using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System; using System.Reflection; namespace XSToonDynamicPenetration { public class XSToonInspector : ShaderGUI { BindingFlags bindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static; //Assign all properties as null at first to stop hundreds of warnings spamming the log when script gets compiled. //If they aren't we get warnings, because assigning with reflection seems to make Unity think that the properties never actually get used. private MaterialProperty _VertexColorAlbedo = null; private MaterialProperty _TilingMode = null; private MaterialProperty _Culling = null; private MaterialProperty _BlendMode = null; private MaterialProperty _MainTex = null; private MaterialProperty _HSVMask = null; private MaterialProperty _Saturation = null; private MaterialProperty _Hue = null; private MaterialProperty _Value = null; private MaterialProperty _Color = null; private MaterialProperty _Cutoff = null; private MaterialProperty _FadeDither = null; private MaterialProperty _FadeDitherDistance = null; private MaterialProperty _BumpMap = null; private MaterialProperty _BumpScale = null; private MaterialProperty _DetailNormalMap = null; private MaterialProperty _DetailMask = null; private MaterialProperty _DetailNormalMapScale = null; private MaterialProperty _ReflectionMode = null; private MaterialProperty _ReflectionBlendMode = null; private MaterialProperty _MetallicGlossMap = null; private MaterialProperty _BakedCubemap = null; private MaterialProperty _Matcap = null; private MaterialProperty _MatcapTintToDiffuse = null; private MaterialProperty _MatcapTint = null; private MaterialProperty _ReflectivityMask = null; private MaterialProperty _Metallic = null; private MaterialProperty _Glossiness = null; private MaterialProperty _Reflectivity = null; private MaterialProperty _ClearCoat = null; private MaterialProperty _ClearcoatStrength = null; private MaterialProperty _ClearcoatSmoothness = null; private MaterialProperty _EmissionMap = null; private MaterialProperty _ScaleWithLight = null; private MaterialProperty _ScaleWithLightSensitivity = null; private MaterialProperty _EmissionColor = null; private MaterialProperty _EmissionToDiffuse = null; private MaterialProperty _RimColor = null; private MaterialProperty _RimIntensity = null; private MaterialProperty _RimRange = null; private MaterialProperty _RimThreshold = null; private MaterialProperty _RimSharpness = null; private MaterialProperty _RimAlbedoTint = null; private MaterialProperty _RimCubemapTint = null; private MaterialProperty _RimAttenEffect = null; private MaterialProperty _SpecularSharpness = null; private MaterialProperty _SpecularMap = null; private MaterialProperty _SpecularIntensity = null; private MaterialProperty _SpecularArea = null; private MaterialProperty _AnisotropicSpecular = null; private MaterialProperty _AnisotropicReflection = null; private MaterialProperty _SpecularAlbedoTint = null; private MaterialProperty _RampSelectionMask = null; private MaterialProperty _Ramp = null; private MaterialProperty _ShadowRim = null; private MaterialProperty _ShadowRimRange = null; private MaterialProperty _ShadowRimThreshold = null; private MaterialProperty _ShadowRimSharpness = null; private MaterialProperty _ShadowRimAlbedoTint = null; private MaterialProperty _OcclusionMap = null; private MaterialProperty _OcclusionIntensity = null; private MaterialProperty _OcclusionMode = null; private MaterialProperty _ThicknessMap = null; private MaterialProperty _SSColor = null; private MaterialProperty _SSDistortion = null; private MaterialProperty _SSPower = null; private MaterialProperty _SSScale = null; private MaterialProperty _HalftoneDotSize = null; private MaterialProperty _HalftoneDotAmount = null; private MaterialProperty _HalftoneLineAmount = null; private MaterialProperty _HalftoneLineIntensity = null; private MaterialProperty _HalftoneType = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetAlbedo = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetNormal = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetDetNormal = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetDetMask = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetMetallic = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetSpecular = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetReflectivity = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetThickness = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetOcclusion = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetEmission = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetClipMap = null; private MaterialProperty _UVSetDissolve = null; private MaterialProperty _Stencil = null; private MaterialProperty _StencilComp = null; private MaterialProperty _StencilOp = null; private MaterialProperty _OutlineAlbedoTint = null; private MaterialProperty _OutlineLighting = null; private MaterialProperty _OutlineMask = null; private MaterialProperty _OutlineWidth = null; private MaterialProperty _OutlineColor = null; private MaterialProperty _OutlineNormalMode = null; private MaterialProperty _OutlineUVSelect = null; private MaterialProperty _ShadowSharpness = null; private MaterialProperty _AdvMode = null; private MaterialProperty _ClipMap = null; private MaterialProperty _ClipAgainstVertexColorGreaterZeroFive = null; private MaterialProperty _ClipAgainstVertexColorLessZeroFive = null; private MaterialProperty _IOR = null; private MaterialProperty _UseRefraction = null; private MaterialProperty _RefractionModel = null; private MaterialProperty _NormalMapMode = null; private MaterialProperty _DissolveCoordinates = null; private MaterialProperty _DissolveTexture = null; private MaterialProperty _DissolveStrength = null; private MaterialProperty _DissolveColor = null; private MaterialProperty _DissolveProgress = null; private MaterialProperty _UseClipsForDissolve = null; //Material Properties for Dynamic Penetration System private MaterialProperty _Squeeze = null; private MaterialProperty _SqueezeDist = null; private MaterialProperty _BulgeOffset = null; private MaterialProperty _BulgePower = null; private MaterialProperty _Length = null; private MaterialProperty _EntranceStiffness = null; private MaterialProperty _Curvature = null; private MaterialProperty _ReCurvature = null; private MaterialProperty _WriggleSpeed = null; private MaterialProperty _Wriggle = null; private MaterialProperty _OrificeChannel = null; private MaterialProperty _OrificeData = null; private MaterialProperty _EntryOpenDuration = null; private MaterialProperty _Shape1Depth = null; private MaterialProperty _Shape1Duration = null; private MaterialProperty _Shape2Depth = null; private MaterialProperty _Shape2Duration = null; private MaterialProperty _Shape3Depth = null; private MaterialProperty _Shape3Duration = null; private MaterialProperty _BlendshapePower = null; private MaterialProperty _BlendshapeBadScaleFix = null; //-- //Material Properties for Patreon Plugins private MaterialProperty _LeftRightPan = null; private MaterialProperty _UpDownPan = null; private MaterialProperty _Twitchyness = null; private MaterialProperty _AttentionSpan = null; private MaterialProperty _FollowPower = null; private MaterialProperty _FollowLimit = null; private MaterialProperty _LookSpeed = null; private MaterialProperty _IrisSize = null; private MaterialProperty _EyeOffsetLimit = null; //-- private static bool showMainSettings = true; private static bool showNormalMapSettings = false; private static bool showShadows = true; private static bool showSpecular = false; private static bool showReflection = false; private static bool showRimlight = false; private static bool showHalftones = false; private static bool showSubsurface = false; private static bool showOutlines = false; private static bool showEmission = false; private static bool showAdvanced = false; private static bool showEyeTracking = false; private static bool showRefractionSettings = false; private static bool showDissolveSettings = false; private static bool showPenetrator = true; private bool isPatreonShader = false; private bool isEyeTracking = false; private bool isOutlined = false; private bool isCutout = false; private bool isCutoutMasked = false; private bool isDithered = false; private bool isRefractive = false; private bool isPenetratorShader = false; private bool isOrificeShader = false; public override void OnGUI(MaterialEditor materialEditor, MaterialProperty[] props) { Material material = as Material; Shader shader = material.shader; isCutout = material.GetInt("_BlendMode") == 1; isDithered = material.GetInt("_BlendMode") == 2; isRefractive = material.GetInt("_UseRefraction") == 1; isOutlined ="Outline"); isPatreonShader ="Patreon"); isEyeTracking ="EyeTracking"); isPenetratorShader ="Penetrator"); isOrificeShader ="Orifice"); //Find all material properties listed in the script using reflection, and set them using a loop only if they're of type MaterialProperty. //This makes things a lot nicer to maintain and cleaner to look at. foreach (var property in GetType().GetFields(bindingFlags)) { if (property.FieldType == typeof(MaterialProperty)) { try { property.SetValue(this, FindProperty(property.Name, props)); } catch { /*Is it really a problem if it doesn't exist?*/ } } } EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); { XSStyles.ShurikenHeaderCentered("XSToon v" + XSStyles.ver); material.SetShaderPassEnabled("Always", isRefractive); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AdvMode, new GUIContent("Shader Mode", "Setting this to 'Advanced' will give you access to things such as stenciling, and other expiremental/advanced features.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Culling, new GUIContent("Culling Mode", "Changes the culling mode. 'Off' will result in a two sided material, while 'Front' and 'Back' will cull those sides respectively")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_TilingMode, new GUIContent("Tiling Mode", "Setting this to Merged will tile and offset all textures based on the Main texture's Tiling/Offset.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_BlendMode, new GUIContent("Blend Mode", "Blend mode of the material. (Opaque, transparent, cutout, etc.)")