float _AlphaForceOpaque;
float _AlphaMod;
float _AlphaPremultiply;
float _AlphaBoostFA;
//ifex float(1)==0
float _ALDecalUV;
float4 _ALUVScale;
float2 _ALUVPosition;
float _ALUVRotation;
float _ALUVRotationSpeed;
float4 _ALDecaldCircleDimensions;
float _ALDecalUVMode;
float _ALDecalVolumeStep;
float _ALDecalVolumeClipMin;
float _ALDecalVolumeClipMax;
float _ALDecalBandStep;
float _ALDecalBandClipMin;
float _ALDecalBandClipMax;
float _ALDecalShapeClip;
float _ALDecalShapeClipVolumeWidth;
float _ALDecalShapeClipBandWidth;
Texture2D _ALDecalColorMask;
float4 _ALDecalColorMask_ST;
float2 _ALDecalColorMaskPan;
float _ALDecalColorMaskUV;
float _ALDecalVolume;
float _ALDecalBaseBoost;
float _ALDecalTrebleBoost;
float _ALDecalLineWidth;
float _ALDecalVolumeColorSource;
float3 _ALDecalVolumeColorLow;
float3 _ALDecalVolumeColorMid;
float3 _ALDecalVolumeColorHigh;
float _ALDecalLowEmission;
float _ALDecalMidEmission;
float _ALDecalHighEmission;
float _ALDecalBlendType;
float _ALDecalBlendAlpha;
float _ALDecalControlsAlpha;
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float4 tangent : TANGENT;
float4 color : COLOR;
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0;
float2 uv1 : TEXCOORD1;
float2 uv2 : TEXCOORD2;
float2 uv3 : TEXCOORD3;
uint vertexId : SV_VertexID;
struct v2f
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float2 uv[4] : TEXCOORD0;
float3 objNormal : TEXCOORD4;
float3 normal : TEXCOORD5;
float3 tangent : TEXCOORD6;
float3 binormal : TEXCOORD7;
float4 worldPos : TEXCOORD8;
float4 localPos : TEXCOORD9;
float3 objectPos : TEXCOORD10;
float4 vertexColor : TEXCOORD11;
float4 lightmapUV : TEXCOORD12;
float4 grabPos: TEXCOORD13;
float4 worldDirection: TEXCOORD14;
struct PoiMesh
float3 normals[2];
float3 objNormal;
float3 tangentSpaceNormal;
float3 binormal;
float3 tangent;
float3 worldPos;
float3 localPos;
float3 objectPosition;
float isFrontFace;
float4 vertexColor;
float4 lightmapUV;
float2 uv[8];
float2 parallaxUV;
struct PoiCam
float3 viewDir;
float3 forwardDir;
float3 worldPos;
float distanceToVert;
float4 clipPos;
float3 reflectionDir;
float3 vertexReflectionDir;
float3 tangentViewDir;
float4 grabPos;
float2 screenUV;
float vDotN;
float4 worldDirection;
struct PoiMods
float4 Mask;
float4 audioLink;
float audioLinkAvailable;
float audioLinkVersion;
float4 audioLinkTexture;
float audioLinkViaLuma;
float2 detailMask;
float2 backFaceDetailIntensity;
float globalEmission;
float4 globalColorTheme[12];
float ALTime[8];
struct PoiLight
float3 direction;
float attenuation;
float attenuationStrength;
float3 directColor;
float3 indirectColor;
float occlusion;
float shadowMask;
float detailShadow;
float3 halfDir;
float lightMap;
float3 rampedLightMap;
float vertexNDotL;
float nDotL;
float nDotV;
float vertexNDotV;
float nDotH;
float vertexNDotH;
float lDotv;
float lDotH;
float nDotLSaturated;
float nDotLNormalized;
float additiveShadow;
float3 finalLighting;
float3 finalLightAdd;
#if defined(VERTEXLIGHT_ON) && defined(POI_VERTEXLIGHT_ON)
float4 vDotNL;
float4 vertexVDotNL;
float3 vColor[4];
float4 vCorrectedDotNL;
float4 vAttenuation;
float4 vAttenuationDotNL;
float3 vPosition[4];
float3 vDirection[4];
float3 vFinalLighting;
float3 vHalfDir[4];
half4 vDotNH;
half4 vertexVDotNH;
half4 vDotLH;
struct PoiVertexLights
float3 direction;
float3 color;
float attenuation;
struct PoiFragData
float3 baseColor;
float3 finalColor;
float alpha;
float3 emission;
float2 poiUV(float2 uv, float4 tex_st)
return uv * tex_st.xy +;
float calculateluminance(float3 color)
return color.r * 0.299 + color.g * 0.587 + color.b * 0.114;
bool IsInMirror()
return unity_CameraProjection[2][0] != 0.f || unity_CameraProjection[2][1] != 0.f;
bool IsOrthographicCamera()
return unity_OrthoParams.w == 1 || UNITY_MATRIX_P[3][3] == 1;
float shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(float L0, float3 L1, float3 n)
float R0 = max(0, L0);
float3 R1 = 0.5f * L1;
float lenR1 = length(R1);
float q = dot(normalize(R1), n) * 0.5 + 0.5;
q = saturate(q); // Thanks to ScruffyRuffles for the bug identity.
