using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.UIElements; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using VRC.PackageManagement.Core; using VRC.PackageManagement.Core.Types; using VRC.PackageManagement.Core.Types.Packages; using Version = VRC.PackageManagement.Core.Types.VPMVersion.Version; namespace VRC.PackageManagement.Resolver { public class ResolverWindow : EditorWindow { // VisualElements private static VisualElement _rootView; private static Button _refreshButton; private static Button _createButton; private static Button _resolveButton; private static Box _manifestInfo; private static Label _manifestLabel; private static bool _isUpdating; private static Color _colorPositive =; private static Color _colorNegative = new Color(1, 0.3f, 0.3f); [MenuItem("VRChat SDK/Utilities/Package Resolver")] public static void ShowWindow() { ResolverWindow wnd = GetWindow(); wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("Package Resolver"); } public static void Refresh() { if (_rootView == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Resolver.ProjectDir)) return; _manifestInfo.SetEnabled(!_isUpdating); _refreshButton.SetEnabled(!_isUpdating); _manifestLabel.text = (_isUpdating ? "Working ..." : "Required Packages"); _manifestInfo.Clear(); _manifestInfo.Add(_manifestLabel); bool needsResolve = VPMProjectManifest.ResolveIsNeeded(Resolver.ProjectDir); string resolveStatus = needsResolve ? "Please press \"Resolve\" to Download them." : "All of them are in the project."; // check for vpm dependencies if (!Resolver.VPMManifestExists()) { TextElement noManifestText = new TextElement(); noManifestText.text = "No VPM Manifest"; = _colorNegative; _manifestInfo.Add(noManifestText); } else { var manifest = VPMProjectManifest.Load(Resolver.ProjectDir); var project = new UnityProject(Resolver.ProjectDir); // Here is where we detect if all dependencies are installed var allDependencies = (manifest.locked != null && manifest.locked.Count > 0) ? manifest.locked : manifest.dependencies; foreach (var pair in allDependencies) { var id = pair.Key; var version = pair.Value.version; IVRCPackage package = project.VPMProvider.GetPackage(id, version); _manifestInfo.Add(CreateDependencyRow(id, version, project, (package != null))); } } _resolveButton.SetEnabled(needsResolve); Resolver.ForceRefresh(); } /// /// Unity calls the CreateGUI method automatically when the window needs to display /// private void CreateGUI() { _rootView = rootVisualElement; = "root-view"; _rootView.styleSheets.Add((StyleSheet)Resources.Load("ResolverWindowStyle")); // Main Container var container = new Box() { name = "buttons" }; _rootView.Add(container); // Create Button if (!Resolver.VPMManifestExists()) { _createButton = new Button(Resolver.CreateManifest) { text = "Create", name = "create-button-base" }; container.Add(_createButton); } else { _resolveButton = new Button(Resolver.ResolveManifest) { text = "Resolve All", name = "resolve-button-base" }; container.Add(_resolveButton); } // Manifest Info _manifestInfo = new Box() { name = "manifest-info", }; _manifestLabel = (new Label("Required Packages") { name = "manifest-header" }); _rootView.Add(_manifestInfo); // Refresh Button var refreshBox = new Box(); _refreshButton = new Button(Refresh) { text = "Refresh", name = "refresh-button-base" }; refreshBox.Add(_refreshButton); _rootView.Add(refreshBox); Refresh(); } private static VisualElement CreateDependencyRow(string id, string version, UnityProject project, bool havePackage) { // Table VisualElement row = new Box() { name = "package-box" }; VisualElement column1 = new Box() { name = "package-box" }; VisualElement column2 = new Box() { name = "package-box" }; VisualElement column3 = new Box() { name = "package-box" }; VisualElement column4 = new Box() { name = "package-box" }; = 200; = 100; = 100; = 100; row.Add(column1); row.Add(column2); row.Add(column3); row.Add(column4); // Package Name + Status TextElement text = new TextElement { text = $"{id} {version} " }; column1.Add(text); if (!havePackage) { TextElement missingText = new TextElement { text = "MISSING" }; = _colorNegative; = (_isUpdating ? DisplayStyle.None : DisplayStyle.Flex); column2.Add(missingText); } // Version Popup var choices = new List(); foreach (string n in Resolver.GetAllVersionsOf(id)) { choices.Add(n); } var popupField = new PopupField(choices, 0); popupField.value = choices[0]; = (_isUpdating ? DisplayStyle.None : DisplayStyle.Flex); column3.Add(popupField); // Button Button updateButton = new Button() { text = "Update" }; if (havePackage) RefreshUpdateButton(updateButton, version, choices[0]); else RefreshMissingButton(updateButton); updateButton.clicked += (() => { IVRCPackage package = Repos.GetPackageWithVersionMatch(id, popupField.value); // Check and warn on Dependencies if Updating or Downgrading if (Version.TryParse(version, out var currentVersion) && Version.TryParse(popupField.value, out var newVersion)) { Dictionary dependencies = new Dictionary(); StringBuilder dialogMsg = new StringBuilder(); List affectedPackages = Resolver.GetAffectedPackageList(package); for (int v = 0; v < affectedPackages.Count; v++) { dialogMsg.Append(affectedPackages[v]); } if (affectedPackages.Count > 1) { dialogMsg.Insert(0, "This will update multiple packages:\n\n"); dialogMsg.AppendLine("\nAre you sure?"); if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Package Has Dependencies", dialogMsg.ToString(), "OK", "Cancel")) OnUpdatePackageClicked(project, package); } else { OnUpdatePackageClicked(project, package); } } }); column4.Add(updateButton); popupField.RegisterCallback>((evt) => { if (havePackage) RefreshUpdateButton(updateButton, version, evt.newValue); else RefreshMissingButton(updateButton); }); return row; } private static void RefreshUpdateButton(Button button, string currentVersion, string highestAvailableVersion) { if (currentVersion == highestAvailableVersion) { = DisplayStyle.None; } else { = (_isUpdating ? DisplayStyle.None : DisplayStyle.Flex); if (Version.TryParse(currentVersion, out var currentVersionObject) && Version.TryParse(highestAvailableVersion, out var highestAvailableVersionObject)) { if (currentVersionObject < highestAvailableVersionObject) { SetButtonColor(button, _colorPositive); button.text = "Update"; } else { SetButtonColor(button, _colorNegative); button.text = "Downgrade"; } } } } private static void RefreshMissingButton(Button button) { button.text = "Resolve"; SetButtonColor(button, Color.white); = (_isUpdating ? DisplayStyle.None : DisplayStyle.Flex); } private static void SetButtonColor(Button button, Color color) { = color; color.a = 0.25f; = = = = color; } private static async void OnUpdatePackageClicked(UnityProject project, IVRCPackage package) { _isUpdating = true; Refresh(); await Task.Delay(500); await Task.Run(() => project.UpdateVPMPackage(package)); _isUpdating = false; Refresh(); } } }