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UseRefraction, new GUIContent("Refraction", "Should this material be refractive? (Warning, this can be expensive!)")); DoBlendModeSettings(material); DrawPenetratorSettings(materialEditor); DrawOrificeSettings(materialEditor); DrawMainSettings(materialEditor); DrawDissolveSettings(materialEditor); DrawShadowSettings(materialEditor, material); DrawOutlineSettings(materialEditor); DrawNormalSettings(materialEditor); DrawSpecularSettings(materialEditor); DrawReflectionsSettings(materialEditor, material); DrawRefractionSettings(materialEditor); DrawEmissionSettings(materialEditor); DrawRimlightSettings(materialEditor); DrawHalfToneSettings(materialEditor); DrawTransmissionSettings(materialEditor); DrawAdvancedSettings(materialEditor); DrawPatreonSettings(materialEditor); XSStyles.DoFooter(); } } private void DoBlendModeSettings(Material material) { int mode = material.GetInt("_BlendMode"); switch (mode) { case 0: //Opaque SetBlend(material, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.Geometry, 1, 0); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); break; case 1: //Cutout SetBlend(material, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.AlphaTest, 1, 0); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); break; case 2: //Dithered SetBlend(material, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.AlphaTest, 1, 0); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); break; case 3: //Alpha To Coverage SetBlend(material, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.AlphaTest, 1, 1); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); break; case 4: //Transparent SetBlend(material, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.Transparent, 0, 0); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); break; case 5: //Fade SetBlend(material, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.SrcAlpha, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.OneMinusSrcAlpha, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.Transparent, 0, 0); material.EnableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); break; case 6: //Additive SetBlend(material, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One, (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.Transparent, 0, 0); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHABLEND_ON"); material.DisableKeyword("_ALPHATEST_ON"); break; } } private void SetBlend(Material material, int src, int dst, int renderQueue, int zwrite, int alphatocoverage) { material.SetInt("_SrcBlend", src); material.SetInt("_DstBlend", dst); material.SetInt("_ZWrite", zwrite); material.SetInt("_AlphaToCoverage", alphatocoverage); material.renderQueue = isRefractive ? (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue.Overlay - 1 : renderQueue; } private void DrawMainSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { showMainSettings = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Main Settings", showMainSettings); if (showMainSettings) { materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Main Texture", "The main Albedo texture."), _MainTex, _Color); if (isCutout) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Cutoff, new GUIContent("Cutoff", "The Cutoff Amount"), 2); } materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetAlbedo, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Albedo Texture."), 2); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_MainTex); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("HSV Mask", "RGB Mask: R = Hue, G = Saturation, B = Brightness"), _HSVMask); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Hue, new GUIContent("Hue", "Controls Hue of the final output from the shader.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Saturation, new GUIContent("Saturation", "Controls saturation of the final output from the shader.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Value, new GUIContent("Brightness", "Controls value of the final output from the shader.")); if (isDithered) { XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_FadeDither, new GUIContent("Distance Fading", "Make the shader dither out based on the distance to the camera.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_FadeDitherDistance, new GUIContent("Fade Threshold", "The distance at which the fading starts happening.")); } } } private void DrawDissolveSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { if (isCutout || isDithered) { showDissolveSettings = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Dissolve", showDissolveSettings); if (showDissolveSettings) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_DissolveCoordinates, new GUIContent("Dissolve Coordinates", "Should Dissolve happen in world space, texture space, or vertically?")); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Dissolve Texture", "Noise texture used to control up dissolve pattern"), _DissolveTexture, _DissolveColor); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_DissolveTexture); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetDissolve, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Dissolve Texture."), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_DissolveStrength, new GUIContent("Dissolve Sharpness", "Sharpness of the dissolve texture.