float p = 1.0f + 2.0f * lenR1 / R0;
float a = (1.0f - lenR1 / R0) / (1.0f + lenR1 / R0);
return R0 * (a + (1.0f - a) * (p + 1.0f) * pow(q, p));
half3 BetterSH9(half4 normal)
float3 indirect;
float3 L0 = float3(unity_SHAr.w, unity_SHAg.w, unity_SHAb.w) + float3(unity_SHBr.z, unity_SHBg.z, unity_SHBb.z) / 3.0;
indirect.r = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.r,,;
indirect.g = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.g,,;
indirect.b = shEvaluateDiffuseL1Geomerics_local(L0.b,,;
indirect = max(0, indirect);
indirect += SHEvalLinearL2(normal);
return indirect;
float3 getCameraForward()
float3 p1 = mul(unity_StereoCameraToWorld[0], float4(0, 0, 1, 1));
float3 p2 = mul(unity_StereoCameraToWorld[0], float4(0, 0, 0, 1));
float3 p1 = mul(unity_CameraToWorld, float4(0, 0, 1, 1)).xyz;
float3 p2 = mul(unity_CameraToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1)).xyz;
return normalize(p2 - p1);
half3 GetSHLength()
half3 x, x1;
x.r = length(unity_SHAr);
x.g = length(unity_SHAg);
x.b = length(unity_SHAb);
x1.r = length(unity_SHBr);
x1.g = length(unity_SHBg);
x1.b = length(unity_SHBb);
return x + x1;
float3 BoxProjection(float3 direction, float3 position, float4 cubemapPosition, float3 boxMin, float3 boxMax)
if (cubemapPosition.w > 0)
float3 factors = ((direction > 0 ? boxMax : boxMin) - position) / direction;
float scalar = min(min(factors.x, factors.y), factors.z);
direction = direction * scalar + (position -;
return direction;
float poiMax(float2 i)
return max(i.x, i.y);
float poiMax(float3 i)
return max(max(i.x, i.y), i.z);
float poiMax(float4 i)
return max(max(max(i.x, i.y), i.z), i.w);
float3 calculateNormal(in float3 baseNormal, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in Texture2D normalTexture, in float4 normal_ST, in float2 normalPan, in float normalUV, in float normalIntensity)
float3 normal = UnpackScaleNormal(POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(normalTexture, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[normalUV], normal_ST), normalPan), normalIntensity);
return normalize(
normal.x * poiMesh.tangent +
normal.y * poiMesh.binormal +
normal.z * baseNormal
float remap(float x, float minOld, float maxOld, float minNew = 0, float maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float2 remap(float2 x, float2 minOld, float2 maxOld, float2 minNew = 0, float2 maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float3 remap(float3 x, float3 minOld, float3 maxOld, float3 minNew = 0, float3 maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float4 remap(float4 x, float4 minOld, float4 maxOld, float4 minNew = 0, float4 maxNew = 1)
return minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld);
float remapClamped(float minOld, float maxOld, float x, float minNew = 0, float maxNew = 1)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float2 remapClamped(float2 minOld, float2 maxOld, float2 x, float2 minNew, float2 maxNew)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float3 remapClamped(float3 minOld, float3 maxOld, float3 x, float3 minNew, float3 maxNew)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float4 remapClamped(float4 minOld, float4 maxOld, float4 x, float4 minNew, float4 maxNew)
return clamp(minNew + (x - minOld) * (maxNew - minNew) / (maxOld - minOld), minNew, maxNew);
float2 calcParallax(in float height, in PoiCam poiCam)
return ((height * - 1) + 1) * (poiCam.tangentViewDir.xy / poiCam.tangentViewDir.z);
float4 poiBlend(const float sourceFactor, const float4 sourceColor, const float destinationFactor, const float4 destinationColor, const float4 blendFactor)
float4 sA = 1 - blendFactor;
const float4 blendData[11] = {
float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - destinationColor,
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - sourceColor,
float4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - sA,
1 - sA,
return lerp(blendData[sourceFactor] * sourceColor + blendData[destinationFactor] * destinationColor, sourceColor, sA);
float3 blendAverage(float3 base, float3 blend)
return (base + blend) / 2.0;
float blendColorBurn(float base, float blend)
return (blend == 0.0)?blend : max((1.0 - ((1.0 - base) / blend)), 0.0);
float3 blendColorBurn(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendColorBurn(base.r, blend.r), blendColorBurn(base.g, blend.g), blendColorBurn(base.b, blend.b));
float blendColorDodge(float base, float blend)
return (blend == 1.0)?blend : min(base / (1.0 - blend), 1.0);
float3 blendColorDodge(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendColorDodge(base.r, blend.r), blendColorDodge(base.g, blend.g), blendColorDodge(base.b, blend.b));
float blendDarken(float base, float blend)
return min(blend, base);
float3 blendDarken(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendDarken(base.r, blend.r), blendDarken(base.g, blend.g), blendDarken(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendExclusion(float3 base, float3 blend)