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_DissolveProgress, new GUIContent("Dissolve Progress", "Progress of the dissolve effect.")); } } } private void DrawShadowSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor, Material material) { showShadows = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Shadows", showShadows); if (showShadows) { materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Ramp Selection Mask", "A black to white mask that determins how far up on the multi ramp to sample. 0 for bottom, 1 for top, 0.5 for middle, 0.25, and 0.75 for mid bottom and mid top respectively."), _RampSelectionMask); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); if (_RampSelectionMask.textureValue != null) { string rampMaskPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(_RampSelectionMask.textureValue); TextureImporter ti = (TextureImporter)TextureImporter.GetAtPath(rampMaskPath); if (ti.sRGBTexture) { if (XSStyles.HelpBoxWithButton(new GUIContent("This texture is not marked as Linear.", "This is recommended for the mask"), new GUIContent("Fix Now"))) { ti.sRGBTexture = false; AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(rampMaskPath, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); } } } materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Shadow Ramp", "Shadow Ramp, Dark to Light should be Left to Right"), _Ramp); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowSharpness, new GUIContent("Shadow Sharpness", "Controls the sharpness of recieved shadows, as well as the sharpness of 'shadows' from Vertex Lighting.")); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OcclusionMode, new GUIContent("Occlusion Mode", "How to calculate the occlusion map contribution")); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Occlusion Map", "Occlusion Map, used to darken areas on the model artifically."), _OcclusionMap); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OcclusionIntensity, new GUIContent("Intensity", "Occlusion intensity"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetOcclusion, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Occlusion Texture"), 2); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_OcclusionMap); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _ShadowRim, new GUIContent("Shadow Rim", "Shadow Rim Color. Set to white to disable."), 0); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimAlbedoTint, new GUIContent("Shadow Rim Albedo Tint", "How much the Albedo texture should effect the Shadow Rim color.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimRange, new GUIContent("Range", "Range of the Shadow Rim"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimThreshold, new GUIContent("Threshold", "Threshold of the Shadow Rim"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ShadowRimSharpness, new GUIContent("Sharpness", "Sharpness of the Shadow Rim"), 2); XSStyles.callGradientEditor(material); } } private void DrawOutlineSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { if (isOutlined) { showOutlines = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Outlines", showOutlines); if (showOutlines) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineNormalMode, new GUIContent("Outline Normal Mode", "How to calcuate the outline expand direction. Using mesh normals may result in split edges.")); if (_OutlineNormalMode.floatValue == 2) materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineUVSelect, new GUIContent("Normals UV", "UV Channel to pull the modified normals from for outlines.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineLighting, new GUIContent("Outline Lighting", "Makes outlines respect the lighting, or be emissive.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineAlbedoTint, new GUIContent("Outline Albedo Tint", "Includes the color of the Albedo Texture in the calculation for the color of the outline.")); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Outline Mask", "Outline width mask, black will make the outline minimum width."), _OutlineMask); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OutlineWidth, new GUIContent("Outline Width", "Width of the Outlines")); XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _OutlineColor, new GUIContent("Outline Color", "Color of the outlines"), 0); } } } private void DrawNormalSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { showNormalMapSettings = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Normal Maps", showNormalMapSettings); if (showNormalMapSettings) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_NormalMapMode, new GUIContent("Normal Map Source", "How to alter the normals of the mesh, using which source?")); if (_NormalMapMode.floatValue == 0) { materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Normal Map", "Normal Map"), _BumpMap); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_BumpScale, new GUIContent("Normal Strength", "Strength of the main Normal Map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetNormal, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Normal Map"), 2); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_BumpMap); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Detail Normal Map", "Detail Normal Map"), _DetailNormalMap); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_DetailNormalMapScale, new GUIContent("Detail Normal Strength", "Strength of the detail Normal Map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetDetNormal, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Detail Normal Map"), 2); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_DetailNormalMap); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Detail Mask", "Mask for Detail Maps"), _DetailMask); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetDetMask, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Detail Mask"), 2); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_DetailMask); } } } private void DrawSpecularSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { showSpecular = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Specular", showSpecular); if (showSpecular) { XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Specular Map(R,G,B)", "Specular Map. Red channel controls Intensity, Green controls how much specular is tinted by Albedo, and Blue controls Smoothness (Only for Blinn-Phong, and GGX)."), _SpecularMap); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_SpecularMap); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetSpecular, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Specular Map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularIntensity, new GUIContent("Intensity", "Specular Intensity."), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularArea, new GUIContent("Roughness", "Roughness"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularAlbedoTint, new GUIContent("Albedo Tint", "How much the specular highlight should derive color from the albedo of the object."), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SpecularSharpness, new GUIContent("Sharpness", "How hard of and edge transitions should the specular have?"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AnisotropicSpecular, new GUIContent("Anisotropy", "The amount of anisotropy the surface has - this will stretch the reflection along an axis (think bottom of a frying pan)"), 2); } } private void DrawReflectionsSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor, Material material) { showReflection = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Reflections", showReflection); if (showReflection) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Mode", "Reflection Mode.")); if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 0) // PBR { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionBlendMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Blend Mode", "Blend mode for reflection. Additive is Color + reflection, Multiply is Color * reflection, and subtractive is Color - reflection")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearCoat, new GUIContent("Clearcoat", "Clearcoat")); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Fallback Cubemap", " Used as fallback in 'Unity' reflection mode if reflection probe is black."), _BakedCubemap); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Metallic Map", "Metallic Map, Metallic on Red Channel, Smoothness on Alpha Channel. \nIf Clearcoat is enabled, Clearcoat Smoothness on Green Channel, Clearcoat Reflectivity on Blue Channel."), _MetallicGlossMap); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_MetallicGlossMap); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetMetallic, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Metallic Smoothness Map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AnisotropicReflection, new GUIContent("Anisotropy", "The amount of anisotropy the surface has - this will stretch the reflection along an axis (think bottom of a frying pan)"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Metallic, new GUIContent("Metallic", "Metallic, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Glossiness, new GUIContent("Smoothness", "Smoothness, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearcoatSmoothness, new GUIContent("Clearcoat Smoothness", "Smoothness of the clearcoat."), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearcoatStrength, new GUIContent("Clearcoat Reflectivity", "The strength of the clearcoat reflection."), 2); } else if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 1) //Baked cube { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionBlendMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Blend Mode", "Blend mode for reflection. Additive is Color + reflection, Multiply is Color * reflection, and subtractive is Color - reflection")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearCoat, new GUIContent("Clearcoat", "Clearcoat")); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Baked Cubemap", "Baked cubemap."), _BakedCubemap); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Metallic Map", "Metallic Map, Metallic on Red Channel, Smoothness on Alpha Channel. \nIf Clearcoat is enabled, Clearcoat Smoothness on Green Channel, Clearcoat Reflectivity on Blue