return base + blend - 2.0 * base * blend;
float blendReflect(float base, float blend)
return (blend == 1.0)?blend : min(base * base / (1.0 - blend), 1.0);
float3 blendReflect(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendReflect(base.r, blend.r), blendReflect(base.g, blend.g), blendReflect(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendGlow(float3 base, float3 blend)
return blendReflect(blend, base);
float blendOverlay(float base, float blend)
return base < 0.5?(2.0 * base * blend) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend));
float3 blendOverlay(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendOverlay(base.r, blend.r), blendOverlay(base.g, blend.g), blendOverlay(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendHardLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return blendOverlay(blend, base);
float blendVividLight(float base, float blend)
return (blend < 0.5)?blendColorBurn(base, (2.0 * blend)) : blendColorDodge(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5)));
float3 blendVividLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendVividLight(base.r, blend.r), blendVividLight(base.g, blend.g), blendVividLight(base.b, blend.b));
float blendHardMix(float base, float blend)
return (blendVividLight(base, blend) < 0.5)?0.0 : 1.0;
float3 blendHardMix(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendHardMix(base.r, blend.r), blendHardMix(base.g, blend.g), blendHardMix(base.b, blend.b));
float blendLighten(float base, float blend)
return max(blend, base);
float3 blendLighten(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendLighten(base.r, blend.r), blendLighten(base.g, blend.g), blendLighten(base.b, blend.b));
float blendLinearBurn(float base, float blend)
return max(base + blend - 1.0, 0.0);
float3 blendLinearBurn(float3 base, float3 blend)
return max(base + blend - float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
float blendLinearDodge(float base, float blend)
return min(base + blend, 1.0);
float3 blendLinearDodge(float3 base, float3 blend)
return min(base + blend, float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
float blendLinearLight(float base, float blend)
return blend < 0.5?blendLinearBurn(base, (2.0 * blend)) : blendLinearDodge(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5)));
float3 blendLinearLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendLinearLight(base.r, blend.r), blendLinearLight(base.g, blend.g), blendLinearLight(base.b, blend.b));
float3 blendMultiply(float3 base, float3 blend)
return base * blend;
float3 blendNegation(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - abs(float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) - base - blend);
float3 blendNormal(float3 base, float3 blend)
return blend;
float3 blendPhoenix(float3 base, float3 blend)
return min(base, blend) - max(base, blend) + float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
float blendPinLight(float base, float blend)
return (blend < 0.5)?blendDarken(base, (2.0 * blend)) : blendLighten(base, (2.0 * (blend - 0.5)));
float3 blendPinLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendPinLight(base.r, blend.r), blendPinLight(base.g, blend.g), blendPinLight(base.b, blend.b));
float blendScreen(float base, float blend)
return 1.0 - ((1.0 - base) * (1.0 - blend));
float3 blendScreen(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendScreen(base.r, blend.r), blendScreen(base.g, blend.g), blendScreen(base.b, blend.b));
float blendSoftLight(float base, float blend)
return (blend < 0.5)?(2.0 * base * blend + base * base * (1.0 - 2.0 * blend)) : (sqrt(base) * (2.0 * blend - 1.0) + 2.0 * base * (1.0 - blend));
float3 blendSoftLight(float3 base, float3 blend)
return float3(blendSoftLight(base.r, blend.r), blendSoftLight(base.g, blend.g), blendSoftLight(base.b, blend.b));
float blendSubtract(float base, float blend)
return max(base - blend, 0.0);
float3 blendSubtract(float3 base, float3 blend)
return max(base - blend, 0.0);
float blendDifference(float base, float blend)
return abs(base - blend);
float3 blendDifference(float3 base, float3 blend)
return abs(base - blend);
float blendDivide(float base, float blend)
return base / max(blend, 0.0001);
float3 blendDivide(float3 base, float3 blend)
return base / max(blend, 0.0001);
float3 customBlend(float3 base, float3 blend, float blendType)
float3 ret = 0;
case 0:
ret = blendNormal(base, blend);
case 1:
ret = blendDarken(base, blend);
case 2:
ret = blendMultiply(base, blend);
case 3:
ret = blendColorBurn(base, blend);
case 4:
ret = blendLinearBurn(base, blend);
case 5:
ret = blendLighten(base, blend);
case 6:
ret = blendScreen(base, blend);
case 7:
ret = blendColorDodge(base, blend);
case 8:
ret = blendLinearDodge(base, blend);
case 9:
ret = blendOverlay(base, blend);