Channel."), _MetallicGlossMap); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_MetallicGlossMap); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetMetallic, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the MetallicSmoothness Map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AnisotropicReflection, new GUIContent("Anisotropic", "Anisotropic, stretches reflection in an axis."), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Metallic, new GUIContent("Metallic", "Metallic, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Glossiness, new GUIContent("Smoothness", "Smoothness, set to 1 if using metallic map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearcoatSmoothness, new GUIContent("Clearcoat Smoothness", "Smoothness of the clearcoat."), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClearcoatStrength, new GUIContent("Clearcoat Reflectivity", "The strength of the clearcoat reflection."), 2); } else if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 2) //Matcap { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReflectionBlendMode, new GUIContent("Reflection Blend Mode", "Blend mode for reflection. Additive is Color + reflection, Multiply is Color * reflection, and subtractive is Color - reflection")); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Matcap", "Matcap Texture"), _Matcap, _MatcapTint); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Glossiness, new GUIContent("Matcap Blur", "Matcap blur, blurs the Matcap, set to 1 for full clarity"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_MatcapTintToDiffuse, new GUIContent("Tint To Diffuse", "Tints matcap to diffuse color."), 2); material.SetFloat("_Metallic", 0); material.SetFloat("_ClearCoat", 0); material.SetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap", null); } if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue != 3) { XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Reflectivity Mask", "Mask for reflections."), _ReflectivityMask); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_ReflectivityMask); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetReflectivity, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Reflectivity Mask"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Reflectivity, new GUIContent("Reflectivity", "The strength of the reflections."), 2); } if (_ReflectionMode.floatValue == 3) { material.SetFloat("_Metallic", 0); material.SetFloat("_ReflectionBlendMode", 0); material.SetFloat("_ClearCoat", 0); } } } private void DrawEmissionSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { showEmission = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Emission", showEmission); if (showEmission) { materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Emission Map", "Emissive map. White to black, unless you want multiple colors."), _EmissionMap, _EmissionColor); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_EmissionMap); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetEmission, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Emission Map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_EmissionToDiffuse, new GUIContent("Tint To Diffuse", "Tints the emission to the Diffuse Color"), 2); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ScaleWithLight, new GUIContent("Scale w/ Light", "Scales the emission intensity based on how dark or bright the environment is.")); if (_ScaleWithLight.floatValue == 0) materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ScaleWithLightSensitivity, new GUIContent("Scaling Sensitivity", "How agressively the emission should scale with the light.")); } } private void DrawRimlightSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { showRimlight = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Rimlight", showRimlight); if (showRimlight) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimColor, new GUIContent("Rimlight Tint", "The Tint of the Rimlight.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimAlbedoTint, new GUIContent("Rim Albedo Tint", "How much the Albedo texture should effect the rimlight color.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimCubemapTint, new GUIContent("Rim Environment Tint", "How much the Environment cubemap should effect the rimlight color.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimAttenEffect, new GUIContent("Rim Attenuation Effect", "How much should realtime shadows mask out the rimlight?")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimIntensity, new GUIContent("Rimlight Intensity", "Strength of the Rimlight.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimRange, new GUIContent("Range", "Range of the Rim"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimThreshold, new GUIContent("Threshold", "Threshold of the Rim"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RimSharpness, new GUIContent("Sharpness", "Sharpness of the Rim"), 2); } } private void DrawHalfToneSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { showHalftones = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Halftones", showHalftones); if (showHalftones) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_HalftoneType, new GUIContent("Halftone Style", "Controls where halftone and stippling effects are drawn.")); if (_HalftoneType.floatValue == 1 || _HalftoneType.floatValue == 2) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_HalftoneDotSize, new GUIContent("Stippling Scale", "How large should the stippling pattern be?")