case 10:
ret = blendSoftLight(base, blend);
case 11:
ret = blendHardLight(base, blend);
case 12:
ret = blendVividLight(base, blend);
case 13:
ret = blendLinearLight(base, blend);
case 14:
ret = blendPinLight(base, blend);
case 15:
ret = blendHardMix(base, blend);
case 16:
ret = blendDifference(base, blend);
case 17:
ret = blendExclusion(base, blend);
case 18:
ret = blendSubtract(base, blend);
case 19:
ret = blendDivide(base, blend);
return ret;
float random(float2 p)
return frac(sin(dot(p, float2(12.9898, 78.2383))) * 43758.5453123);
float2 random2(float2 p)
return frac(sin(float2(dot(p, float2(127.1, 311.7)), dot(p, float2(269.5, 183.3)))) * 43758.5453);
float3 random3(float3 p)
return frac(sin(float3(dot(p, float3(127.1, 311.7, 248.6)), dot(p, float3(269.5, 183.3, 423.3)), dot(p, float3(248.3, 315.9, 184.2)))) * 43758.5453);
float3 randomFloat3(float2 Seed, float maximum)
return (.5 + float3(
frac(sin(dot(Seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(Seed.yx, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(float2(Seed), float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453)
) * .5) * (maximum);
float3 randomFloat3Range(float2 Seed, float Range)
return (float3(
frac(sin(dot(Seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(Seed.yx, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(float2(Seed.x * Seed.y, Seed.y + Seed.x), float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453)
) * 2 - 1) * Range;
float3 randomFloat3WiggleRange(float2 Seed, float Range, float wiggleSpeed)
float3 rando = (float3(
frac(sin(dot(Seed.xy, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(Seed.yx, float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453),
frac(sin(dot(float2(Seed.x * Seed.y, Seed.y + Seed.x), float2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453)
) * 2 - 1);
float speed = 1 + wiggleSpeed;
return float3(sin((_Time.x + rando.x * PI) * speed), sin((_Time.x + rando.y * PI) * speed), sin((_Time.x + rando.z * PI) * speed)) * Range;
void poiDither(float4 In, float4 ScreenPosition, out float4 Out)
float2 uv = ScreenPosition.xy * _ScreenParams.xy;
1.0 / 17.0, 9.0 / 17.0, 3.0 / 17.0, 11.0 / 17.0,
13.0 / 17.0, 5.0 / 17.0, 15.0 / 17.0, 7.0 / 17.0,
4.0 / 17.0, 12.0 / 17.0, 2.0 / 17.0, 10.0 / 17.0,
16.0 / 17.0, 8.0 / 17.0, 14.0 / 17.0, 6.0 / 17.0
uint index = (uint(uv.x) % 4) * 4 + uint(uv.y) % 4;
Out = In - DITHER_THRESHOLDS[index];
static const float Epsilon = 1e-10;
static const float3 HCYwts = float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114);
static const float HCLgamma = 3;
static const float HCLy0 = 100;
static const float HCLmaxL = 0.530454533953517; // == exp(HCLgamma / HCLy0) - 0.5
static const float3 wref = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
#define TAU 6.28318531
float3 HUEtoRGB(in float H)
float R = abs(H * 6 - 3) - 1;
float G = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 2);
float B = 2 - abs(H * 6 - 4);
return saturate(float3(R, G, B));
float3 RGBtoHCV(in float3 RGB)
float4 P = (RGB.g < RGB.b) ? float4(, -1.0, 2.0 / 3.0) : float4(, 0.0, -1.0 / 3.0);
float4 Q = (RGB.r < P.x) ? float4(P.xyw, RGB.r) : float4(RGB.r, P.yzx);
float C = Q.x - min(Q.w, Q.y);
float H = abs((Q.w - Q.y) / (6 * C + Epsilon) + Q.z);
return float3(H, C, Q.x);
float3 HSVtoRGB(in float3 HSV)
float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSV.x);
return ((RGB - 1) * HSV.y + 1) * HSV.z;
float3 RGBtoHSV(in float3 RGB)
float3 HCV = RGBtoHCV(RGB);
float S = HCV.y / (HCV.z + Epsilon);
return float3(HCV.x, S, HCV.z);
float3 HSLtoRGB(in float3 HSL)
float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSL.x);
float C = (1 - abs(2 * HSL.z - 1)) * HSL.y;
return (RGB - 0.5) * C + HSL.z;
float3 RGBtoHSL(in float3 RGB)
float3 HCV = RGBtoHCV(RGB);
float L = HCV.z - HCV.y * 0.5;
float S = HCV.y / (1 - abs(L * 2 - 1) + Epsilon);
return float3(HCV.x, S, L);
float3 hueShift(float3 color, float hueOffset)
color = RGBtoHSV(color);
color.x = frac(hueOffset +color.x);
return HSVtoRGB(color);
float xyzF(float t)
return lerp(pow(t, 1. / 3.), 7.787037 * t + 0.139731, step(t, 0.00885645));
float xyzR(float t)
return lerp(t * t * t, 0.1284185 * (t - 0.139731), step(t, 0.20689655));
float4x4 poiRotationMatrixFromAngles(float x, float y, float z)
float angleX = radians(x);
float c = cos(angleX);
float s = sin(angleX);
float4x4 rotateXMatrix = float4x4(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, c, -s, 0,
0, s, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleY = radians(y);
c = cos(angleY);
s = sin(angleY);
float4x4 rotateYMatrix = float4x4(c, 0, s, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
- s, 0, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleZ = radians(z);
c = cos(angleZ);
s = sin(angleZ);
float4x4 rotateZMatrix = float4x4(c, -s, 0, 0,
s, c, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
return mul(mul(rotateXMatrix, rotateYMatrix), rotateZMatrix);
float4x4 poiRotationMatrixFromAngles(float3 angles)
float angleX = radians(angles.x);
float c = cos(angleX);
float s = sin(angleX);
float4x4 rotateXMatrix = float4x4(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, c, -s, 0,
0, s, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleY = radians(angles.y);
c = cos(angleY);
s = sin(angleY);
float4x4 rotateYMatrix = float4x4(c, 0, s, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
- s, 0, c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
float angleZ = radians(angles.z);
c = cos(angleZ);
s = sin(angleZ);
float4x4 rotateZMatrix = float4x4(c, -s, 0, 0,
s, c, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
return mul(mul(rotateXMatrix, rotateYMatrix), rotateZMatrix);
float3 getCameraPosition()
return lerp(unity_StereoWorldSpaceCameraPos[0], unity_StereoWorldSpaceCameraPos[1], 0.5);
return _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
half2 calcScreenUVs(half4 grabPos)
half2 uv = grabPos.xy / (grabPos.w + 0.0000000001);
uv.xy *= half2(_ScreenParams.x * 2, _ScreenParams.y);
uv.xy *= _ScreenParams.xy;
return uv;
float CalcMipLevel(float2 texture_coord)
float2 dx = ddx(texture_coord);
float2 dy = ddy(texture_coord);
float delta_max_sqr = max(dot(dx, dx), dot(dy, dy));
return 0.5 * log2(delta_max_sqr);
float inverseLerp(float A, float B, float T)
return (T - A) / (B - A);
float inverseLerp2(float2 a, float2 b, float2 value)
float2 AB = b - a;
float2 AV = value - a;
return dot(AV, AB) / dot(AB, AB);
float inverseLerp3(float3 a, float3 b, float3 value)
float3 AB = b - a;
float3 AV = value - a;
return dot(AV, AB) / dot(AB, AB);
float inverseLerp4(float4 a, float4 b, float4 value)
float4 AB = b - a;
float4 AV = value - a;
return dot(AV, AB) / dot(AB, AB);
float4 quaternion_conjugate(float4 v)
return float4(
v.x, -v.yzw
float4 quaternion_mul(float4 v1, float4 v2)
float4 result1 = (v1.x * v2 + v1 * v2.x);
float4 result2 = float4(
- dot(v1.yzw, v2.yzw),
cross(v1.yzw, v2.yzw)
return float4(result1 + result2);
float4 get_quaternion_from_angle(float3 axis, float angle)
float sn = sin(angle * 0.5);
float cs = cos(angle * 0.5);
return float4(axis * sn, cs);
float4 quaternion_from_vector(float3 inVec)
return float4(0.0, inVec);
float degree_to_radius(float degree)
return (
degree / 180.0 * PI
float3 rotate_with_quaternion(float3 inVec, float3 rotation)
float4 qx = get_quaternion_from_angle(float3(1, 0, 0), radians(rotation.x));
float4 qy = get_quaternion_from_angle(float3(0, 1, 0), radians(rotation.y));
float4 qz = get_quaternion_from_angle(float3(0, 0, 1), radians(rotation.z));
#define MUL3(A, B, C) quaternion_mul(quaternion_mul((A), (B)), (C))
float4 quaternion = normalize(MUL3(qx, qy, qz));
float4 conjugate = quaternion_conjugate(quaternion);
float4 inVecQ = quaternion_from_vector(inVec);
float3 rotated = (
MUL3(quaternion, inVecQ, conjugate)
return rotated;
float4 transform(float4 input, float4 pos, float4 rotation, float4 scale)
input.rgb *= ( * scale.w);
input = float4(rotate_with_quaternion(, * rotation.w) + ( * pos.w), input.w);
return input;
float3 poiThemeColor(in PoiMods poiMods, in float3 srcColor, in float themeIndex)
if (themeIndex == 0) return srcColor;
themeIndex -= 1;
if (themeIndex <= 3)
return poiMods.globalColorTheme[themeIndex];
if (poiMods.audioLinkAvailable)
return poiMods.globalColorTheme[themeIndex];
return srcColor;
float lilIsIn0to1(float f)
float value = 0.5 - abs(f - 0.5);
return saturate(value / clamp(fwidth(value), 0.0001, 1.0));
float lilIsIn0to1(float f, float nv)
float value = 0.5 - abs(f - 0.5);
return saturate(value / clamp(fwidth(value), 0.0001, nv));
float poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border)
return (value - border) / clamp(fwidth(value), 0.0001, 1.0);
float poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur)
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return (value - borderMin) / saturate(borderMax - borderMin + fwidth(value));
float poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5 - borderRange);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return (value - borderMin) / saturate(borderMax - borderMin + fwidth(value));
float poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border)
float fwidthValue = fwidth(value);
return smoothstep(border - fwidthValue, border + fwidthValue, value);
float poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur)
float fwidthValue = fwidth(value);
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return smoothstep(borderMin - fwidthValue, borderMax + fwidthValue, value);
float poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
float fwidthValue = fwidth(value);
float borderMin = saturate(border - blur * 0.5 - borderRange);
float borderMax = saturate(border + blur * 0.5);
return smoothstep(borderMin - fwidthValue, borderMax + fwidthValue, value);