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_HalftoneDotAmount, new GUIContent("Stippling Density", "How dense is the stippling effect?")); } if (_HalftoneType.floatValue == 0 || _HalftoneType.floatValue == 2) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_HalftoneLineAmount, new GUIContent("Halftone Line Count", "How many lines should the halftone shadows have?")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_HalftoneLineIntensity, new GUIContent("Halftone Line Intensity", "How dark should the halftone lines be?")); } } } private void DrawTransmissionSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { showSubsurface = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Transmission", showSubsurface); if (showSubsurface) { materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Thickness Map", "Thickness Map, used to mask areas where transmission can happen"), _ThicknessMap); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_ThicknessMap); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetThickness, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Thickness Map"), 2); XSStyles.constrainedShaderProperty(materialEditor, _SSColor, new GUIContent("Transmission Color", "Transmission Color"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSDistortion, new GUIContent("Transmission Distortion", "How much the Transmission should follow the normals of the mesh and/or normal map."), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSPower, new GUIContent("Transmission Power", "Subsurface Power"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SSScale, new GUIContent("Transmission Scale", "Subsurface Scale"), 2); } } private void DrawRefractionSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { if (isRefractive) { showRefractionSettings = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Refraction", showRefractionSettings); if (showRefractionSettings) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_RefractionModel, new GUIContent("Refraction Model", "Refraction technique")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_IOR, new GUIContent("Index of Refraction", "The index of refraction of the material. Glass: 1.5, Crystal: 2.0, Ice: 1.309, Water: 1.325")); } } } private void DrawAdvancedSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { if (_AdvMode.floatValue == 1) { showAdvanced = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Advanced Settings", showAdvanced); if (showAdvanced) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_VertexColorAlbedo, new GUIContent("Vertex Color Albedo", "Multiplies the vertex color of the mesh by the Albedo texture to derive the final Albedo color.")); if (isDithered || isCutout) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UseClipsForDissolve, new GUIContent("Control Dissolve With Clip")); materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("Clip Map (RGBA)", "Used to control clipping in an advanced manner, read tooltip for Clip Mask Vectors below."), _ClipMap); materialEditor.TextureScaleOffsetProperty(_ClipMap); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UVSetClipMap, new GUIContent("UV Set", "The UV set to use for the Clip Map"), 2); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClipAgainstVertexColorGreaterZeroFive, new GUIContent("Clip Mask > 0.5 Opacity", "Uses the Clip Map RGBA channels as a multiplier for clipping.")); _ClipAgainstVertexColorGreaterZeroFive.vectorValue = ClampVec4(_ClipAgainstVertexColorGreaterZeroFive.vectorValue); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ClipAgainstVertexColorLessZeroFive, new GUIContent("Clip Mask Color < 0.5 Opacity", "Uses the Clip Map RGBA channels as a multiplier for clipping.")); _ClipAgainstVertexColorLessZeroFive.vectorValue = ClampVec4(_ClipAgainstVertexColorLessZeroFive.vectorValue); } materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Stencil, _Stencil.displayName); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_StencilComp, _StencilComp.displayName); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_StencilOp, _StencilOp.displayName); materialEditor.RenderQueueField(); } } } private void DrawPatreonSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { //Plugins for Patreon releases if (isPatreonShader) { if (isEyeTracking) { showEyeTracking = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Eye Tracking Settings", showEyeTracking); if (showEyeTracking) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_LeftRightPan, new GUIContent("Left Right Adj.", "Adjusts the eyes manually left or right.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_UpDownPan, new GUIContent("Up Down Adj.", "Adjusts the eyes manually up or down.")); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_AttentionSpan, new GUIContent("Attention Span", "How often should the eyes look at the target; 0 = never, 1 = always, 0.5 = half of the time.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_FollowPower, new GUIContent("Follow Power", "The influence the target has on the eye")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_LookSpeed, new GUIContent("Look Speed", "How fast the eye transitions to looking at the target")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Twitchyness, new GUIContent("Refocus Frequency", "How much should the eyes look around near the target?")); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_IrisSize, new GUIContent("Iris Size", "Size of the iris")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_FollowLimit, new GUIContent("Follow Limit", "Limits the angle from the front of the face on how far the eyes can track/rotate.")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_EyeOffsetLimit, new GUIContent("Offset Limit", "Limit for how far the eyes can turn")); } } } // } private void DrawPenetratorSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { //Plugin for Dynamic Penetration System if(isPenetratorShader) { showPenetrator = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Dynamic Penetration System", showPenetrator); if (showPenetrator) { materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Squeeze, new GUIContent("Squeeze Minimum Size", "Minimum diameter the penetrator squeezes to when entering an orifice")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_SqueezeDist, new GUIContent("Squeeze Smoothness", "How far along the length the penetrator is squeezed when entering an orifice (Squeeze Smoothing)")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_BulgePower, new GUIContent("Bulge Amount", "How much the penetrator bulges when entering an orifice")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_BulgeOffset, new GUIContent("Bulge Length", "How far along the length the buldge goes")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Length, new GUIContent("Length of Penetrator Model", "Set this to zero, then slowly increase it until your model is fully visible")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_EntranceStiffness, new GUIContent("Entrance Stiffness", "Reduces tip bending when entering an orifice")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Curvature, new GUIContent("Curvature", "You see those warriors from Hammerfell? They've got curved swords. Curved. Swords!")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_ReCurvature, new GUIContent("ReCurvature", "S curve")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Wriggle, new GUIContent("Wriggle Amount", "The amount of wriggle")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_WriggleSpeed, new GUIContent("Wriggle Speed", "How fast the penetrator wriggles!")); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OrificeChannel, new GUIContent("OrificeChannel", "Set to 1 to make the penetrator to only interact with channel 1 orifices")); } } // } private void DrawOrificeSettings(MaterialEditor materialEditor) { //Plugin for Dynamic Penetration System if(isOrificeShader) { showPenetrator = XSStyles.ShurikenFoldout("Dynamic Penetration System", showPenetrator); if (showPenetrator) { materialEditor.TexturePropertySingleLine(new GUIContent("OrificeData", "Generate with Tools > Raliv > Orifice Setup"), _OrificeData); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_EntryOpenDuration, new GUIContent("Entry Trigger Duration", "How much penetration it takes the entry deformation to activate")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Shape1Depth, new GUIContent("Shape 1 Trigger Depth", "Penetration depth at which shape 1 begins deforming")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Shape1Duration, new GUIContent("Shape 1 Trigger Duration", "How much penetration it takes shape 1 deformation to activate")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Shape2Depth, new GUIContent("Shape 2 Trigger Depth", "Penetration depth at which shape 2 begins deforming")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Shape2Duration, new GUIContent("Shape 2 Trigger Duration", "How much penetration it takes shape 2 deformation to activate")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Shape3Depth, new GUIContent("Shape 3 Trigger Depth", "Penetration depth at which shape 3 begins deforming")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_Shape3Duration, new GUIContent("Shape 3 Trigger Duration", "How much penetration it takes shape 3 deformation to activate")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_BlendshapePower, new GUIContent("Blend Shape Power", "Adjusts the amount the mesh deforms")); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_BlendshapeBadScaleFix, new GUIContent("Blend Shape Bad Scale Fix", "If your model has 100s in its scale, and you can't figure out how to fix it")); XSStyles.SeparatorThin(); materialEditor.ShaderProperty(_OrificeChannel, new GUIContent("OrificeChannel", "Set to 1 to make the penetrator to only interact with channel 1 orifices")); } } // } private Vector4 ClampVec4(Vector4 vec) { Vector4 value = vec; value.x = Mathf.Clamp01(value.x); value.y = Mathf.Clamp01(value.y); value.z = Mathf.Clamp01(value.z); value.w = Mathf.Clamp01(value.w); return value; } } }