float poiEdgeNonLinear(float value, float border)
return saturate(poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(value, border));
float poiEdgeNonLinear(float value, float border, float blur)
return saturate(poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur));
float poiEdgeNonLinear(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
return saturate(poiEdgeNonLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur, borderRange));
float poiEdgeLinear(float value, float border)
return saturate(poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(value, border));
float poiEdgeLinear(float value, float border, float blur)
return saturate(poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur));
float poiEdgeLinear(float value, float border, float blur, float borderRange)
return saturate(poiEdgeLinearNoSaturate(value, border, blur, borderRange));
float3 OpenLitLinearToSRGB(float3 col)
return LinearToGammaSpace(col);
float3 OpenLitSRGBToLinear(float3 col)
return GammaToLinearSpace(col);
float OpenLitLuminance(float3 rgb)
return dot(rgb, float3(0.22, 0.707, 0.071));
return dot(rgb, float3(0.0396819152, 0.458021790, 0.00609653955));
float OpenLitGray(float3 rgb)
return dot(rgb, float3(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0));
void OpenLitShadeSH9ToonDouble(float3 lightDirection, out float3 shMax, out float3 shMin)
float3 N = lightDirection * 0.666666;
float4 vB = N.xyzz * N.yzzx;
float3 res = float3(unity_SHAr.w,unity_SHAg.w,unity_SHAb.w);
res.r += dot(unity_SHBr, vB);
res.g += dot(unity_SHBg, vB);
res.b += dot(unity_SHBb, vB);
res += unity_SHC.rgb * (N.x * N.x - N.y * N.y);
float3 l1;
l1.r = dot(unity_SHAr.rgb, N);
l1.g = dot(unity_SHAg.rgb, N);
l1.b = dot(unity_SHAb.rgb, N);
shMax = res + l1;
shMin = res - l1;
shMax = OpenLitLinearToSRGB(shMax);
shMin = OpenLitLinearToSRGB(shMin);
shMax = 0.0;
shMin = 0.0;
float3 OpenLitComputeCustomLightDirection(float4 lightDirectionOverride)
float3 customDir = length( * normalize(mul((float3x3)unity_ObjectToWorld,;
return lightDirectionOverride.w ? customDir :; // .w isn't doc'd anywhere and is always 0 unless end user changes it
float3 OpenLitLightingDirection(float4 lightDirectionOverride)
float3 mainDir = * OpenLitLuminance(_LightColor0.rgb);
float3 sh9Dir = * 0.333333 + * 0.333333 + * 0.333333;
float3 sh9DirAbs = float3(sh9Dir.x, abs(sh9Dir.y), sh9Dir.z);
float3 sh9Dir = 0;
float3 sh9DirAbs = 0;
float3 customDir = OpenLitComputeCustomLightDirection(lightDirectionOverride);
return normalize(sh9DirAbs + mainDir + customDir);
float3 OpenLitLightingDirection()
float4 customDir = float4(0.001,0.002,0.001,0.0);
return OpenLitLightingDirection(customDir);
inline float4 CalculateFrustumCorrection()
float x1 = -UNITY_MATRIX_P._31 / (UNITY_MATRIX_P._11 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._34);
float x2 = -UNITY_MATRIX_P._32 / (UNITY_MATRIX_P._22 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._34);
return float4(x1, x2, 0, UNITY_MATRIX_P._33 / UNITY_MATRIX_P._34 + x1 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._13 + x2 * UNITY_MATRIX_P._23);
inline float CorrectedLinearEyeDepth(float z, float B)
return 1.0 / (z / UNITY_MATRIX_P._34 + B);
float2 sharpSample( float4 texelSize , float2 p )
p = p*;
float2 c = max(0.0, fwidth(p));
p = floor(p) + saturate(frac(p) / c);
p = (p - 0.5)*texelSize.xy;
return p;
v2f vert(appdata v)
v2f o;
PoiInitStruct(v2f, o);
o.objectPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, float4(0, 0, 0, 1)).xyz;
o.objNormal = v.normal;
o.normal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
o.tangent = UnityObjectToWorldDir(v.tangent);
o.binormal = cross(o.normal, o.tangent) * (v.tangent.w * unity_WorldTransformParams.w);
o.vertexColor = v.color;
o.uv[0] = v.uv0;
o.uv[1] = v.uv1;
o.uv[2] = v.uv2;
o.uv[3] = v.uv3;
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON)
o.lightmapUV.xy = v.uv1.xy * unity_LightmapST.xy +;
#ifdef DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON = v.uv2.xy * unity_DynamicLightmapST.xy +;
o.localPos = v.vertex;
o.worldPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, o.localPos);
float3 localOffset = float3(0, 0, 0);
float3 worldOffset = float3(0, 0, 0);
o.localPos.rgb += localOffset;
o.worldPos.rgb += worldOffset;
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(o.localPos);
#if defined(UNITY_REVERSED_Z)
o.pos.z += _Offset_Z * - 0.01;
o.pos.z += _Offset_Z * 0.01;
o.grabPos = ComputeGrabScreenPos(o.pos);
if (float(0))
if (o.pos.w < _ProjectionParams.y * 1.01 && o.pos.w > 0)
o.pos.z = o.pos.z * 0.0001 + o.pos.w * 0.999;
o.pos = UnityMetaVertexPosition(v.vertex, v.uv1.xy, v.uv2.xy, unity_LightmapST, unity_DynamicLightmapST);
#if defined(GRAIN)
float4 worldDirection; = - _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
worldDirection.w = dot(o.pos, CalculateFrustumCorrection());
o.worldDirection = worldDirection;
return o;
float2 calculatePolarCoordinate(in PoiMesh poiMesh)
float2 delta = poiMesh.uv[float(0)] - float4(0.5,0.5,0,0);
float radius = length(delta) * 2 * float(1);
float angle = atan2(delta.x, delta.y) * 1.0 / 6.28 * float(1);
return float2(radius, angle + distance(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(0.5,0.5,0,0)) * float(0));
float2 MonoPanoProjection(float3 coords)
float3 normalizedCoords = normalize(coords);
float latitude = acos(normalizedCoords.y);
float longitude = atan2(normalizedCoords.z, normalizedCoords.x);
float2 sphereCoords = float2(longitude, latitude) * float2(1.0 / UNITY_PI, 1.0 / UNITY_PI);
sphereCoords = float2(1.0, 1.0) - sphereCoords;
return(sphereCoords + float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 1.0).xy) * float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 1.0).zw;
float2 StereoPanoProjection(float3 coords)
float3 normalizedCoords = normalize(coords);
float latitude = acos(normalizedCoords.y);
float longitude = atan2(normalizedCoords.z, normalizedCoords.x);
float2 sphereCoords = float2(longitude, latitude) * float2(0.5 / UNITY_PI, 1.0 / UNITY_PI);
sphereCoords = float2(0.5, 1.0) - sphereCoords;
return(sphereCoords + float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 0.5).xy) * float4(0, 1 - unity_StereoEyeIndex, 1, 0.5).zw;
float2 calculatePanosphereUV(in PoiMesh poiMesh)
float3 viewDirection = normalize(lerp(getCameraPosition().xyz,, float(1)) - * - 1;
return lerp(MonoPanoProjection(viewDirection), StereoPanoProjection(viewDirection), float(0));
void applyAlphaOptions(inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMesh poiMesh, in PoiCam poiCam, in PoiMods poiMods)
poiFragData.alpha = saturate(poiFragData.alpha + float(0));
//ifex float(1)==0
void ApplyAudioLinkDecal(in PoiMesh poiMesh, inout PoiFragData poiFragData, in PoiMods poiMods)
float4 colorAndMask = float4(1, 1, 1, 1);
colorAndMask = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_ALDecalColorMask, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0));
float2 uv = poiMesh.uv[float(0)];
float2 decalCenter = float4(0.5,0.5,1,1);
float theta = radians(float(0) + _Time.z * float(0));
float cs = cos(theta);
float sn = sin(theta);
uv = float2((uv.x - decalCenter.x) * cs - (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * sn + decalCenter.x, (uv.x - decalCenter.x) * sn + (uv.y - decalCenter.y) * cs + decalCenter.y);
uv = remap(uv, float2(0, 0) - float4(1,1,1,1).xz / 2 + float4(0.5,0.5,1,1), float4(1,1,1,1).yw / 2 + float4(0.5,0.5,1,1), float2(0, 0), float2(1, 1));
float4 audioLinkMask = 1.0;
float2 aluv = uv;
if (float(0) == 1)
float2 uvdir = uv * 2 - 1;
aluv.x = frac(atan2(uvdir.y, uvdir.x) * UNITY_INV_TWO_PI);
aluv.y = length(uvdir);
float maskY = aluv.y;
if (float(0) == 1)
maskY = remap(maskY, float4(0,1,0,1).x, float4(0,1,0,1).y, 0, 1);
float maskX = aluv.x;
if (float(0) == 1)
maskX = remap(maskX, float4(0,1,0,1).z, float4(0,1,0,1).w, 0, 1);
float maskVolume = float(0) != 0.0 ? floor(maskY * float(0)) / float(0) : maskY;
float maskBand = float(0) != 0.0 ? floor(maskX * float(0)) / float(0) : maskX;
audioLinkMask.r = maskVolume;
audioLinkMask.g = maskBand;
audioLinkMask.b = maskVolume < float(0) || maskVolume > float(1) ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
audioLinkMask.b = maskBand < float(0) || maskBand > float(1) ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
if (float(0))
float volumeth = float(0.5);
if (float(0) != 0.0) audioLinkMask.b = frac(maskY * float(0)) > volumeth ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
float bandwidth = float(0) == 1 ? float(0.5) / aluv.y : float(0.5);
float bandth = 1.0 - bandwidth;
if (float(0) != 0.0) audioLinkMask.b = frac(maskX * float(0) + bandth * 0.5) < bandth ? 0.0 : audioLinkMask.b;
float2 audioLinkUV = float2(frac(audioLinkMask.g * 2.0), 4.5 / 4.0 + floor(audioLinkMask.g * 2.0) / 4.0);
audioLinkUV.y *= 0.0625;
float4 audioTexture = _AudioTexture.Sample(sampler_linear_clamp, audioLinkUV);
float audioVal = audioTexture.b * float(0.5) * lerp(float(5), float(1), audioLinkMask.g);
float audioLinkValue = float(1) < 1.0 ? abs(audioVal - audioLinkMask.r) < float(1) : audioVal > audioLinkMask.r * 2.0;
audioLinkValue = saturate(audioLinkValue) * audioLinkMask.b;
audioLinkValue *= colorAndMask.a;
if (!poiMods.audioLinkAvailable)
audioLinkValue = 0;
float3 alColorChord = _AudioTexture.Sample(sampler_linear_clamp, float2(maskX, 24.5 / 64.0)).rgb;
float volumeColorSrc = audioLinkMask.g;
if (float(1) == 1) volumeColorSrc = audioLinkMask.r;
if (float(1) == 2) volumeColorSrc = audioVal;
float3 volumeColor = lerp(float4(0,0,1,1).rgb, float4(0,1,0,1).rgb, saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2));
volumeColor = lerp(volumeColor, float4(1,0,0,1).rgb, saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2 - 1));
float3 emissionColor = lerp(float4(0,0,1,1).rgb * float(0), float4(0,1,0,1).rgb * float(0), saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2));
emissionColor = lerp(emissionColor, float4(1,0,0,1).rgb * float(0), saturate(volumeColorSrc * 2 - 1));
#if defined(POI_PASS_BASE) || defined(POI_PASS_ADD)
poiFragData.emission += emissionColor * audioLinkValue;
poiFragData.baseColor.rgb = lerp(poiFragData.baseColor, customBlend(poiFragData.baseColor, volumeColor * colorAndMask.rgb, float(0)), saturate(float(1) * audioLinkValue));
poiFragData.alpha = lerp(poiFragData.alpha, poiFragData.alpha * audioLinkValue, float(0));
float4 frag(v2f i, uint facing : SV_IsFrontFace) : SV_Target
PoiMesh poiMesh;
PoiInitStruct(PoiMesh, poiMesh);
PoiLight poiLight;
PoiInitStruct(PoiLight, poiLight);
PoiVertexLights poiVertexLights;
PoiInitStruct(PoiVertexLights, poiVertexLights);
PoiCam poiCam;
PoiInitStruct(PoiCam, poiCam);
PoiMods poiMods;
PoiInitStruct(PoiMods, poiMods);
poiMods.globalEmission = 1;
PoiFragData poiFragData;
poiFragData.emission = 0;
poiFragData.baseColor = float3(0, 0, 0);
poiFragData.finalColor = float3(0, 0, 0);
poiFragData.alpha = 1;
poiMesh.objectPosition = i.objectPos;
poiMesh.objNormal = i.objNormal;
poiMesh.normals[0] = i.normal;
poiMesh.tangent = i.tangent;
poiMesh.binormal = i.binormal;
poiMesh.worldPos =;
poiMesh.localPos =;
poiMesh.vertexColor = i.vertexColor;
poiMesh.isFrontFace = facing;
if (!poiMesh.isFrontFace)
poiMesh.normals[0] *= -1;
poiMesh.tangent *= -1;
poiMesh.binormal *= -1;
poiCam.viewDir = !IsOrthographicCamera() ? normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - : normalize(UNITY_MATRIX_I_V._m02_m12_m22);
float3 tanToWorld0 = float3(i.tangent.x, i.binormal.x, i.normal.x);
float3 tanToWorld1 = float3(i.tangent.y, i.binormal.y, i.normal.y);
float3 tanToWorld2 = float3(i.tangent.z, i.binormal.z, i.normal.z);
float3 ase_tanViewDir = tanToWorld0 * poiCam.viewDir.x + tanToWorld1 * poiCam.viewDir.y + tanToWorld2 * poiCam.viewDir.z;
poiCam.tangentViewDir = normalize(ase_tanViewDir);
#if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) || defined(DYNAMICLIGHTMAP_ON)
poiMesh.lightmapUV = i.lightmapUV;
poiMesh.parallaxUV = poiCam.tangentViewDir.xy / max(poiCam.tangentViewDir.z, 0.0001);
poiMesh.uv[0] = i.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[1] = i.uv[1];
poiMesh.uv[2] = i.uv[2];
poiMesh.uv[3] = i.uv[3];
poiMesh.uv[4] = poiMesh.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[5] = poiMesh.worldPos.xz;
poiMesh.uv[6] = poiMesh.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[7] = poiMesh.uv[0];
poiMesh.uv[4] = calculatePanosphereUV(poiMesh);
poiMesh.uv[6] = calculatePolarCoordinate(poiMesh);
float2 mainUV = poiMesh.uv[float(0)].xy;
if (float(0))
mainUV = sharpSample(float4(0.00390625,0.00390625,256,256), mainUV);
float4 mainTexture = UNITY_SAMPLE_TEX2D(_MainTex, poiUV(mainUV, float4(1,1,0,0)) + _Time.x * float4(0,0,0,0));
float3 mainNormal = UnpackScaleNormal(POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_BumpMap, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0)), float(1));
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal = mainNormal;
poiMesh.normals[1] = normalize(
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal.x * +
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal.y * poiMesh.binormal +
poiMesh.tangentSpaceNormal.z * poiMesh.normals[0]
float3 fancyNormal = UnpackNormal(float4(0.5, 0.5, 1, 1));
poiMesh.normals[0] = normalize(
fancyNormal.x * +
fancyNormal.y * poiMesh.binormal +
fancyNormal.z * poiMesh.normals[0]
poiCam.forwardDir = getCameraForward();
poiCam.worldPos = _WorldSpaceCameraPos;
poiCam.reflectionDir = reflect(-poiCam.viewDir, poiMesh.normals[1]);
poiCam.vertexReflectionDir = reflect(-poiCam.viewDir, poiMesh.normals[0]);
poiCam.distanceToVert = distance(poiMesh.worldPos, poiCam.worldPos);
poiCam.grabPos = i.grabPos;
poiCam.screenUV = calcScreenUVs(i.grabPos);
poiCam.vDotN = abs(dot(poiCam.viewDir, poiMesh.normals[1]));
poiCam.clipPos = i.pos;
poiCam.worldDirection = i.worldDirection;
poiFragData.baseColor = mainTexture.rgb * poiThemeColor(poiMods, float4(1,1,1,1).rgb, float(0));
poiFragData.alpha = mainTexture.a * float4(1,1,1,1).a;
float alphaMask = POI2D_SAMPLER_PAN(_ClippingMask, _MainTex, poiUV(poiMesh.uv[float(0)], float4(1,1,0,0)), float4(0,0,0,0)).r;
if (float(0))
alphaMask = 1 - alphaMask;
float alphaMask = 1;
poiFragData.alpha *= alphaMask;
applyAlphaOptions(poiFragData, poiMesh, poiCam, poiMods);
//ifex float(1)==0
ApplyAudioLinkDecal(poiMesh, poiFragData, poiMods);
poiFragData.finalColor = poiFragData.baseColor;
if (float(0) == 0)
UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, poiFragData.finalColor);
poiFragData.alpha = float(0) ? 1 : poiFragData.alpha;
if (float(0) == POI_MODE_OPAQUE)
poiFragData.alpha = 1;
clip(poiFragData.alpha - float(0.5));
return float4(poiFragData.finalColor, poiFragData.alpha) + POI_SAFE_RGB0;
CustomEditor "Thry.ShaderEditor"